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The PypikaRepository is the implementation of the repository pattern for the relational databases. It's meant for the stages of the project where the schema is more stable and you need the improved performance of these types of databases.

It stores the persisted Entities into a SQLite database tables (Mysql support will come in the future).

It uses the Pypika query builder to generate the raw SQL statements and then sends them to the database through an sqlite3 connection. If you're wondering why we don't want to use SQLAlchemy or raw sql statements, check this article.

Load it with:

from repository_orm import load_repository

repo = load_repository('sqlite://path/to/database.db')

Database schema

The repository assumes there is a specific schema, where the table names are the same as the Entity clases in lowercase, and the columns are called as the attributes. All tables must have an id column. Following the overview example, the database should contain one table called author with the columns id, first_name, last_name and country.

For it's simplicity, we've decide to use yoyo to maintain the schema. This means that you need to write the migration scripts yourself :(. Look at the migration script of the tests if you need an example.


Follow the overview example to see how to use each method.

Appends the Entity object to its table by translating its attributes to the columns. If it already exists, use the upsert statement to update it's attributes in the table.
Deletes the Entity object from its table by searching the row that matches the object ID.
Obtain an Entity by extracting the row that matches the ID and build the Entity object with that data.
Persist the changes into the database.
Obtain all the entities of type Entity. Similar to the get method but for all entities.
Obtain the entities whose attributes match one or multiple conditions. We create a query with all the desired criteria and then build the entities with the obtained data.
Run the migrations of the repository schema. Creates a yoyo connection and runs all the scripts in the migrations directory.

Internal workings

This section is meant for the people that you to expand the functionality of the PypikaRepository. It explains how it works under the hood.

Once the object is initialized with the database url with the format sqlite:///path_to_database_file, an sqlite3 Connection object is saved in the connection attribute, and a first Cursor is saved to the cursor attribute.

If you need to execute new queries, use the _execute method, it accepts a Pypika Query object. To extract the Pypika Table from an identity object, use the _table static method, or the _table_model if you use an identity class instead.

Keep in mind that if you use the internal methods, like _execute, in your program, you're breaking the Liskov substitution principle and you won't be able to switch to other type of repository.

If you need a functionality that is not implemented, create a public method and define it for the repositories that you want to use. Take a look at the contributing page, and think of adding it to the library.

There is also the _build_entities method that accepts an Entity class and a Query and returns a list of the entities built from the data of the query.


Last update: 2022-08-12