Speech recognition
To use with openai whisper:
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python-all-dev python3-all-dev
pip install 'SpeechRecognition[whisper-api,audio]'
Microphone recognition⚑
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# NOTE: this example requires PyAudio because it uses the Microphone class
import speech_recognition as sr
# obtain audio from the microphone
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
print("Say something!")
audio = r.listen(source)
# recognize speech using whisper
print("Whisper thinks you said " + r.recognize_whisper(audio, language="spanish"))
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Whisper could not understand audio")
except sr.RequestError as e:
print(f"Could not request results from Whisper; {e}")
Recognition from streamlit audiorecorder⚑
audio = audiorecorder().from_wav("audio.wav")
audio_data = io.BytesIO()
audio.export(audio_data, format="wav")
audio_data.seek(0) # Go back to the start of the BytesIO object
# Use speech_recognition to recognize the audio
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
# Load the BytesIO stream as an AudioFile object
with sr.AudioFile(audio_data) as source:
audio = recognizer.record(source)
text = recognizer.recognize_whisper(audio)
Add the initial prompt to the whisper recognition⚑
text = recognizer.recognize_whisper(audio, initial_prompt="your desired words")