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Older versions of pydo use fulid ids to define the entities as it's easy to create the short ids from them in order to present them to the user through the cli interface. To do it, at service level it creates the next id with the _create_next_id function.

The current system adds a lot of complexity for the sake of identifying entities through the minimum amount of keystrokes chosen from a set of keys defined by the user.

Newer versions of the repository-orm library manages automatically id increments if the id_ field is of type int. This allows the addition of entities without id, which will be very useful to create children task objects at model level instead of service level.

I'm more and more convinced that the ideal everyday user interface is not a command line program, but an REPL interface. The first one is meant only for bulk operations, not for operations on one item. That means that being able to tell apart tasks using short ids has loosing importance as this idea evolves.


Change the entities id_ type from str to Optional[int], so pydo can delegate it's management to the repository.

When using the command line, we can show the ids as numbers, or optionally do the translation from numbers to the user chosen keys. But we won't be as optimal as before, because currently the short ids are defined by the subset of open tasks, and we'll use all the tasks, so more keystrokes will be needed. But this is acceptable as most of the times you'll use the REPL interface to interact with individual tasks, and when bulk editing you'll use task filters instead of the ids. We can even envision how to effectively do bulk edits through the REPL.

The REPL interface will not even show the ids, you'll move through the tasks by vim movement keys or by fuzzy searching.



Last update: 2020-07-02