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pytest-xprocess is a pytest plugin for managing external processes across test runs.


pip install pytest-xprocess


Define your process fixture in

import pytest
from xprocess import ProcessStarter

def myserver(xprocess):
    class Starter(ProcessStarter):
        # startup pattern
        pattern = "[Ss]erver has started!"

        # command to start process
        args = ['command', 'arg1', 'arg2']

    # ensure process is running and return its logfile
    logfile = xprocess.ensure("myserver", Starter)

    conn = # create a connection or url/port info to the server
    yield conn

    # clean up whole process tree afterwards

Now you can use this fixture in any test functions where myserver needs to be up and xprocess will take care of it for you.

Matching process output with pattern

In order to detect that your process is ready to answer queries, pytest-xprocess allows the user to provide a string pattern by setting the class variable pattern in the Starter class. pattern will be waited for in the process logfile for a maximum time defined by timeout before timing out in case the provided pattern is not matched.

It’s important to note that pattern is a regular expression and will be matched using python

Controlling Startup Wait Time with timeout

Some processes naturally take longer to start than others. By default, pytest-xprocess will wait for a maximum of 120 seconds for a given process to start before raising a TimeoutError. Changing this value may be useful, for example, when the user knows that a given process would never take longer than a known amount of time to start under normal circunstancies, so if it does go over this known upper boundary, that means something is wrong and the waiting process must be interrupted. The maximum wait time can be controlled through the class variable timeout.

   def myserver(xprocess):
       class Starter(ProcessStarter):
           # will wait for 10 seconds before timing out
           timeout = 10

Passing command line arguments to your process with args

In order to start a process, pytest-xprocess must be given a command to be passed into the subprocess.Popen constructor. Any arguments passed to the process command can also be passed using args. As an example, if I usually use the following command to start a given process:

$> myproc -name "bacon" -cores 4 <destdir>

That would look like:

args = ['myproc', '-name', '"bacon"', '-cores', 4, '<destdir>']

When using args in pytest-xprocess to start the same process.

def myserver(xprocess):
    class Starter(ProcessStarter):
        # will pass "$> myproc -name "bacon" -cores 4 <destdir>"  to the
        # subprocess.Popen constructor so the process can be started with
        # the given arguments
        args = ['myproc', '-name', '"bacon"', '-cores', 4, '<destdir>']

        # ...
