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vdirsyncer is a Python command-line tool for synchronizing calendars and addressbooks between a variety of servers and the local filesystem. The most popular usecase is to synchronize a server with a local folder and use a set of other programs such as khal to change the local events and contacts. Vdirsyncer can then synchronize those changes back to the server.

However, vdirsyncer is not limited to synchronizing between clients and servers. It can also be used to synchronize calendars and/or addressbooks between two servers directly.

It aims to be for calendars and contacts what OfflineIMAP is for emails.


Although it's available in the major package managers, you can get a more bleeding edge version with pip.

pipx install vdirsyncer
pipx inject vdirsyncer aiohttp-oauthlib

If you don't have pipx you can use pip.

You also need to install some dependencies for it to work:

sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxslt1.1 zlib1g


In this example we set up contacts synchronization, but calendar sync works almost the same. Just swap type = "carddav" for type = "caldav" and fileext = ".vcf" for fileext = ".ics".

By default, vdirsyncer looks for its configuration file in the following locations:

  • The file pointed to by the VDIRSYNCER_CONFIG environment variable.
  • ~/.vdirsyncer/config.
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vdirsyncer/config, which is normally ~/.config/vdirsyncer/config.

You need to create the directory as it's not created by default and the base config file.

The config file should start with a general section, where the only required parameter is status_path. The following is a minimal example:

status_path = "~/.vdirsyncer/status/"

After the general section, an arbitrary amount of pair and storage sections might come.

In vdirsyncer, synchronization is always done between two storages. Such storages are defined in storage sections, and which pairs of storages should actually be synchronized is defined in pair section. This format is copied from OfflineIMAP, where storages are called repositories and pairs are called accounts.

Syncing a calendar

To sync to a nextcloud calendar:

[pair my_calendars]
a = "my_calendars_local"
b = "my_calendars_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
metadata = ["color"]

[storage my_calendars_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.calendars/"
fileext = ".ics"

[storage my_calendars_remote]
type = "caldav"
#Can be obtained from nextcloud
url = "https://yournextcloud.example.lcl/remote.php/dav/calendars/USERNAME/personal/"
username = "<USERNAME>"
#Instead of inserting my plaintext password I fetch it using pass
password.fetch = ["command", "pass", "nextcloud"]
#SSL certificate fingerprint
verify_fingerprint = "FINGERPRINT"
#Verify ssl certificate. Set to false if it is self signed and not installed on local machine
verify = true

Read the SSl and certificate validation section to see how to create the verify_fingerprint.

Syncing an address book

The following example synchronizes ownCloud’s addressbooks to ~/.contacts/:

[pair my_contacts]
a = "my_contacts_local"
b = "my_contacts_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]

[storage my_contacts_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.contacts/"
fileext = ".vcf"

[storage my_contacts_remote]
type = "carddav"

# We can simplify this URL here as well. In theory it shouldn't matter.
url = ""
username = "bob"
password = "asdf"


Configuration for other servers can be found at

After running vdirsyncer discover and vdirsyncer sync, ~/.contacts/ will contain subdirectories for each addressbook, which in turn will contain a bunch of .vcf files which all contain a contact in VCARD format each. You can modify their contents, add new ones and delete some, and your changes will be synchronized to the CalDAV server after you run vdirsyncer sync again.

Conflict resolution

If the same item is changed on both sides vdirsyncer can manage the conflict in three ways:

  • Displaying an error message (the default).
  • Choosing one alternative version over the other.
  • Starts a command of your choice that is supposed to merge the two alternative versions.

Options 2 and 3 require adding a conflict_resolution parameter to the pair section. Option 2 requires giving either a wins or b wins as value to the parameter:

[pair my_contacts]
conflict_resolution = "b wins"

Earlier we wrote that b = "my_contacts_remote", so when vdirsyncer encounters the situation where an item changed on both sides, it will simply overwrite the local item with the one from the server.

Option 3 requires specifying as value of conflict_resolution an array starting with command and containing paths and arguments to a command. For example:

[pair my_contacts]
conflict_resolution = ["command", "vimdiff"]

In this example, vimdiff <a> <b> will be called with <a> and <b> being two temporary files containing the conflicting files. The files need to be exactly the same when the command returns. More arguments can be passed to the command by adding more elements to the array.

SSL and certificate validation

To pin the certificate by fingerprint:

[storage foo]
type = "caldav"
verify_fingerprint = "94:FD:7A:CB:50:75:A4:69:82:0A:F8:23:DF:07:FC:69:3E:CD:90:CA"
#verify = false  # Optional: Disable CA validation, useful for self-signed certs

SHA1-, SHA256- or MD5-Fingerprints can be used.

You can use the following command for obtaining a SHA-1 fingerprint:

echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256

Note that verify_fingerprint doesn't suffice for vdirsyncer to work with self-signed certificates (or certificates that are not in your trust store). You most likely need to set verify = false as well. This disables verification of the SSL certificate’s expiration time and the existence of it in your trust store, all that’s verified now is the fingerprint.

However, please consider using Let’s Encrypt such that you can forget about all of that. It is easier to deploy a free certificate from them than configuring all of your clients to accept the self-signed certificate.

Storing passwords

vdirsyncer can fetch passwords from several sources other than the config file.

Say you have the following configuration:

[storage foo]
type = "caldav"
url = ...
username = "foo"
password = "bar"

But it bugs you that the password is stored in cleartext in the config file. You can do this:

[storage foo]
type = "caldav"
url = ...
username = "foo"
password.fetch = ["command", "~/", "more", "args"]

You can fetch the username as well:

[storage foo]
type = "caldav"
url = ...
username.fetch = ["command", "~/"]
password.fetch = ["command", "~/"]

Or really any kind of parameter in a storage section.

With pass for example, you might find yourself writing something like this in your configuration file:

password.fetch = ["command", "pass", "caldav"]


vdirsyncer supports synchronization with Google calendars with the restriction that VTODO files are rejected by the server.

Synchronization with Google contacts is less reliable due to negligence of Google’s CardDAV API. Google’s CardDAV implementation is allegedly a disaster in terms of data safety. Always back up your data.

At first run you will be asked to authorize application for Google account access.

To use this storage type, you need to install some additional dependencies:

pip install vdirsyncer[google]
Official steps

As of 2022-10-13 these didn't work for me, see the next section

Furthermore you need to register vdirsyncer as an application yourself to obtain client_id and client_secret, as it is against Google’s Terms of Service to hardcode those into open source software:

  • Go to the Google API Manager and create a new project under any name.
  • Within that project, enable the CalDAV and CardDAV APIs (not the Calendar and Contacts APIs, those are different and won’t work). There should be a searchbox where you can just enter those terms.
  • In the sidebar, select Credentials and create a new OAuth Client ID. The application type is Other.
  • You’ll be prompted to create a OAuth consent screen first. Fill out that form however you like.
  • Finally you should have a Client ID and a Client secret. Provide these in your storage config.

The token_file parameter should be a filepath where vdirsyncer can later store authentication-related data. You do not need to create the file itself or write anything to it.

[storage example_for_google_calendar]
type = "google_calendar"
token_file = "..."
client_id = "..."
client_secret = "..."
#start_date = null
#end_date = null
#item_types = []
Use Nekr0z patch solution

look the previous section if you have doubts on any of the steps

If the official steps failed for you, try these ones:

  • Go to the Google API Manager and create a new project under any name.
  • Selected the vdirsyncer project
  • Went to Credentials -> Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID
  • Select "Web Application"
  • Under "Authorised redirect URIs" added pressed "Create".
  • Edit your vdirsyncer config [storage google] section to have the new client_id and client_secret ().
  • Find the location of the vdirsyncer/storage/ in your environment (mine was in ~/.local/pipx/venvs/vdirsyncer/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vdirsyncer/storage) and changed line 65 from




    You also need to find where it starts the wsgi server wsgiref.simple_server.make_server and set the port to 8088

    local_server = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server(
        host, 8088, wsgi_app, handler_class=_WSGIRequestHandler
  • Run vdirsyncer discover my_calendar.

  • Opened the link in my browser (on my desktop machine).

  • Proceeded with Google authentication until "Firefox can not connect to" was displayed. from the browser's address bar that looked like: * Copy the HERECOMESTHECODE part. * Paste the code into the session where vdirsyncer was running

If the redirect_ui line has changed, you need to find in the code where does it start the wsgi server and specify the same port as you have used in the google configuration, namely 8088.

See differences between syncs

If you create a git repository where you have your calendars you can do a git diff and see the files that have changed. If you do a commit after each sync you can have all the history.


Database is locked

First try to kill all stray vdirsyncer processes, if that doesn't work check for more solutions in this issue
