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Poetry is a command line program that helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of Python projects, ensuring you have the right stack everywhere.

poetry saves all the information in the pyproject.toml file, including the project development and program dependencies, for example:

name = "poetry-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Sébastien Eustace <>"]

python = "*"

pytest = "^3.4"


Although the official docs tell you to run:

curl -sSL | python3 -

pip install poetry works too, which looks safer than executing arbitrary code from an url.

To enable shell completion for zsh run:

# Zsh
poetry completions zsh > ~/.zfunc/_poetry

# Oh-My-Zsh
mkdir $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/poetry
poetry completions zsh > $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/poetry/_poetry

For zsh, you must then add the following line in your ~/.zshrc before compinit:


For oh-my-zsh, you must then enable poetry in your ~/.zshrc plugins:


Basic Usage

Initializing a pre-existing project

Instead of creating a new project, Poetry can be used to ‘initialise’ a pre-populated directory with poetry init. You can use the next options

  • --name: Name of the package.
  • --description: Description of the package.
  • --author: Author of the package.
  • --python: Compatible Python versions.
  • --dependency: Package to require with a version constraint. Should be in format foo:1.0.0.
  • --dev-dependency: Development requirements, see --require.

Installing dependencies

To install the defined dependencies for your project, just run the install command.

poetry install

When you run this command, one of two things may happen:

  • Installing without poetry.lock: If you have never run the command before and there is also no poetry.lock file present, Poetry simply resolves all dependencies listed in your pyproject.toml file and downloads the latest version of their files.

    When Poetry has finished installing, it writes all of the packages and the exact versions of them that it downloaded to the poetry.lock file, locking the project to those specific versions. You should commit the poetry.lock file to your project repo so that all people working on the project are locked to the same versions of dependencies.

  • Installing with poetry.lock: If there is already a poetry.lock file as well as a pyproject.toml, poetry resolves and installs all dependencies that you listed in pyproject.toml, but Poetry uses the exact versions listed in poetry.lock to ensure that the package versions are consistent for everyone working on your project. As a result you will have all dependencies requested by your pyproject.toml file, but they may not all be at the very latest available versions (some of the dependencies listed in the poetry.lock file may have released newer versions since the file was created). This is by design, it ensures that your project does not break because of unexpected changes in dependencies.

The current project is installed in editable mode by default.

If you don't want the development requirements use the --no-dev flag.

To remove the untracked dependencies that are no longer in the lock file, use --remove-untracked.

Updating dependencies to their latest versions

The poetry.lock file prevents you from automatically getting the latest versions of your dependencies. To update to the latest versions, use the update command. This will fetch the latest matching versions (according to your pyproject.toml file) and update the lock file with the new versions. (This is equivalent to deleting the poetry.lock file and running install again.)

The main problem is that poetry add does upper pinning of dependencies by default, which is a really bad idea. And they don't plan to change.

There is currently no way of updating your pyproject.toml dependency definitions so they match the latest version beyond your constrains. So if you have constrained a package to be <2.0.0 and 3.0.0 is out there, you will have to manually edit the pyproject.toml so that it accepts that new version. There is no automatic process that does this. At least you can use poetry show --outdated and it will tell you which is the new version, and if the output is zero, you're sure you're on the last versions.

Some workarounds exists though, if you run poetry add dependency@latest it will update the lock to the latest. MousaZeidBaker made poetryup, a tool that is able to update the requirements to the latest version with poetryup --latest (although it still has some bugs). Given that it uses poetry add <package>@latest behind the scenes, it will change your version pin to ^<new_version>, which as we've seen it's awful.

Again, you should not be trying to do this, it's better to improve how you manage your dependencies.

Debugging why a package is not updated to the latest version

Sometimes packages are not updated with poetry update or poetryup, to debug why, you need to understand if some package is setting a constrain that prevents the upgrade. To do that, first check the outdated packages with poetry show -o and for each of them:

Removing a dependency

poetry remove pendulum

With the -D or --dev flag, it removes the dependency from the development ones.

Building the package

Before you can actually publish your library, you will need to package it.

poetry build

This command will package your library in two different formats: sdist which is the source format, and wheel which is a compiled package.

Once that’s done you are ready to publish your library.

Publishing to PyPI

Poetry will publish to PyPI by default. Anything that is published to PyPI is available automatically through Poetry.

poetry publish

This will package and publish the library to PyPI, at the condition that you are a registered user and you have configured your credentials properly.

If you pass the --build flag, it will also build the package.

Publishing to a private repository

Sometimes, you may want to keep your library private but also being accessible to your team. In this case, you will need to use a private repository.

You will need to add it to your global list of repositories.

Once this is done, you can actually publish to it like so:

poetry publish -r my-repository

Specifying dependencies

If you want to add dependencies to your project, you can specify them in the tool.poetry.dependencies section.

pendulum = "^1.4"

As you can see, it takes a mapping of package names and version constraints.

Poetry uses this information to search for the right set of files in package “repositories” that you register in the tool.poetry.repositories section, or on PyPI by default.

Also, instead of modifying the pyproject.toml file by hand, you can use the add command.

poetry add pendulum

It will automatically find a suitable version constraint and install the package and subdependencies.

If you want to add the dependency to the development ones, use the -D or --dev flag.

Using your virtual environment

By default, poetry creates a virtual environment in {cache-dir}/virtualenvs. You can change the cache-dir value by editing the poetry config. Additionally, you can use the configuration variable to create virtual environment within your project directory.

There are several ways to run commands within this virtual environment.

To run your script simply use poetry run python Likewise if you have command line tools such as pytest or black you can run them using poetry run pytest.

The easiest way to activate the virtual environment is to create a new shell with poetry shell.

Version Management

poetry version shows the current version of the project. If you pass an argument, it will bump the version of the package, for example poetry version minor. But it doesn't read your commits to decide what kind of bump you apply, so I'd keep on using pip-compile.

Dependency Specification

Dependencies for a project can be specified in various forms, which depend on the type of the dependency and on the optional constraints that might be needed for it to be installed.

They don't follow Python's specification PEP508

Caret Requirements

Caret requirements allow SemVer compatible updates to a specified version. An update is allowed if the new version number does not modify the left-most non-zero digit in the major, minor, patch grouping. In this case, if we ran poetry update requests, poetry would update us to the next versions:

Requirement Versions allowed
^1.2.3 >=1.2.3 <2.0.0
^1.2 >=1.2.0 <2.0.0
^1 >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
^0.2.3 >=0.2.3 <0.3.0
^0.0.3 >=0.0.3 <0.0.4
^0.0 >=0.0.0 <0.1.0
^0 >=0.0.0 <1.0.0

Tilde requirements

Tilde requirements specify a minimal version with some ability to update. If you specify a major, minor, and patch version or only a major and minor version, only patch-level changes are allowed. If you only specify a major version, then minor- and patch-level changes are allowed.

Requirement Versions allowed
~1.2.3 >=1.2.3 <1.3.0
~1.2 >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
~1 >=1.0.0 <2.0.0

Wildcard requirements

Wildcard requirements allow for the latest (dependency dependent) version where the wildcard is positioned.

Requirement Versions allowed
* >=0.0.0
1.* >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
1.2.* >=1.2.0 <1.3.0

Inequality requirements

Inequality requirements allow manually specifying a version range or an exact version to depend on.

Here are some examples of inequality requirements:

>= 1.2.0
> 1
< 2
!= 1.2.3

Exact requirements

You can specify the exact version of a package. This will tell Poetry to install this version and this version only. If other dependencies require a different version, the solver will ultimately fail and abort any install or update procedures.

Multiple version requirements can also be separated with a comma, e.g. >= 1.2, < 1.5.

git dependencies

To depend on a library located in a git repository, the minimum information you need to specify is the location of the repository with the git key:

requests = { git = "" }

Since we haven’t specified any other information, Poetry assumes that we intend to use the latest commit on the master branch to build our project.

You can combine the git key with the branch key to use another branch. Alternatively, use rev or tag to pin a dependency to a specific commit hash or tagged ref, respectively. For example:

# Get the latest revision on the branch named "next"
requests = { git = "", branch = "next" }
# Get a revision by its commit hash
flask = { git = "", rev = "38eb5d3b" }
# Get a revision by its tag
numpy = { git = "", tag = "v0.13.2" }

When using poetry add you can add:

  • A https cloned repo: poetry add git+
  • A ssh cloned repo: poetry add git+ssh://

If you need to checkout a specific branch, tag or revision, you can specify it when using add:

poetry add git+
poetry add git+

path dependencies

To depend on a library located in a local directory or file, you can use the path property:

# directory
my-package = { path = "../my-package/", develop = false }

# file
my-package = { path = "../my-package/dist/my-package-0.1.0.tar.gz" }

When using poetry add, you can point them directly to the package or the file:

poetry add ./my-package/
poetry add ../my-package/dist/my-package-0.1.0.tar.gz
poetry add ../my-package/dist/my_package-0.1.0.whl

If you want the dependency to be installed in editable mode you can specify it in the pyproject.toml file. It means that changes in the local directory will be reflected directly in environment.

my-package = {path = "../my/path", develop = true}

url dependencies

To depend on a library located on a remote archive, you can use the url property:

# directory
my-package = { url = "" }

With the corresponding add call:

poetry add

Python restricted dependencies

You can also specify that a dependency should be installed only for specific Python versions:

pathlib2 = { version = "^2.2", python = "~2.7" }

pathlib2 = { version = "^2.2", python = "~2.7 || ^3.2" }

Multiple constraints dependencies

Sometimes, one of your dependency may have different version ranges depending on the target Python versions.

Let’s say you have a dependency on the package foo which is only compatible with Python <3.0 up to version 1.9 and compatible with Python 3.4+ from version 2.0. You would declare it like so:

foo = [
    {version = "<=1.9", python = "^2.7"},
    {version = "^2.0", python = "^3.4"}

Show the available packages

To list all of the available packages, you can use the show command.

poetry show

If you want to see the details of a certain package, you can pass the package name.

poetry show pendulum

name        : pendulum
version     : 1.4.2
description : Python datetimes made easy

 - python-dateutil >=2.6.1
 - tzlocal >=1.4
 - pytzdata >=2017.2.2

By default it will print all the dependencies, if you pass --no-dev it will only show your package's ones.

With the -l or --latest it will show the latest version of the packages, and with -o or --outdated it will show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated.

Search for dependencies

This command searches for packages on a remote index.

poetry search requests pendulum

[Export requirements to


poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt

Project setup

If you don't already have a cookiecutter for your python projects, you can use poetry new poetry-demo, and it will create the poetry-demo directory with the following content:

├── pyproject.toml
├── README.rst
├── poetry_demo
│   └──
└── tests

If you want to use the src project structure, pass the --src flag.

Checking what package is using a dependency

Even though poetry is supposed to show the information of which packages depend on a specific package with poetry show package, I don't see it.

Luckily snejus made a small script that shows the information. Save it somewhere in your PATH.

_format () {
    tr -d '"' |
        sed "s/ \+>[^ ]* \+<.*/$_YELLOW/" | # ~ / ^ / < >= ~ a window
        sed "s/ \+>[^ ]* *$/$_GREEN/" |     # >= no upper limit
        sed "/>/ !s/<.*$/$_RED/" |          # < ~ upper limit
        sed "/>\|</ !s/ .*/  $_RED/"        # == ~ locked version

_requires () {
    sed -n "/^name = \"$1\"/I,/\[\[package\]\]/{
                    /^[^[]/ {
                        s/= {version = \(\"[^\"]*\"\).*/, \1/p;
                        s/ =/,/gp
             }}}" poetry.lock |
        sed "/,.*,/!s/</,</; s/^[^<]\+$/&,/" |
        column -t -s , | _format

_required_by () {
    sed -n "/\[metadata\]/,//d;
            /^name\|^$1 = /Ip" poetry.lock |
        sed -n "/^$1/I{x;G;p};h" |
        sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/' |
        sed '$!N;s/\n/ /' |
        column -t | _format

deps() {
    echo -e "\e[1mREQUIRES\e[0m"
    _requires "$1" | xargs -i echo -e "\t{}"
    echo -e "\e[1mREQUIRED BY\e[0m"
    _required_by "$1" | xargs -i echo -e "\t{}"

deps $1


Poetry can be configured via the config command (see more about its usage here) or directly in the config.toml file that will be automatically be created when you first run that command. This file can typically be found in ~/.config/pypoetry.

Poetry also provides the ability to have settings that are specific to a project by passing the --local option to the config command.

poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local

List the current configuration

To list the current configuration you can use the --list option of the config command:

poetry config --list

Which will give you something similar to this:

cache-dir = "/path/to/cache/directory"
virtualenvs.create = true = null
virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}/virtualenvs"  # /path/to/cache/directory/virtualenvs

Adding or updating a configuration setting

To change or otherwise add a new configuration setting, you can pass a value after the setting’s name:

poetry config virtualenvs.path /path/to/cache/directory/virtualenvs

For a full list of the supported settings see Available settings.

Removing a specific setting

If you want to remove a previously set setting, you can use the --unset option:

poetry config virtualenvs.path --unset

Adding a repository

Adding a new repository is easy with the config command.

poetry config

This will set the url for repository foo to

Configuring credentials

If you want to store your credentials for a specific repository, you can do so easily:

poetry config username password

If you do not specify the password you will be prompted to write it.

To publish to PyPI, you can set your credentials for the repository named pypi.

Note that it is recommended to use API tokens when uploading packages to PyPI. Once you have created a new token, you can tell Poetry to use it:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi my-token

If a system keyring is available and supported, the password is stored to and retrieved from the keyring. In the above example, the credential will be stored using the name poetry-repository-pypi. If access to keyring fails or is unsupported, this will fall back to writing the password to the auth.toml file along with the username.

Keyring support is enabled using the keyring library. For more information on supported backends refer to the library documentation. It doesn't support pass by default, but Steffen Vogel created a specific keyring backend. Alternatively, you can use environment variables to provide the credentials:

export POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_PYPI=my-token

I've tried setting up the keyring but I get the next error:


  HTTP Error 403: Invalid or non-existent authentication information. See for more information.

  at ~/.venvs/autodev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/poetry/publishing/ in _upload
      212                     self._register(session, url)
      213                 except HTTPError as e:
      214                     raise UploadError(e)
     216             raise UploadError(e)
      218     def _do_upload(
      219         self, session, url, dry_run=False
      220     ):  # type: (requests.Session, str, Optional[bool]) -> None

The keyring was configured with:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi internet/pypi.token

And I'm sure that the keyring works because python -m keyring get internet pypi.token works.

I've also tried with the environmental variable POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_PYPI but it didn't work either. And setting the configuration as poetry config http-basic.pypi __token__ internet/pypi.token.

Finally I had to hardcode the token with poetry config pypi-token.pypi "$(pass show internet/pypi.token). Although I can't find where it's storing the value :S.
