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004: Add complex queries




Right now the search method only allows a dictionary of keys that the objects must match, this way of selecting objects has become insufficient for the programs that use the library forcing them to extract from the repository a greater subset of objects that contain a serie of attributes and then do another filtering afterwards. This is the case for example when the user wants to select objects that:

  • Have a datetime or integer greater or smaller than an amount.
  • Don't have an attribute with a defined value
  • Match a combination of criteria, for example:
    • Have an attribute with a value and another that is greater than X
    • Have an attribute with a value and another that doesn't contain the value Y.
  • Match a criteria on a related object (JOIN operations).

This schema has the next disadvantages:

  • The user is constrained to a very basic query type
  • The repository returns more objects than the user needs, so more traffic is sent between the application and the database
  • The user needs to do an extra filter afterwards. This is a bad idea because doing the filtering at databases level probably gives better performance and the user needs to write more code than necessary.


Change the way we let the user specify the criteria that it wants to search so that it can do more powerful searches. I can think of two ways of doing this:

  • Writing the query in a string and parsing it afterwards.
  • Writing the query with a query builder.

Given this analysis, the query builder system looks better.

Query builder

We will create a Query object that follows the theory of query builders.

Right now queries make sense only to extract data from the database, so speaking in SQL terms, only SELECT and DELETE queries are interesting for us. To do a select query you need:

All of the Query methods return self in order to be able to construct it with chained methods and properties. Those methods that don't need an argument will be coded as properties to save keystrokes on unneeded ().

Table to extract data from

Applied to the repository_orm usage, the FROM is defined by the model class both to extract the table name, build the end objects and let the type checker know what type of objects it's returning, so we need to pass the class of the model to the search and all methods. It makes sense then to pass the argument at initialization time of the Query object.

Fields to extract

In our case it doesn't make sense to let the user select the fields it wants to extract, as we return built objects and not just the values of the rows.

Condition to select the objects

Simple query operators

Assuming that query = Query(Model) there are the next methods to select the data, it will return the objects if:

  • equal: Attribute match value.
  • not_equal: Attribute doesn't match value.
  • greater: Attribute is greater than value.
  • greater_or_equal: Attribute is greater or equal than value.
  • smaller: Attribute is smaller than value.
  • smaller_or_equal: Attribute is smaller or equal than value.

To act on one attribute and one value you can use query.method(attribute, value), for example query.equal('id_', 3). To act on many attributes you can use query.method({attribute1: value1, attribute2: value2}), for example query.greater({'rating': 3, 'created_at':}).

Query composition

If you concatenate methods and properties on a query they are supposed to be conditions that all objects must match.


or can be used to match one or many conditions but not others. You have to select two types of criteria, so you need to Query objects.

query.greater('rating', 3).or(Query().smaller('rating', 1))

Note that if the second Query isn't initialized with a model, it will be assumed to be the same as the first one.


and can be used if you want to select different criteria for different objects:

Query(Book).greater('rating', 3).and(Query(Author).equal('id_', 1))

join can be used to match entities if an entity that is related to them matches one or many condition, for example to get all the books of the author whose id is 1 you can:

Query(Book).join(Query(Author).equal('id_', 1))

Sorting the results

By default the results are sorted by id_ increasingly, to sort by other criteria use the sort method.


To reverse the order of the sorting use the reverse argument:

query.sort('rating', reverse=True)

To order by many criteria chain sort methods, for example if you want to sort by rating and then by created_date you can use:


Number of results

By default all results are returned, if you want to receive only a limited amount use the limit method


Delete queries

Right now the delete method allows only one or many entities, we can change the signature so that it also allows a Query object that can tweak the delete query instead of just using the id_.


Implement the proposed solution, adding a UserWarning on the old method until we deprecate it.



  • We'll improve a lot the extraction of information from the repo


Users will need to change their code:

  • How they query the repositories.

Last update: 2022-03-10