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Program Versioning

The Don't Repeat Yourself principle encourages developers to abstract code into a separate components and reuse them rather than write it over and over again. If this happens across the system, the best practice is to put it inside a package that lives on its own (a library) and then pull it in from the applications when required.

!!! note "This article is heavily based on the posts in the references sections, the main credit goes to them, I've just refactored all together under my personal opinion."

As most of us can’t think of every feature that the library might offer or what bugs it might contain, these packages tend to evolve. Therefore, we need some mechanism to encode these evolutions of the library, so that downstream users can understand how big the change is. Most commonly, developers use three methods:

The version change is used as a concise way for the project to communicate this evolution, and it's what we're going to analyze in this article. However, encoding all the information of a change into a number switch has proven to be far from perfect.

That's why keeping a good and detailed changelog makes a lot of sense, as it will better transmit that intent, and what will be the impact of upgrading. Once again, this falls into the same problem as before, while a change log is more descriptive, it still only tells you what changes (or breakages) a project intended to make, it doesn’t go into any detail about unintended consequences of changes made. Ultimately, a change log’s accuracy is no different than that of the version itself, it's just (hopefully!) more detailed.

Fundamentally, any indicator of change that isn’t a full diff is just a lossy encoding of that change. You can't expect though to read all the diffs of the libraries that you use, that's why version numbers and changelogs make a lot of sense. We just need to be aware of the limits of each system.

That being said, you'll use version numbers in two ways:

  • As a producer of applications and libraries where you’ll have to decide what versioning system to use.

  • As a consumer of dependencies, you’ll have to express what versions of a given library your application/library is compatible.

Deciding what version system to use for your programs

The two most popular versioning systems are:

  • Semantic Versioning: A way to define your program's version based on the type of changes you've introduced.

  • Calendar Versioning: A versioning convention based on your project's release calendar, instead of arbitrary numbers.

Each has it's advantages and disadvantages. From a consumer perspective, I think that projects should generally default to SemVer-ish, following the spirit of the documentation rather than the letter of the specification because:

  • Your version number becomes a means of communicating your changes intents to your end users.
  • If you use the semantic versioning commit message guidelines, you are more likely to have a useful git history and can automatically maintain the project's changelog.

There are however, corner cases where CalVer makes more sense:

  • You’re tracking something that is already versioned using dates or for which the version number can only really be described as a point in time release. The pytz is a good example of both of these cases, the Olson TZ database is versioned using a date based scheme and the information that it is providing is best represented as a snapshot of the state of what timezones were like at a particular point in time.

  • Your project is going to be breaking compatibility in every release and you do not want to make any promises of compatibility. You should still document this fact in your README, but if there’s no promise of compatibility between releases, then there’s no information to be communicated in the version number.

  • Your project is never going to intentionally breaking compatibility in a release, and you strive to always maintain compatibility. Projects can always just use the latest version of your software. Your changes will only ever be additive, and if you need to change your API, you’ll do something like leave the old API intact, and add a new API with the new semantics. An example of this case would be the Ubuntu versions.

How to evolve your code version

Assuming you're using Semantic Versioning you can improve your code evolution by:

Avoid becoming a ZeroVer package

Once your project reach it's first level of maturity you should release 1.0.0 to avoid falling into ZeroVer. For example you can use one of the next indicators:

  • If you're frequently using it and haven't done any breaking change in 3 months.
  • If 30 users are depending on it. For example counting the project stars.

Use Warnings to avoid major changes

Semantic versioning uses the major version to defend against breaking changes, and at the same offers maintainers the freedom to evolve the library without breaking users. Nevertheless, this does not seem to work that well.

So it's better to use Warnings to avoid major changes.

Communicate with your users

You should warn your users not to blindly trust that any version change is not going to break their code and that you assume that they are actively testing the package updates.

Keep the Requires-Python metadata updated

It's important not to upper cap the Python version and to maintain the Requires-Python package metadata updated. Dependency solvers will use this information to fetch the correct versions of the packages for the users.

Deciding how to manage the versions of your dependencies

As a consumer of other dependencies, you need to specify in your package what versions does your code support. The traditional way to do it is by pinning those versions in your package definition. For example in python it lives either in the or in the pyproject.toml.

Lower version pinning

When you're developing a program that uses a dependency, you usually don't know if a previous version of that dependency is compatible with your code, so in theory it makes sense to specify that you don't support any version smaller than the actual with something like >=1.2. If you follow this train of thought, each time you update your dependencies, you should update your lower pins, because you're only running your test suite on those versions. If the libraries didn't do upper version pinning, then there would be no problem as you wouldn't be risking to get into version conflicts.

A more relaxed approach would be not to update the pins when you update, in that case, you should run your tests both against the oldest possible values and the newest to ensure that everything works as expected. This way you'll be more kind to your users as you'll reduce possible version conflicts, but it'll add work to the maintainers.

The most relaxed approach would be not to use pins at all, it will suppress most of the version conflicts but you won't be sure that the dependencies that your users are using are compatible with your code.

Think about how much work you want to invest in maintaining your package and how much stability you want to offer before you choose one or the other method. Once you've made your choice, it would be nice if you communicate it to your users through your documentation.

Upper version pinning

Program maintainers often rely on upper version pinning to guarantee that their code is not going to be broken due to a dependency update.

We’ll cover the valid use cases for capping after this section. But, just to be clear, if you know you do not support a new release of a library, then absolutely, go ahead and cap it as soon as you know this to be true. If something does not work, you should cap (or maybe restrict a single version if the upstream library has a temporary bug rather than a design direction that’s causing the failure). You should also do as much as you can to quickly remove the cap, as all the downsides of capping in the next sections still apply.

The following will assume you are capping before knowing that something does not work, but just out of general principle, like Poetry recommends and defaults to with poetry add. In most cases, the answer will be don’t. For simplicity, I will also assume you are being tempted to cap to major releases (^1.0.0 in Poetry or ~=1.0 in all other tooling that follows Python standards via PEP 440) following the false security that only major changes can to break your code. If you cap to minor versions ~=1.0.0, this is much worse, and the arguments below apply even more strongly.

Version limits break code too

Following this path will effectively opt you out of bug fixes and security updates, as most of the projects only maintain the latest version of their program and what worse, you'll be preventing everyone using your library not to use the latest version of those libraries. All in exchange to defend yourself against a change that in practice will rarely impact you. Sure, you can move on to the next version of each of your pins each time they increase a major via something like Click>=8, <9. However, this involves manual intervention on their code, and you might not have the time to do this for every one of your projects.

If we add the fact that not only major but any other version change may break your code due to unintended changes and the difference in the change categorization, then you can treat all changes equally, so it makes no sense on pinning the major version either.

This is specially useless when you add dependencies that follow CalVer. poetry add packaging will still do ^21 for the version it adds. You shouldn’t be capping versions, but you really shouldn’t be capping CalVer.

SemVer never promises to break your code

A really easy but incorrect generalization of the SemVer rules is “a major version will break my code”. Even if the library follows true SemVer perfectly, a major version bump does not promise to break downstream code. It promises that some downstream code may break. If you use pytest to test your code, for example, the next major version will be very unlikely to break. If you write a pytest extension, however, then the chances of something breaking are much higher (but not 100%, maybe not even 50%). Quite ironically, the better a package follows SemVer, the smaller the change will trigger a major version, and therefore the less likely a major version will break a particular downstream code.

As a general rule, if you have a reasonably stable dependency, and you only use the documented API, especially if your usage is pretty light/general, then a major update is extremely unlikely to break your code. It’s quite rare for light usage of a library to break on a major update. It can happen, of course, but is unlikely. If you are using something very heavily, if you are working on a framework extension, or if you use internals that are not publicly documented, then your chances of breaking on a major release are much higher. Python has a culture of producing FutureWarnings, DeprecationWarnings, or PendingDeprecationWarnings (make sure they are on in your testing, and turn into errors), good libraries will use them.

Version conflicts

And then there’s another aspect version pinning will introduce: version conflicts.

An application or library will have a set of libraries it depends on directly. These are libraries you’re directly importing within the application/library you’re maintaining, but then the libraries themselves may rely on other libraries. This is known as a transitive dependency. Very soon, you’ll get to a point where two different components use the same library, and both of them might express version constraints on it.

For example, consider the case of tenacity: a general-purpose retrying library. Imagine you were using this in your application, and being a religious follower of semantic versioning, you’ve pinned it to the version that was out when you created the app in early 2018: 4.11. The constraint would specify version 4.11 or later, but less than the next major version 5.

At the same time, you also connect to an HTTP service. This connection is handled by another library, and the maintainer of that decided to also use tenacity to offer automatic retry functionality. They pinned it similarly following the semantic versioning convention. Back in 2018, this caused no issues. But then August comes, and version 5.0 is released.

The service and its library maintainers have a lot more time on their hands (perhaps because they are paid to do so), so they quickly move to version 5.0. Or perhaps they want to use a feature from the new major version. Now they introduce the pin greater than five but less than six on tenacity. Their public interface does not change at all at this point, so they do not bump their major version. It’s just a patch release.

Python can only have one version of a library installed at a given time. At this point, there is a version conflict. You’re requesting a version between four and five, while the service library is requesting a version between five and six. Both constraints cannot be satisfied.

If you use a version of pip older than 20.2 (the release in which it added a dependency resolver) it will just install a version matching the first constraint it finds and ignore any subsequent constraints. Versions of pip after 20.2 would fail with an error indicating that the constraint cannot be satisfied.

Either way, your application no longer works. The only way to make it work is to either pin the service library down to the last working patch number, or upgrade your version pinning of tenacity. This is generating extra work for you with minimal benefit. Often it might not be even possible to use two conflicting libraries until one of them relaxes their requirements. It also means you must support a wide version range; ironically. If you update to requiring `tenacity

5, your update can’t be installed with another library still on4.11. So you have to supporttenacity>=4.11,<6` for a while until most libraries have similarly updated.

And for those who might think this doesn’t happen often, let me say that tenacity released another major version a year later in November 2019. Thus, the cycle starts all over again. In both cases, your code most likely did not need to change at all, as just a small part of their public API changed. In my experience, this happens a lot more often than when a major version bump breaks you. I've found myself investing most of my project maintenance time opening issues in third party dependencies to update their pins.

It doesn’t scale

If you have a single library that doesn’t play well, then you probably will get a working solve easily (this is one reason that this practice doesn’t seem so bad at first). If more packages start following this tight capping, however, you end up with a situation where things simply cannot solve. A moderately sized application can have a hundred or more dependencies when expanded, so such issues in my experience start to appear every few months. You need only 5-6 of such cases for every 100 libraries for this issue to pop up every two months on your plate. And potentially for a multiple of your applications.

The entire point of packaging is to allow you to get lots of packages that each do some job for you. We should be trying to make it easy to be able to add dependencies, not harder.

The implication of this is you should be very careful when you see tight requirements in packages and you have any upper bound caps anywhere in the dependency chain. If something caps dependencies, there’s a very good chance adding two such packages will break your solve, so you should pick just one, or just avoid them altogether, so you can add one in the future. This is a good rule, actually: Never add a library to your dependencies that has excessive upper bound capping. When I have failed to follow this rule for a larger package, I have usually come to regret it.

If you are doing the capping and are providing a library, you now have a commitment to quickly release an update, ideally right before any capped dependency comes out with a new version. Though if you cap, how to you install development versions or even know when a major version is released? This makes it harder for downstream packages to update, because they have to wait for all the caps to be moved for all upstream.

It conflicts with tight lower bounds

A tight lower bound is only bad if packages cap upper bounds. If you can avoid upper-cap packages, you can accept tight lower bound packages, which are much better; better features, better security, better compatibility with new hardware and OS’s. A good packaging system should allow you to require modern packages; why develop for really old versions of things if the packaging system can upgrade them? But a upper bound cap breaks this. Hopefully anyone who is writing software and pushing versions will agree that tight lower limits are much better than tight upper limits, so if one has to go, it’s the upper limits.

It is also rather rare that packages solve for lower bounds in CI (I would love to see such a solver become an option, by the way!), so setting a tight lower bound is one way to avoid rare errors when old packages are cached that you don’t actually support. CI almost never has a cache of old packages, but users do.

Capping dependencies hides incompatibilities

Another serious side effect of capping dependencies is that you are not notified properly of incoming incompatibilities, and you have to be extra proactive in monitoring your dependencies for updates. If you don’t cap your dependencies, you are immediately notified when a dependency releases a new version, probably by your CI, the first time you build with that new version. If you are running your CI with the --dev flag on your pip install (uncommon, but probably a good idea), then you might even catch and fix the issue before a release is even made. If you don’t do this, however, then you don’t know about the incompatibility until (much) later.

If you are not following all of your dependencies, you might not notice that you are out of date until it’s both a serious problem for users and it’s really hard for you to tell what change broke your usage because several versions have been released. While I’m not a huge fan of Google’s live-at-head philosophy (primarily because it has heavy requirements not applicable for most open-source projects), I appreciate and love catching a dependency incompatibility as soon as you possibly can; the smaller the change set, the easier it is to identify and fix the issue.

Capping all dependencies hides real incompatibilities

If you see X>=1.1, that tells you that the package is using features from 1.1 and do not support 1.0. If you see X<1.2, this should tell you that there’s a problem with 1.2 and the current software, specifically something they know the dependency will not fix/revert. Not that you just capped all your dependencies and have no idea if that will or won’t work at all. A cap should be like a TODO; it’s a known issue that needs to be worked on soon. As in yesterday.

Pinning the Python version is special

Another practice pushed by Poetry is adding an upper cap to the Python version. This is misusing a feature designed to help with dropping old Python versions to instead stop new Python versions from being used. “Scrolling back” through older releases to find the newest version that does not restrict the version of Python being used is exactly the wrong behavior for an upper cap, and that is what the purpose of this field is. Current versions of pip do seem to fail when this is capped, rather than scrolling back to find an older uncapped version, but I haven’t found many libraries that have “added” this after releasing to be sure of that.

To be clear, this is very different from a library: specifically, you can’t downgrade your Python version if this is capped to something below your current version. You can only fail. So this does not “fix” something by getting an older, working version, it only causes hard failures if it works the way you might hope it does. This means instead of seeing the real failure and possibly helping to fix it, users just see a Python doesn’t match error. And, most of the time, it’s not even a real error; if you support Python 3.x without warnings, you should support Python 3.x+1 (and 3.x+2, too).

Capping to <4 (something like ^3.6 in Poetry) is also directly in conflict with the Python developer’s own statements; they promise the 3->4 transition will be more like the 1->2 transition than the 2->3 transition. When Python 4 does come out, it will be really hard to even run your CI on 4 until all your dependencies uncap. And you won’t actually see the real failures, you’ll just see incompatibility errors, so you won’t even know what to report to those libraries. And this practice makes it hard to test development versions of Python.

And, if you use Poetry, as soon as someone caps the Python version, every Poetry project that uses it must also cap, even if you believe it is a detestable practice and confusing to users. It is also wrong unless you fully pin the dependency that forced the cap. If the dependency drops it in a patch release or something else you support, you no longer would need the cap.

Applications are slightly different

If you have a true application (that is, if you are not intending your package to be used as a library), upper version constraints are much less problematic, and some of the reasons above don't apply. This due to two reasons.

First, if you are writing a library, your “users” are specifying your package in their dependencies; if an update breaks them, they can always add the necessary exclusion or cap for you to help end users. It’s a leaky abstraction, they shouldn’t have to care about what your dependencies are, but when capping interferes with what they can use, that’s also a leaky and unfixable abstraction. For an application, the “users” are more likely to be installing your package directly, where the users are generally other developers adding to requirements for libraries.

Second, for an app that is installed from PyPI, you are less likely to have to worry about what else is installed (the other issues are still true). Many (most?) users will not be using pipx or a fresh virtual environment each time, so in practice, you’ll still run into problems with tight constraints, but there is a workaround (use pipx, for example). You still are still affected by most of the arguments above, though, so personally I’d still not recommend adding untested caps.

When is it ok to set an upper limit?

Valid reasons to add an upper limit are:

  • If a dependency is known to be broken, block out the broken version. Try very hard to fix this problem quickly, then remove the block if it’s fixable on your end. If the fix happens upstream, excluding just the broken version is fine (or they can “yank” the bad release to help everyone).

  • If you know upstream is about to make a major change that is very likely to break your usage, you can cap. But try to fix this as quickly as possible so you can remove the cap by the time they release. Possibly add development branch/release testing until this is resolved.

  • If upstream asks users to cap, then I still don’t like it, but it is okay if you want to follow the upstream recommendation. You should ask yourself: do you want to use a library that may intentionally break you and require changes on your part without help via deprecation periods? A one-time major rewrite might be an acceptable reason. Also, if you are upstream, it is very un-Pythonic to break users without deprecation warnings first. Don’t do it if possible.

  • If you are writing an extension for an ecosystem/framework (pytest extension, Sphinx extension, Jupyter extension, etc), then capping on the major version of that library is acceptable. Note this happens once - you have a single library that can be capped. You must release as soon as you possibly can after a new major release, and you should be closely following upstream

    • probably using development releases for testing, etc. But doing this for one library is probably manageable.
  • You are releasing two or more libraries in sync with each other. You control the release cadence for both libraries. This is likely the “best” reason to cap. Some of the above issues don’t apply in this case - since you control the release cadence and can keep them in sync.

  • You depend on private internal details of a library. You should also rethink your choices - this can be broken in a minor or patch release, and often is.

If you cap in these situations, I wouldn’t complain, but I wouldn’t really recommend it either:

  • If you have a heavy dependency on a library, maybe cap. A really large API surface is more likely to be hit by the possible breakage.

  • If a library is very new, say on version 1 or a ZeroVer library, and has very few users, maybe cap if it seems rather unstable. See if the library authors recommend capping - they might plan to make a large change if it’s early in development. This is not blanket permission to cap ZeroVer libraries!

  • If a library looks really unstable, such as having a history of making big changes, then cap. Or use a different library. Even better, contact the authors, and make sure that your usage is safe for the near future.


No more than 1-2 of your dependencies should fall into the categories of acceptable upper pinning. In every other case, do not cap your dependences, specially if you are writing a library! You could probably summarize it like this: if there’s a high chance (say 75%+) that a dependency will break for you when it updates, you can add a cap. But if there’s no reason to believe it will break, do not add the cap; you will cause more severe (unfixable) pain than the breakage would.

If you have an app instead of a library, you can be cautiously more relaxed, but not much. Apps do not have to live in shared environments, though they might.

Notice many of the above instances are due to very close/special interaction with a small number of libraries (either a plugin for a framework, synchronized releases, or very heavy usage). Most libraries you use do not fall into this category. Remember, library authors don’t want to break users who follow their public API and documentation. If they do, it’s for a special and good reason (or it is a bad library to depend on). They will probably have a deprecation period, produce warnings, etc.

If you do version cap anything, you are promising to closely follow that dependency, update the cap as soon as possible, follow beta or RC releases or the development branch, etc. When a new version of a library comes out, end users should be able to start trying it out. If they can’t, your library’s dependencies are a leaky abstraction (users shouldn’t have to care about what dependencies libraries use).

Automatically upgrade and test your dependencies

Now that you have minimized the upper bound pins and defined the lower bound pins you need to ensure that your code works with the latest version of your dependencies.

One way to do it is running a periodic cronjob (daily probably) that updates your requirements lock, optionally your lower bounds, and checks that the tests keep on passing.

Monitor your dependencies evolution

You rely on your dependencies to fulfill critical parts of your package, therefore it makes sense to know how they are changing in order to:

  • Change your package to use new features.
  • Be aware of the new possibilities to solve future problems.
  • Get an idea of the dependency stability and future.

Depending on how much you rely on the dependency, different levels of monitorization can be used, ordered from least to most you could check:

  • Release messages: Some projects post them in their blogs, you can use their RSS feed to keep updated. If the project uses Github to create the release messages, you can get notifications on just those release messages.

    If the project uses Semantic Versioning, it can help you dismiss all changes that are micro, review without urgency the minor and prioritize the major ones. If all you're given is a CalVer style version then you're forced to dedicate the same time to each of the changes.

  • Changelog: if you get a notification of a new release, head to the changelog to get a better detail of what has changed.

  • Pull requests: Depending on the project release workflow, it may take some time from a change to be accepted until it's published under a new release, if you monitor the pull requests, you get an early idea of what will be included in the new version.

  • Issues: Most of changes introduced in a project are created from the outcome of a repository issue, where a user expresses their desire to introduce the change. If you monitor them you'll get the idea of how the project will evolve in the future.


Is semantic versioning irrevocably broken? Should it never be used? I don’t think so. It still makes a lot of sense where there are ample resources to maintain multiple versions in parallel. A great example of this is Django. However, it feels less practical for projects that have just a few maintainers.

In this case, it often leads to opting people out of bug fixes and security updates. It also encourages version conflicts in environments that can’t have multiple versions of the same library, as is the case with Python. Furthermore, it makes it a lot harder for developers to learn from their mistakes and evolve the API to a better place. Rotten old design decisions will pull down the library for years to come.

A better solution at hand can be using CalVer and a time-window based warning system to evolve the API and remove old interfaces. Does it solve all problems? Absolutely not.

One thing it makes harder is library rewrites. For example, consider virtualenv's recent rewrite. Version 20 introduced a completely new API and changed some behaviours to new defaults. For such use cases in a CalVer world, you would likely need to release the rewritten project under a new name, such as virtualenv2. Then again, such complete rewrites are extremely rare (in the case of virtualenv, it involved twelve years passing).

No version scheme will allow you to predict with any certainty how compatible your software will be with potential future versions of your dependencies. The only reasonable choices are for libraries to choose minimum versions/excluded versions only, never maximum versions. For applications, do the same thing, but also add in a lock file of known, good versions with exact pins (this is the fundamental difference between install_requires and requirements.txt).

This doesn't necessarily apply to other ecosystems

All of this advice coming from me does not necessarily apply to all other packaging ecosystems. Python's flat dependency management has its pros and cons, hence why some other ecosystems do things differently.
