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Git management configuration

Prepare environment to write the commit message

When I write the commit message I like to review what changes I'm commiting. To do it I find useful to close all windows and do a vertical split with the changes so I can write the commit message in one of the window while I scroll down in the other. As the changes are usually no the at the top of the file, I scroll the window of the right to the first change and then switch back to the left one in insert mode to start writing.

I've also made some movement remappings:

  • <C-s> to save the commit.
  • q to quit without saving.
  • jj, kk, <C-d> and <C-u> in insert mode will insert normal mode and go to the window in the right to continue seeing the changes.
  • i, a, o, O: if you are in the changes window it will go to the commit message window in insert mode.

Once I've made the commit I want to only retain one buffer.

Add the following snippet to lua/config/autocmds.lua if you're using lazyvim:

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
  pattern = "gitcommit",
  group = augroup("gitcommit"),
  callback = function()
    local keymap = vim.keymap

    -- Close the diffview window if its open
    if next(require("diffview.lib").views) ~= nil then
    -- Close all other windows
    -- Create a vertical nplit
    -- " Go to the right split
    vim.cmd("wincmd l")
    -- " Go to the first change
    vim.cmd('execute "normal! /^diff<cr>8j"')
    -- " Clear the search highlights
    -- " Open buffers
    -- set foldlevel=999
    -- " Go back to the left split
    vim.cmd("wincmd h")
    -- " Enter insert mode
    vim.cmd('execute "startinsert"')

    -- Saving keymaps
    keymap.set({ "i", "n" }, "<c-s>", function()
      -- Close all other windows
      -- Save the buffer
      -- Close the buffer
    end, { desc = "Save the current buffer and exit" })

    keymap.set("n", "q", function()
      -- Close all other windows
      -- Close the buffer
    end, { desc = "Close the current buffer and exit without saving" })

    -- Movement keymaps
    keymap.set("i", "jj", "<esc>:wincmd l<cr>j", { desc = "Go to normal, changes window and down" })
    keymap.set("i", "kk", "<esc>:wincmd l<cr>k", { desc = "Go to normal, changes window and up" })
    keymap.set("i", "<c-d>", "<esc>:wincmd l<cr><c-d>", { desc = "Go to normal, changes window and down a bunch" })
    keymap.set("i", "<c-u>", "<esc>:wincmd l<cr><c-u>", { desc = "Go to normal, changes window and up a bunch" })

    -- Editor keymaps
    keymap.set("n", "i", ":wincmd h<cr>i", { desc = "Insert in the commit message window" })
    keymap.set("n", "a", ":wincmd h<cr>a", { desc = "Append in the commit message window" })
    keymap.set("n", "o", ":wincmd h<cr>o", { desc = "Open below in the commit message window" })
    keymap.set("n", "O", ":wincmd h<cr>O", { desc = "Open above in the commit message window" })

I'm assuming that you save with <leader>w and that you're using Sayonara to close your buffers.

Vim git plugin comparison

There are many plugins to work with git in neovim the most interesting ones are:

I've been using vim-fugitive for some years now and it works very well but is built for vim. Now that I'm refurbishing all the neovim configuration I want to try some neovim native plugins.

neogit looks interesting as it's a magit clone for neovim. lazygit is the most popular one as it's a command line tool not specific to neovim. As such you'd need to launch a terminal inside neovim or use a plugin like lazygit.nvim. I'm not able to understand how to use vgit by looking at their readme, there's not more documentation and there is no videos showing it's usage. It's also the least popular although it looks active.

At a first look lazygit is too much and neogit a little more verbose than vim-fugitive but it looks closer to my current workflow. I also tried neogit but didn't like it in the end. Finally I'm using diffview



If you're using lazyvim:

return {

Add portions of file to the index

To stage only part of the file to a commit, open it and launch :Gdiff. With diffput and diffobtain Vim's functionality you move to the index file (the one in the left) the changes you want to stage.

Git push sets the upstream by default

Add to your config:

nnoremap <leader>gp :Git -c push.default=current push<CR>

If you want to see the output of the push command, use :copen after the successful push.



use { 'TimUntersberger/neogit', requires = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }

Now you have to add the following lines to your init.lua

local neogit = require('neogit')


That uses the default configuration, but there are many options that can be set. For example to disable the commit confirmation use:

  disable_commit_confirmation = true

Improve the commit message window

create custom keymaps with lua create specific bindings for a file type create autocmd in neovim autocmd events