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Questions, feature requests and bug reports are all welcome as issues. To report a security vulnerability, please see our security policy instead.

To make it as simple as possible for us to help you, please include the versions of:

  • cookiecutter-python-project.
  • Python
  • Your operative system

Pull Requests

It should be extremely simple to get started and create a Pull Request. cookiecutter-python-project is released regularly so you should see your improvements release in a matter of days or weeks.

Unless your change is trivial (typo, docs tweak etc.), please create an issue to discuss the change before creating a pull request.

If you're looking for something to get your teeth into, check out the "help wanted" label on github.

Development facilities

To make contributing as easy and fast as possible, you'll want to run tests and linting locally.

tl;dr: use make format to fix formatting, make to run tests and linting & make docs to build the docs.

You'll need to have python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8, virtualenv, git, and make installed.

  • Clone your fork and go into the repository directory:

    git clone<your username>/cookiecutter-python-project.git
    cd cookiecutter-python-project
  • Set up the virtualenv for running tests:

    virtualenv -p `which python3.7` env
    source env/bin/activate
  • Install npm dependencies

    npm install markdownlint-cli
  • Install cookiecutter-python-project, dependencies and configure the pre-commits:

    make install
  • Checkout a new branch and make your changes:

    git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch
  • Fix formatting and imports: cookiecutter-python-project uses black to enforce formatting and isort to fix imports.

    make format
  • Run tests and linting:


    There are more sub-commands in Makefile like test-code, test-examples, mypy or security which you might want to use, but generally make should be all you need.

    If you need to pass specific arguments to pytest use the ARGS variable, for example make test ARGS='-k test_markdownlint_passes'.

  • Build documentation: If you have changed the documentation, make sure it builds the static site. Once built it will serve the documentation at localhost:8000:

    make docs
  • Commit, push, and create your pull request.

  • Make a new release: To generate the changelog of the new changes, build the package, upload to pypi and clean the build files use make bump.

We'd love you to contribute to cookiecutter-python-project!

Last update: 2020-12-14