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005: Article newsletter creation



Based on: 004


We need to present the user the changes in the cleanest way:

  • Have the minimum number of title levels, maybe a maximum of 3 levels.
  • Group the related changes.


To present the changes we want to:

  • Group the articles by category and subcategory following the nav order.
  • Group the changes by article ordered chronologically.

A TOC doesn't make sense for the article stored in the mkdocs repository as it is already created by MkDocs.

The skeleton of each article will be:

  • Categories as title one, respecting the nav order, with a link to the category file if it exists.
  • Subcategories as title two, respecting the nav order, with a link to the subcategory file if it exists.
  • File title as title three, respecting the nav order, with a link to the subcategory file if it exists.
  • Each change of the file will be added as bullet points ordered by date. Where the first line will be the first line of the commit and the body will be added below.

    If the scope of the change contains the information of the section of the file that it's changing, the link should point to that section instead.

    We need to differentiate the different types of changes:

    • feat: New content additions
    • perf: Improvements on existent articles
    • fix: Corrections on existent articles
    • refactor: Reorganization of articles

We'll then create articles for each feed following the structure defined in 004.



Implement the only proposal.
