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Pydantic Factories

Pydantic factories is a library offers powerful mock data generation capabilities for pydantic based models and dataclasses. It automatically creates FactoryBoy factories from a pydantic model.


from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import List, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, UUID4

from pydantic_factories import ModelFactory

class Person(BaseModel):
    id: UUID4
    name: str
    hobbies: List[str]
    age: Union[float, int]
    birthday: Union[datetime, date]

class PersonFactory(ModelFactory[Any]):
    __model__ = Person

result =

This is possible because of the typing information available on the pydantic model and model-fields, which are used as a source of truth for data generation.

The factory parses the information stored in the pydantic model and generates a dictionary of kwargs that are passed to the Person class' init method.


pip install pydantic-factories

Basic Usage

Build Methods

The ModelFactory class exposes two build methods:

  • .build(**kwargs): builds a single instance of the factory's model.
  • .batch(size: int, **kwargs): build a list of size n instances.
result =  # a single Person instance

result = PersonFactory.batch(size=5)  # list[Person, Person, Person, Person, Person]

Any kwargs you pass to .build, .batch or any of the persistence methods, will take precedence over whatever defaults are defined on the factory class itself.

Nested Models and Complex types

The automatic generation of mock data works for all types supported by pydantic, as well as nested classes that derive from BaseModel (including for 3rd party libraries) and complex types.

Defining Factory Attributes

The factory api is designed to be as semantic and simple as possible, lets look at several examples that assume we have the following models:

from datetime import date, datetime
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel, UUID4
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

class Species(str, Enum):
    CAT = "Cat"
    DOG = "Dog"

class Pet(BaseModel):
    name: str
    species: Species

class Person(BaseModel):
    id: UUID4
    name: str
    hobbies: List[str]
    age: Union[float, int]
    birthday: Union[datetime, date]
    pets: List[Pet]
    assets: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

One way of defining defaults is to use hardcoded values:

pet = Pet(name="Roxy", sound="woof woof", species=Species.DOG)

class PersonFactory(ModelFactory):
    __model__ = Person

    pets = [pet]

In this case when we call the result will be randomly generated, except the pets list, which will be the hardcoded default we defined.

Use field

This though is often not desirable. We could instead, define a factory for Pet where we restrict the choices to a range we like. For example:

from enum import Enum
from pydantic_factories import ModelFactory, Use
from random import choice

from .models import Pet, Person

class Species(str, Enum):
    CAT = "Cat"
    DOG = "Dog"

class PetFactory(ModelFactory):
    __model__ = Pet

    name = Use(choice, ["Ralph", "Roxy"])
    species = Use(choice, list(Species))

class PersonFactory(ModelFactory):
    __model__ = Person

    pets = Use(PetFactory.batch, size=2)

The signature for use is: cb: Callable, *args, **defaults, it can receive any sync callable. In the above example, we used the choice function from the standard library's random package, and the batch method of PetFactory.

You do not need to use the Use field, you can place callables (including classes) as values for a factory's attribute directly, and these will be invoked at build-time. Thus, you could for example re-write the above PetFactory like so:

class PetFactory(ModelFactory):
    __model__ = Pet

    name = lambda: choice(["Ralph", "Roxy"])
    species = lambda: choice(list(Species))

Use is merely a semantic abstraction that makes the factory cleaner and simpler to understand.

Ignore (field)

Ignore is another field exported by this library, and its used - as its name implies - to designate a given attribute as ignored:

from typing import TypeVar

from odmantic import EmbeddedModel, Model
from pydantic_factories import ModelFactory, Ignore

T = TypeVar("T", Model, EmbeddedModel)

class OdmanticModelFactory(ModelFactory[T]):
    id = Ignore()

The above example is basically the extension included in pydantic-factories for the library ODMantic, which is a pydantic based mongo ODM.

For ODMantic models, the id attribute should not be set by the factory, but rather handled by the odmantic logic itself. Thus, the id field is marked as ignored.

When you ignore an attribute using Ignore, it will be completely ignored by the factory - that is, it will not be set as a kwarg passed to pydantic at all.

Require (field)

The Require field in turn specifies that a particular attribute is a required kwarg. That is, if a kwarg with a value for this particular attribute is not passed when calling, a MissingBuildKwargError will be raised.

What is the use case for this? For example, lets say we have a document called Article which we store in some DB and is represented using a non-pydantic model. We then need to store in our pydantic object a reference to an id for this article. This value should not be some mock value, but must rather be an actual id passed to the factory. Thus, we can define this attribute as required:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic_factories import ModelFactory, Require
from uuid import UUID

class ArticleProxy(BaseModel):
    article_id: UUID

class ArticleProxyFactory(ModelFactory):
    __model__ = ArticleProxy

    article_id = Require()

If we call without passing a value for article_id, an error will be raised.

[Creating your custom


If your model has an attribute that is not supported by pydantic-factories and it depends on third party libraries, you can create your custom extension subclassing the ModelFactory, and overriding the get_mock_value method to add your logic.

from pydantic_factories import ModelFactory

class CustomFactory(ModelFactory[Any]):
    """Tweak the ModelFactory to add our custom mocks."""

    def get_mock_value(cls, field_type: Any) -> Any:
        """Add our custom mock value."""
        if str(field_type) == "my_super_rare_datetime_field":
            return cls._get_faker().date_time_between()

        return super().get_mock_value(field_type)

Where cls._get_faker() is a faker instance that you can use to build your returned value.


Use pydantic-factories with pytest-freezegun

As pytest-freezegun overrides the datetime.datetime class, pydantic-factories is not able to find the correct generator for the datetime fields. It's solved by creating a custom factory

from typing import Any
from pydantic_factories import ModelFactory

class CustomFactory(ModelFactory[Any]):
    """Tweak the ModelFactory to add our custom mocks."""

    def get_mock_value(cls, field_type: Any) -> Any:
        """Add our custom mock value."""
        if str(field_type) == "<class 'datetime.datetime'>":
            return cls._get_faker().date_time_between()

        return super().get_mock_value(field_type)
