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Package Management

Managing Python libraries is a nightmare for most developers, it has driven me crazy trying to keep all the requirements of the projects I maintain updated.

I tried with pip-tools, but I was probably using it wrong. As package management has evolved a lot in the latest years, I'm going to compare Poetry, pipenv, pdm with my current workflow.

Tool Stars Forks Latest commit Commits Issues Open/New/Closed PR Open/New/Merged
Poetry 17.3k 1.4k 11h 1992 1.1k/58/80 149/13/77
Pipenv 22.5k 1.7k 5d 7226 555/12/54 32/0/22
pdm 1.3k 54 11h 1539 12/3/43 3/2/11

The New and Closed are taken from the Pulse insights of the last month. This data was taken on the 2021-11-30 so it will probably be outdated.

Both Poetry and Pipenv are very popular, it looks that Poetry is more alive this last month, but they are both actively developed. pdm is actively developed but at other level.

Pipenv has broad support. It is an official project of the Python Packaging Authority, alongside pip. It's also supported by the Heroku Python buildpack, which is useful for anyone with Heroku or Dokku-based deployment strategies.

Poetry is a one-stop shop for dependency management and package management. It simplifies creating a package, managing its dependencies, and publishing it. Compared to Pipenv, Poetry's separate add and install commands are more explicit, and it's faster for everything except for a full dependency install.


A Solver tries to find a working set of dependencies that all agree with each other. By looking back in time, it’s happy to solve very old versions of packages if newer ones are supposed to be incompatible. This can be helpful, but is slow, and also means you can easily get a very ancient set of packages when you thought you were getting the latest versions.

Pip’s solver changed in version 20.3 to become significantly smarter. The old solver would ignore incompatible transitive requirements much more often than the new solver does. This means that an upper cap in a library might have been ignored before, but is much more likely to break things or change the solve now.

Poetry has a unique and very strict (and slower) solver that goes even farther hunting for solutions. It forces you to cap Python if a dependency does. One key difference is that Poetry has the original environment specification to work with every time, while pip does not know what the original environment constraints were. This enables Poetry to roll back a dependency on a subsequent solve, while pip does not know what the original requirements were and so does not know if an older package is valid when it encounters a new cap.


Features I like:

  • Stores program and development requirements in the pyproject.toml file.
  • Don't need to manually edit requirements files to add new packages to the program or dev requirements, simply use poetry add.
  • Easy initialization of the development environment with poetry install.
  • Powerful dependency specification

    • Installable packages with git dependencies???
    • Easy to specify local directory dependencies, even in editable mode.
    • Specify different dependencies for different python versions
  • It manage the building of your package, you don't need to manually configure sdist and wheel.

  • Nice dependency view with poetry show.
  • Nice dependency search interface with poetry search.
  • Sync your environment packages with the lock file.

Things I don't like that much:

  • It does upper version capping by default, it even ignores your pins and adds the ^<new_version pin if you run poetry add <package>@latest Given that upper version capping is becoming a big problem in the Python environment I'd stay away from poetry.

    This is specially useless when you add dependencies that follow CalVer. poetry add packaging will still do ^21 for the version it adds. You shouldn’t be capping versions, but you really shouldn’t be capping CalVer.

    It's equally troublesome that it upper pins the python version.

  • Have their own dependency specification format similar to npm and incompatible with Python's PEP508.

  • No automatic process to update the dependencies constrains to match the latest version available. So if you have constrained a package to be <2.0.0 and 3.0.0 is out there, you will have to manually edit the pyproject.toml so that it accepts that new version. At least you can use poetry show --outdated and it will tell you which is the new version, and if the output is zero, you're sure you're on the last versions.


Features I like:

  • The pin strategy defaults to only add lower pins helping preventing the upper capping problem.
  • It can't achieve dependency isolation without virtualenvs.
  • Follows the Python's dependency specification format PEP508.
  • Supports different strategies to add and update dependencies.
  • Command to update your requirements constrains when updating your packages.
  • Sync your environment packages with the lock file.
  • Easy to install package in editable mode.
  • Easy to install local dependencies.
  • You can force the installation of a package at your own risk even if it breaks the version constrains. (Useful if you're blocked by a third party upper bound)
  • Changing the python version is as simple as running python use <python_version>.
  • Plugin system where adding functionality is feasible (like the publish subcommand).
  • Both global and local configuration.
  • Nice interface to change the configuration.
  • Automatic management of dependencies cache, where you only have one instance of each package version, and if no project needs it, it will be removed.
  • Has a nice interface to see the cache usage
  • Has the possibility of managing the global packages too.
  • Allows the definition of scripts possibly removing the need of a makefile
  • It's able to read the version of the program from a file, avoiding the duplication of the information.
  • You can group your development dependencies in groups.
  • Easy to define extra dependencies for your program.
  • It has sensible defaults for includes and excludes when packaging.
  • It's the fastest and most correct one.


  • They don't say how to configure your environment to work with vim.


PDM offers the same features as Poetry with the additions of the possibility of selecting your version capping strategy, and doesn’t cap as badly, and follows more PEP standards.
