Vim autosave
To automatically save your changes in NeoVim you can use the auto-save plugin.
It has some nice features
- Automatically save your changes so the world doesn't collapse
- Highly customizable:
- Conditionals to assert whether to save or not
- Execution message (it can be dimmed and personalized)
- Events that trigger auto-save
- Debounce the save with a delay
- Hook into the lifecycle with autocommands
- Automatically clean the message area
Installation ⚑
cmd = "ASToggle", -- optional for lazy loading on command
event = { "InsertLeave", "TextChanged" }, -- optional for lazy loading on trigger events
opts = {
-- your config goes here
execution_message = {
enabled = false,
Disable for specific filetypes⚑
The condition
field of the configuration allows the user to exclude auto-save from saving specific buffers. This can be useful for example if you have a broken LSP that is making editing the markdown files an absolute hell.
Here is an example that disables auto-save for specified file types:
condition = function(buf)
local filetype = vim.fn.getbufvar(buf, "&filetype")
-- don't save for `sql` file types
if vim.list_contains({ "markdown" }, filetype) then
return false
return true
You may also exclude special-buffers
see (:h buftype
and :h special-buffers
condition = function(buf)
-- don't save for special-buffers
if vim.fn.getbufvar(buf, "&buftype") ~= '' then
return false
return true
Buffers that are nomodifiable
are not saved by default.
Besides running auto-save at startup (if you have enabled = true
in your config), you may as well:
: toggle auto-save