
The estimate optional task attribute registers how many hours do you expect to spend on a task.

In the Scrum methodology, assigning time estimate to tasks is a sin. Instead they use story points, which is an dimensionless quantity to compare tasks between themselves. The advantages of using story points is that you are not commiting to do a task in a specified amount of time and that it's easier to estimate if you are going to need more or less time to do a task than an other in relative terms. Once you complete several sprints, this estimate method is said to be more accurate.

I've tried using story points in the past, but I find them unintuitive and useless when trying to improve your estimations. But as the estimate keyword accepts any float, you can use it to store story points.

To set the estimate of a task use the est or estimate keyword:

$: pydo add Task that takes 5 hours to complete est:5
  [+] Added task 3: Task that takes 5 hours to complete

Right now we only use the estimate for filtering or visualization purposes. But we plan to support reports to do data analysis on the difference between the estimation and the real time required to complete the task, so as to suggest estimation improvements.

Last update: 2020-07-02