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Yoyo is a database schema migration tool. Migrations are written as SQL files or Python scripts that define a list of migration steps.


pip install yoyo-migrations


Command line

Start a new migration:

yoyo new ./migrations -m "Add column to foo"

Apply migrations from directory migrations to a PostgreSQL database:

yoyo apply --database postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/db ./migrations

Rollback migrations previously applied to a MySQL database:

yoyo rollback --database mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/database ./migrations

Reapply (ie rollback then apply again) migrations to a SQLite database at location /home/sheila/important.db:

yoyo reapply --database sqlite:////home/sheila/important.db ./migrations

List available migrations:

yoyo list --database sqlite:////home/sheila/important.db ./migrations

By default, yoyo-migrations starts in an interactive mode, prompting you for each migration file before applying it, making it easy to preview which migrations to apply and rollback.

Connecting to the database

Database connections are specified using a URL. Examples:

# SQLite: use 4 slashes for an absolute database path on unix like platforms
database = sqlite:////home/user/mydb.sqlite

# SQLite: use 3 slashes for a relative path
database = sqlite:///mydb.sqlite

# SQLite: absolute path on Windows.
database = sqlite:///c:\home\user\mydb.sqlite

# MySQL: Network database connection
database = mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase

# MySQL: unix socket connection
database = mysql://scott:tiger@/mydatabase?unix_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock

# MySQL with the MySQLdb driver (instead of pymysql)
database = mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase

# MySQL with SSL/TLS enabled
database = mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase?ssl=yes&sslca=/path/to/cert

# PostgreSQL: database connection
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase

# PostgreSQL: unix socket connection
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@/mydatabase

# PostgreSQL: changing the schema (via set search_path)
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@/mydatabase?schema=some_schema

You can specify your database username and password either as part of the database connection string on the command line (exposing your database password in the process list) or in a configuration file where other users may be able to read it.

The -p or --prompt-password flag causes yoyo to prompt for a password, helping prevent your credentials from being leaked.

Migration files

The migrations directory contains a series of migration scripts. Each migration script is a Python (.py) or SQL file (.sql).

The name of each file without the extension is used as the migration’s unique identifier.

Migrations scripts are run in dependency then filename order.

Each migration file is run in a single transaction where this is supported by the database.

Yoyo creates tables in your target database to track which migrations have been applied.

Migrations as Python scripts

A migration script written in Python has the following structure:

# file: migrations/
from yoyo import step

__depends__ = {"0000.initial-schema"}

steps = [
      "CREATE TABLE foo (id INT, bar VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
      "DROP TABLE foo",

The step function may take up to 3 arguments:

  • apply: an SQL query (or Python function, see below) to apply the migration step.
  • rollback: (optional) an SQL query (or Python function) to rollback the migration step.
  • ignore_errors: (optional, one of apply, rollback or all) causes yoyo to ignore database errors in either the apply stage, rollback stage or both.

Migrations may declare dependencies on other migrations via the __depends__ attribute:

If you use the yoyo new command the __depends__ attribute will be auto populated for you.

Migration steps as Python functions

If SQL is not flexible enough, you may supply a Python function as either or both of the apply or rollback arguments of step. Each function should take a database connection as its only argument:

# file: migrations/
from yoyo import step

def apply_step(conn):
    cursor = conn.cursor()
        # query to perform the migration

def rollback_step(conn):
    cursor = conn.cursor()
        # query to undo the above

steps = [
  step(apply_step, rollback_step)
Post-apply hook

It can be useful to have a script that is run after every successful migration. For example you could use this to update database permissions or re-create views.

To do this, create a special migration file called

Configuration file

Yoyo looks for a configuration file named yoyo.ini in the current working directory or any ancestor directory.

The configuration file may contain the following options:


# List of migration source directories. "%(here)s" is expanded to the
# full path of the directory containing this ini file.
sources = %(here)s/migrations %(here)s/lib/module/migrations

# Target database
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydb

# Verbosity level. Goes from 0 (least verbose) to 3 (most verbose)
verbosity = 3

# Disable interactive features
batch_mode = on

# Editor to use when starting new migrations
# "{}" is expanded to the filename of the new migration
editor = /usr/local/bin/vim -f {}

# An arbitrary command to run after a migration has been created
# "{}" is expanded to the filename of the new migration
post_create_command = hg add {}

# A prefix to use for generated migration filenames
prefix = myproject_

Calling Yoyo from Python code

The following example shows how to apply migrations from inside python code:

from yoyo import read_migrations
from yoyo import get_backend

backend = get_backend('postgres://myuser@localhost/mydatabase')
migrations = read_migrations('path/to/migrations')

with backend.lock():

    # Apply any outstanding migrations

    # Rollback all migrations
