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We want in a user friendly way to:

  • See the tasks that need to be done today, and in this week
  • Plan the day, which task needs to be done when
  • Get notifications when it's time to do a task (for example attend a meeting)
  • Graphical visualization on how much time is left for the active task


We can create two TUI interfaces:

  • Landing page: Where the relevant information about the state of the tasks is shown
  • Day planning: Where the user can organize the day.

Landing page

The user will have the choice to activate or deactivate any of the next sections.

Day's plan section

Shows the day's plan, something like:

07:00 - 08:00  Breakfast
07:30          Review Anki
08:00 - 13:00  Work
08:00          Work on task 1
11:00 - 11:30  Meeting
13:00 - 14:00  Lunch


  • Active elements are in green. An element is activated if their start planned date < actual date and they are not closed.
  • Overdue elements are in red. An element is overdue if their end planned date > actual date and they are not closed.
  • Closed elements are in grey.

If a task doesn't have an end planned date, it means that it can be done whenever in the day since the start planned date.

If a task has the notify attribute set, an alert will be raised when the start date arrives, so that it's actionable, it'll also raise another alert when it becomes overdue. If a task has the start_reminder or end_reminder attributes set, a notification will be shown that amount of time before the start or end date.

By default the cursor will be at the first active task.


The user will be able to interact with the TUI through:

  • jk: to move between the elements
  • d: Toggle element state from done to todo.
  • D: Delete the element
  • h: Toggle the hiding of completed elements
  • m: Toggle the moving mode. Moving mode will move the highlighted element with jk.
  • enter: Enter the Task TUI
  • e: Edit the highlighted element description.
  • a: Add an element through the task creation TUI

Close future task section

Shows the tasks that have a due date in the next X days:

----------- 2021-09-25 --------------
 11:00  Meeting
        Task 2

----------- 2021-09-26 --------------
        Task 3

The user will be able to interact with the TUI through:

  • jk: to move between the elements
  • d: Toggle element state from done to todo.
  • D: Delete the element
  • m: Toggle the moving mode. Moving mode will move the highlighted element with jk.
  • enter: Enter the Task TUI
  • e: Edit the highlighted element description.
  • a: Add an element through the task creation TUI

Notifications section

Shows relevant events related to the tasks state:

  • A task has become overdue
  • A task has become actionable
Overdue: Task 1
Actionable: Task 2

The user will be able to interact with the TUI through:

  • jk: to move between the elements
  • d: Mark the element as seen
  • enter: Enter the Task TUI

Next tasks section

An ordered list of the tasks that should be actioned upon next. Returned by the Next report.


The user will be able to interact with the TUI through:

  • jk: to move between the elements
  • d: Toggle element state from done to todo.
  • D: Toggle element state from deleted to todo.
  • m: Toggle the moving mode. Moving mode will move the highlighted element with jk.
  • enter: Enter the Task TUI
  • e: Edit the highlighted element description.
  • a: Add an element through the task creation TUI

Task section

Shows the active Task TUI. Defined in this adr.

Day planning

  • The tasks for the day need to have a plan date.



Last update: 2020-07-02