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PDM is a modern Python package manager with PEP 582 support. It installs and manages packages in a similar way to npm that doesn't need to create a virtualenv at all!


  • PEP 582 local package installer and runner, no virtualenv involved at all.
  • Simple and relatively fast dependency resolver, mainly for large binary distributions.
  • A PEP 517 build backend.
  • PEP 621 project metadata.


curl -sSL | python3 -

For security reasons, you should verify the checksum. The sha256 checksum is: 70ac95c53830ff41d700051c9caebd83b2b85b5d6066e8f853006f9f07293ff0, if it doesn't match check if there is a newer version.

Other methods

pip install --user pdm

Enable PEP 582 globally

To make the Python interpreters aware of PEP 582 packages, one need to add the pdm/pep582/ to the Python library search path.

pdm --pep582 zsh >> ~/.zshrc

Use it with the IDE

Now there are not built-in support or plugins for PEP 582 in most IDEs, you have to configure your tools manually. They say how to configure Pycharm and VSCode, but there's still no instructions for vim.

PDM will write and store project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml and you are recommended to add following lines in the .gitignore:



PDM provides a bunch of handful commands to help manage your project and dependencies.

Initialize a project

pdm init

Answer several questions asked by PDM and a pyproject.toml will be created for you in the project root:

name = "pdm-test"
version = "0.0.0"
description = ""
requires-python = ">=3.7"
dependencies = []
name = "Frost Ming"
email = ""

text = "MIT"

If pyproject.toml is already present, it will be updated with the metadata following the PEP 621 specification.

Import project metadata from existing project files

If you are already other package manager tools like Pipenv or Poetry, it is easy to migrate to PDM. PDM provides import command so that you don't have to initialize the project manually, it now supports:

  1. Pipenv's Pipfile
  2. Poetry's section in pyproject.toml
  3. Flit's section in pyproject.toml
  4. requirements.txt format used by Pip

Also, when you are executing pdm init or pdm install, PDM can auto-detect possible files to import if your PDM project has not been initialized yet.

Adding dependencies

pdm add can be followed by one or several dependencies, and the dependency specification is described in PEP 508, you have a summary of the possibilities here.

pdm add requests

PDM also allows extra dependency groups by providing -G/--group <name> option, and those dependencies will go to [project.optional-dependencies.<name>] table in the project file, respectively.

After that, dependencies and sub-dependencies will be resolved properly and installed for you, you can view pdm.lock to see the resolved result of all dependencies.

Add local dependencies

Local packages can be added with their paths:

pdm add ./sub-package

Local packages can be installed in editable mode (just like pip install -e <local project path> would) using pdm add -e/--editable <local project path>.

Add development only dependencies

PDM also supports defining groups of dependencies that are useful for development, e.g. some for testing and others for linting. We usually don't want these dependencies appear in the distribution's metadata so using optional-dependencies is probably not a good idea. We can define them as development dependencies:

pdm add -d pytest

This will result in a pyproject.toml as following:

test = [ "pytest",]
Save version specifiers

If the package is given without a version specifier like pdm add requests. PDM provides three different behaviors of what version specifier is saved for the dependency, which is given by --save-<strategy>(Assume 2.21.0 is the latest version that can be found for the dependency):

  • minimum: Save the minimum version specifier: >=2.21.0 (default).
  • compatible: Save the compatible version specifier: >=2.21.0,<3.0.0(default).
  • exact: Save the exact version specifier: ==2.21.0.
  • wildcard: Don't constrain version and leave the specifier to be wildcard: *.

Supporting pre-releases

To help package maintainers, you can allow pre-releases to be validate candidates, that way you'll get the issues sooner. It will mean more time to maintain the broken CIs if you update your packages daily (as you should!), but it's the least you can do to help your downstream library maintainers

By default, pdm's dependency resolver will ignore prereleases unless there are no stable versions for the given version range of a dependency. This behavior can be changed by setting allow_prereleases to true in [tool.pdm] table:

allow_prereleases = true

Update existing dependencies

To update all dependencies in the lock file use:

pdm update

To update the specified package(s):

pdm update requests

To update multiple groups of dependencies:

pdm update -G security -G http

To update a given package in the specified group:

pdm update -G security cryptography

If the group is not given, PDM will search for the requirement in the default dependencies set and raises an error if none is found.

To update packages in development dependencies:

# Update all default + dev-dependencies
pdm update -d
# Update a package in the specified group of dev-dependencies
pdm update -dG test pytest

Keep in mind that pdm update doesn't touch the constrains in pyproject.toml, if you want to update them you'd need to use the --unconstrained flag which will ignore all the constrains of downstream packages and update them to the latest version setting the pin accordingly to your update strategy.

Updating the pyproject.toml constrains to match the pdm.lock as close as possible makes sense to avoid unexpected errors when users use other version of the libraries, as the tests are run only against the versions specified in pdm.lock.

About update strategy

Similarly, PDM also provides 2 different behaviors of updating dependencies and sub-dependencies, which is given by --update-<strategy> option:

  • reuse: Keep all locked dependencies except for those given in the command line (default).
  • eager: Try to lock a newer version of the packages in command line and their recursive sub-dependencies and keep other dependencies as they are.

Update packages to the versions that break the version specifiers

One can give -u/--unconstrained to tell PDM to ignore the version specifiers in the pyproject.toml. This works similarly to the yarn upgrade -L/--latest command. Besides, pdm update also supports the --pre/--prerelease option.

Remove existing dependencies

To remove existing dependencies from project file and the library directory:

# Remove requests from the default dependencies
pdm remove requests
# Remove h11 from the 'web' group of optional-dependencies
pdm remove -G web h11
# Remove pytest-cov from the `test` group of dev-dependencies
pdm remove -d pytest-cov

Install the packages pinned in lock file

There are two similar commands to do this job with a slight difference:

  • pdm install will check the lock file and relock if it mismatches with project file, then install.
  • pdm sync installs dependencies in the lock file and will error out if it doesn't exist. Besides, pdm sync can also remove unneeded packages if --clean option is given.

All development dependencies are included as long as --prod is not passed and -G doesn't specify any dev groups.

Besides, if you don't want the root project to be installed, add --no-self option, and --no-editable can be used when you want all packages to be installed in non-editable versions. With --no-editable turn on, you can safely archive the whole __pypackages__ and copy it to the target environment for deployment.

Show what packages are installed

Similar to pip list, you can list all packages installed in the packages directory:

pdm list

Or show a dependency graph by:

$ pdm list --graph
tempenv 0.0.0
└── click 7.0 [ required: <7.0.0,>=6.7 ]
black 19.10b0
├── appdirs 1.4.3 [ required: Any ]
├── attrs 19.3.0 [ required: >=18.1.0 ]
├── click 7.0 [ required: >=6.5 ]
├── pathspec 0.7.0 [ required: <1,>=0.6 ]
├── regex 2020.2.20 [ required: Any ]
├── toml 0.10.0 [ required: >=0.9.4 ]
└── typed-ast 1.4.1 [ required: >=1.4.0 ]
bump2version 1.0.0

Solve the locking failure

If PDM is not able to find a resolution to satisfy the requirements, it will raise an error. For example,

pdm django==3.1.4 "asgiref<3"
🔒 Lock failed
Unable to find a resolution for asgiref because of the following conflicts:
asgiref<3 (from project)
asgiref<4,>=3.2.10 (from <Candidate django 3.1.4 from>)
To fix this, you could loosen the dependency version constraints in pyproject.toml. If that is not possible, you could also override the resolved version in [tool.pdm.overrides] table.

You can either change to a lower version of django or remove the upper bound of asgiref. But if it is not eligible for your project, you can tell PDM to forcely resolve asgiref to a specific version by adding the following lines to pyproject.toml:

asgiref = ">=3.2.10"

Each entry of that table is a package name with the wanted version. The value can also be a URL to a file or a VCS repository like git+https://.... On reading this, PDM will pin asgiref@3.2.10 or the greater version in the lock file no matter whether there is any other resolution available.

Note: By using [tool.pdm.overrides] setting, you are at your own risk of any incompatibilities from that resolution. It can only be used if there is no valid resolution for your requirements and you know the specific version works. Most of the time, you can just add any transient constraints to the dependencies array.

Solve circular dependencies

Sometimes pdm is not able to locate the best package combination, or it does too many loops, so to help it you can updatehtml. your version constrains so that it has the minimum number of candidates.

To solve circular dependencies we first need to locate what are the conflicting packages, pdm doesn't make it easy to detect them. To do that first try to update each of your groups independently with pdm update -G group_name. If that doesn't work remove from your pyproject.toml groups of dependencies until the command works and add back one group by group until you detect the ones that fail.

Also it's useful to reduce the number of possibilities of versions of each dependency to make things easier to pdm. Locate all the outdated packages by doing pdm show on each package until this issue is solved and run pdm update {package} --unconstrained for each of them. If you're already on the latest version, update your pyproject.toml to match the latest state.

Once you have everything to the latest compatible version, you can try to upgrade the rest of the packages one by one to the latest with --unconstrained.

In the process of doing these steps you'll see some conflicts in the dependencies that can be manually solved by preventing those versions to be installed or maybe changing the python-requires, although this should be done as the last resource.

It also helps to run pdm update with the -v flag, that way you see which are the candidates that are rejected, and you can put the constrain you want. For example, I was seeing the next traceback:

pdm.termui: Conflicts detected:
  pyflakes>=3.0.0 (from <Candidate autoflake 2.0.0 from>)
  pyflakes<2.5.0,>=2.4.0 (from <Candidate flake8 4.0.1 from unknown>)

So I added a new dependency to pin it:

# The next ones are required to manually solve the dependencies issues
dependencies = [
    # Until flakeheaven supports flake8 5.x

If none of the above works, you can override them:

# To be removed once is solved
"importlib-metadata" = ">=3.10"

If you get lost in understanding your dependencies, you can try using pydeps to get your head around it.

Building packages

PDM can act as a PEP 517 build backend, to enable that, write the following lines in your pyproject.toml.

requires = [ "pdm-pep517",]
build-backend = "pdm.pep517.api"

pip will read the backend settings to install or build a package.

Choose a Python interpreter

If you have used pdm init, you must have already seen how PDM detects and selects the Python interpreter. After initialized, you can also change the settings by pdm use <python_version_or_path>. The argument can be either a version specifier of any length, or a relative or absolute path to the python interpreter, but remember the Python interpreter must conform with the python_requires constraint in the project file.

How requires-python controls the project

PDM respects the value of requires-python in the way that it tries to pick package candidates that can work on all python versions that requires-python contains. For example, if requires-python is >=2.7, PDM will try to find the latest version of foo, whose requires-python version range is a superset of >=2.7.

So, make sure you write requires-python properly if you don't want any outdated packages to be locked.

Custom file generation

Warning: this method only works if you install the package with pdm if you use pip or any other package manager the script won't be called. Thus a more generic approach is to run the initialization steps in a your_command init step or run the checks on each command.

During the build, you may want to generate other files or download resources from the internet. You can achieve this by the setup-script build configuration:

``toml [] setup-script = ""

In the `` script, pdm-pep517 looks for a build function and calls it with two arguments:

* `src`: the path to the source directory
* `dst`: the path to the distribution directory


def build(src, dst):
    target_file = os.path.join(dst, "mypackage/myfile.txt")
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_file), exist_ok=True)

The generated file will be copied to the resulted wheel with the same hierarchy, you need to create the parent directories if necessary.

Build distribution artifacts

$ pdm build
- Building sdist...
- Built pdm-test-0.0.0.tar.gz
- Building wheel...
- Built pdm_test-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

Publishing artifacts

The artifacts can then be uploaded to PyPI by twine or through the pdm-publish plugin. The main developer didn't thought it was worth it, so branchvincent made the plugin (I love this possibility).

Install it with pdm plugin add pdm-publish.

Then you can upload them with;

# Using token auth
pdm publish --password token
# To test PyPI using basic auth
pdm publish -r testpypi -u username -P password
# To custom index
pdm publish -r

If you don't want to use your credentials in plaintext on the command, you can use the environmental variables PDM_PUBLISH_PASSWORD and PDM_PUBLISH_USER.

Build a docker

It is possible to use PDM in a multi-stage Dockerfile to first install the project and dependencies into __pypackages__ and then copy this directory into the final stage, adding it to PYTHONPATH.

# build stage
FROM python:3.11-slim-bookworm as builder

# install PDM
RUN pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
RUN pip install pdm

# copy files
COPY pyproject.toml pdm.lock /project/
COPY src/ /project/src

# install dependencies and project into the local packages directory
WORKDIR /project
RUN mkdir __pypackages__ && pdm sync --prod --no-editable

# run stage
FROM python:3.11-slim-bookworm

# retrieve packages from build stage
ENV PYTHONPATH=/project/pkgs
COPY --from=builder /project/__pypackages__/3.11/lib /project/pkgs

# retrieve executables
COPY --from=builder /project/__pypackages__/3.11/bin/* /bin/

# set command/entrypoint, adapt to fit your needs
CMD ["python", "-m", "project"]

Show the current Python environment

$ pdm info
PDM version:        1.11.3
Python Interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python3.9 (3.9)
Project Root:       /tmp/tmp.dBlK2rAn2x
Project Packages:   /tmp/tmp.dBlK2rAn2x/__pypackages__/3.9
$ pdm info --env
  "implementation_name": "cpython",
  "implementation_version": "3.9.8",
  "os_name": "posix",
  "platform_machine": "x86_64",
  "platform_release": "4.19.0-5-amd64",
  "platform_system": "Linux",
  "platform_version": "#1 SMP Debian 4.19.37-5+deb10u1 (2019-07-19)",
  "python_full_version": "3.9.8",
  "platform_python_implementation": "CPython",
  "python_version": "3.9",
  "sys_platform": "linux"

Manage project configuration

Show the current configurations:

pdm config

Get one single configuration:

pdm config pypi.url

Change a configuration value and store in home configuration:

pdm config pypi.url ""

By default, the configuration are changed globally, if you want to make the config seen by this project only, add a --local flag:

pdm config --local pypi.url ""

Any local configurations will be stored in .pdm.toml under the project root directory.

The configuration files are searched in the following order:

  1. <PROJECT_ROOT>/.pdm.toml - The project configuration.
  2. ~/.pdm/config.toml - The home configuration.

If -g/--global option is used, the first item will be replaced by ~/.pdm/global-project/.pdm.toml.

You can find all available configuration items in Configuration Page.

Run Scripts in Isolated Environment

With PDM, you can run arbitrary scripts or commands with local packages loaded:

pdm run flask run -p 54321

PDM also supports custom script shortcuts in the optional [tool.pdm.scripts] section of pyproject.toml.

You can then run pdm run <shortcut_name> to invoke the script in the context of your PDM project. For example:

start_server = "flask run -p 54321"

And then in your terminal:

$ pdm run start_server
Flask server started at

Any extra arguments will be appended to the command:

$ pdm run start_server -h
Flask server started at

PDM supports 3 types of scripts:

Normal command

Plain text scripts are regarded as normal command, or you can explicitly specify it:

cmd = "flask run -p 54321"

In some cases, such as when wanting to add comments between parameters, it might be more convenient to specify the command as an array instead of a string:

cmd = [ "flask", "run", "-p", "54321",]

Shell script

Shell scripts can be used to run more shell-specific tasks, such as pipeline and output redirecting. This is basically run via subprocess.Popen() with shell=True:

shell = "cat error.log|grep CRITICAL > critical.log"

Call a Python function

The script can be also defined as calling a python function in the form <module_name>:<func_name>:

call = "foo_package.bar_module:main"

The function can be supplied with literal arguments:

call = "foo_package.bar_module:main('dev')"

Environment variables support

All environment variables set in the current shell can be seen by pdm run and will be expanded when executed. Besides, you can also define some fixed environment variables in your pyproject.toml:

cmd = "flask run -p 54321"

FOO = "bar"
FLASK_ENV = "development"

Note how we use TOML's syntax to define a compound dictionary.

A dotenv file is also supported via env_file = "<file_path>" setting.

For environment variables and/or dotenv file shared by all scripts, you can define env and env_file settings under a special key named _ of tool.pdm.scripts table:

start_server = "flask run -p 54321"
migrate_db = "flask db upgrade"

env_file = ".env"

Besides, PDM also injects the root path of the project via PDM_PROJECT_ROOT environment variable.

Load site-packages in the running environment

To make sure the running environment is properly isolated from the outer Python interpreter, site-packages from the selected interpreter WON'T be loaded into sys.path, unless any of the following conditions holds:

  1. The executable is from PATH but not inside the __pypackages__ folder.
  2. -s/--site-packages flag is following pdm run.
  3. site_packages = true is in either the script table or the global setting key _.

Note that site-packages will always be loaded if running with PEP 582 enabled(without the pdm run prefix).

Show the list of scripts shortcuts

Use pdm run --list/-l to show the list of available script shortcuts:

$ pdm run --list
Name        Type  Script           Description
----------- ----- ---------------- ----------------------
test_cmd    cmd   flask db upgrade
test_script call  test_script:main call a python function
test_shell  shell echo $FOO        shell command

You can add an help option with the description of the script, and it will be displayed in the Description column in the above output.

Manage caches

PDM provides a convenient command group to manage the cache, there are four kinds of caches:

  • wheels/ stores the built results of non-wheel distributions and files.
  • http/ stores the HTTP response content.
  • metadata/ stores package metadata retrieved by the resolver.
  • hashes/ stores the file hashes fetched from the package index or calculated locally.
  • packages/ The centrialized repository for installed wheels.

See the current cache usage by typing pdm cache info. Besides, you can use add, remove and list subcommands to manage the cache content.

Manage global dependencies

Sometimes users may want to keep track of the dependencies of global Python interpreter as well. It is easy to do so with PDM, via -g/--global option which is supported by most subcommands.

If the option is passed, ~/.pdm/global-project will be used as the project directory, which is almost the same as normal project except that pyproject.toml will be created automatically for you and it doesn't support build features. The idea is taken from Haskell's stack.

However, unlike stack, by default, PDM won't use global project automatically if a local project is not found. Users should pass -g/--global explicitly to activate it, since it is not very pleasing if packages go to a wrong place. But PDM also leave the decision to users, just set the config auto_global to true.

If you want global project to track another project file other than ~/.pdm/global-project, you can provide the project path via -p/--project <path> option.

Warning: Be careful with remove and sync --clean commands when global project is used, because it may remove packages installed in your system Python.


All available configurations can be seen here.

Dependency specification

The project.dependencies is an array of dependency specification strings following the PEP 440 and PEP 508.


dependencies = [ "requests", "flask >= 1.1.0", "pywin32; sys_platform == 'win32'", "pip @",]

Editable requirement

Beside of the normal dependency specifications, one can also have some packages installed in editable mode. The editable specification string format is the same as Pip's editable install mode.


dependencies = [
    # Local dependency
    "-e path/to/SomeProject",
    # Dependency cloned
    "-e git+http://repo/my_project.git#egg=SomeProject"

Note: About editable installation. One can have editable installation and normal installation for the same package. The one that comes at last wins. However, editable dependencies WON'T be included in the metadata of the built artifacts since they are not valid PEP 508 strings. They only exist for development purpose.

Optional dependencies

You can have some requirements optional, which is similar to setuptools' extras_require parameter.

socks = [ "PySocks >= 1.5.6, != 1.5.7, < 2",]
tests = [ "ddt >= 1.2.2, < 2", "pytest < 6", "mock >= 1.0.1, < 4; python_version < \"3.4\"",]

To install a group of optional dependencies:

pdm install -G socks

-G option can be given multiple times to include more than one group.

Development dependencies groups

You can have several groups of development only dependencies. Unlike optional-dependencies, they won't appear in the package distribution metadata such as PKG-INFO or METADATA. And the package index won't be aware of these dependencies. The schema is similar to that of optional-dependencies, except that it is in tool.pdm table.

lint = [ "flake8", "black",]
test = [ "pytest", "pytest-cov",]
doc = [ "mkdocs",]

To install all of them:

pdm install

For more CLI usage, please refer to Manage Dependencies.

Show outdated packages

pdm update --dry-run --unconstrained

Console scripts

The following content:

mycli = "mycli.__main__:main"

will be translated to setuptools style:

entry_points = {"console_scripts": ["mycli=mycli.__main__:main"]}

Also, [project.gui-scripts] will be translated to gui_scripts entry points group in setuptools style.

Entry points

Other types of entry points are given by [project.entry-points.<type>] section, with the same format of [project.scripts]:

myplugin = "mypackage.plugin:pytest_plugin"

Include and exclude package files

The way of specifying include and exclude files are simple, they are given as a list of glob patterns:

includes = [ "**/*.json", "mypackage/",]
excludes = [ "mypackage/_temp/*",]

In case you want some files to be included in sdist only, you use the source-includes field:

includes = [...]
excludes = [...]
source-includes = ["tests/"]

Note that the files defined in source-includes will be excluded automatically from non-sdist builds.

Default values for includes and excludes

If you don't specify any of these fields, PDM also provides smart default values to fit the most common workflows.

  • Top-level packages will be included.
  • tests package will be excluded from non-sdist builds.
  • src directory will be detected as the package-dir if it exists.

If your project follows the above conventions you don't need to config any of these fields and it just works. Be aware PDM won't add PEP 420 implicit namespace packages automatically and they should always be specified in includes explicitly.

Determine the package version dynamically

The package version can be retrieved from the __version__ variable of a given file. To do this, put the following under the [tool.pdm] table:

from = "mypackage/"

Remember set dynamic = ["version"] in [project] metadata.

PDM can also read version from SCM tags. If you are using git or hg as the version control system, define the version as follows:

use_scm = true

In either case, you MUST delete the version field from the [project] table, and include version in the dynamic field, or the backend will raise an error:

dynamic = [ "version",]

Cache the installation of wheels

If a package is required by many projects on the system, each project has to keep its own copy. This may become a waste of disk space especially for data science and machine learning libraries.

PDM supports caching the installations of the same wheel by installing it into a centralized package repository and linking to that installation in different projects. To enabled it, run:

pdm config feature.install_cache on

It can be enabled on a project basis, by adding --local option to the command.

The caches are located under $(pdm config cache_dir)/packages. One can view the cache usage by pdm cache info. But be noted the cached installations are managed automatically. They get deleted when not linked from any projects. Manually deleting the caches from the disk may break some projects on the system.

Note: Only the installation of named requirements resolved from PyPI can be cached.

Working with a virtualenv

Although PDM enforces PEP 582 by default, it also allows users to install packages into the virtualenv. It is controlled by the configuration item use_venv. When it is set to True (default), PDM will use the virtualenv if:

  • A virtualenv is already activated.
  • Any of venv, .venv, env is a valid virtualenv folder.

Besides, when use-venv is on and the interpreter path given is a venv-like path, PDM will reuse that venv directory as well.

For enhanced virtualenv support such as virtualenv management and auto-creation, please go for pdm-venv, which can be installed as a plugin.

Use PDM in Continuous Integration

Fortunately, if you are using GitHub Action, there is pdm-project/setup-pdm to make this process easier. Here is an example workflow of GitHub Actions, while you can adapt it for other CI platforms.

  runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      python-version: [3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10]
      os: [ubuntu-latest, macOS-latest, windows-latest]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Set up PDM
      uses: pdm-project/setup-pdm@main
        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        pdm sync -d -G testing
    - name: Run Tests
      run: |
        pdm run -v pytest tests

Note: Tips for GitHub Action users, there is a known compatibility issue on Ubuntu virtual environment. If PDM parallel install is failed on that machine you should either set parallel_install to false or set env LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ It is already handled by the pdm-project/setup-pdm action.

Note: If your CI scripts run without a proper user set, you might get permission errors when PDM tries to create its cache directory. To work around this, you can set the HOME environment variable yourself, to a writable directory, for example:

export HOME=/tmp/home

How does it work

Why you don't need to use virtualenvs

When you develop a Python project, you need to install the project's dependencies. For a long time, tutorials and articles have told you to use a virtual environment to isolate the project's dependencies. This way you don't contaminate the working set of other projects, or the global interpreter, to avoid possible version conflicts.

Problems of the virtualenvs

Virtualenvs are confusing for people that are starting with python. They also use a lot of space, as many virtualenvs have their own copy of the same libraries. They help us isolate project dependencies though, but things get tricky when it comes to nested venvs. One installs the virtualenv manager(like Pipenv or Poetry) using a venv encapsulated Python, and creates more venvs using the tool which is based on an encapsulated Python. One day a minor release of Python is out and one has to check all those venvs and upgrade them if required before they can safely delete the out-dated Python version.

Another scenario is global tools. There are many tools that are not tied to any specific virtualenv and are supposed to work with each of them. Examples are profiling tools and third-party REPLs. We also wish them to be installed in their own isolated environments. It's impossible to make them work with virtualenv, even if you have activated the virtualenv of the target project you want to work on because the tool is lying in its own virtualenv and it can only see the libraries installed in it. So we have to install the tool for each project.

The solution has been existing for a long time. PEP 582 was originated in 2018 and is still a draft proposal till the time I copied this article.

Say you have a project with the following structure:

├── __pypackages__
│   └── 3.8
│       └── lib

As specified in the PEP 582, if you run python3.8 /path/to/, __pypackages__/3.8/lib will be added to sys.path, and the libraries inside will become import-able in

Now let's review the two problems mentioned above under PEP 582. For the first problem, the main cause is that the virtual environment is bound to a cloned Python interpreter on which the subsequent library searching based. It takes advantage of Python's existing mechanisms without any other complex changes but makes the entire virtual environment to become unavailable when the Python interpreter is stale. With the local packages directory, you don't have a Python interpreter any more, the library path is directly appended to sys.path, so you can freely move and copy it.

For the second, once again, you just call the tool against the project you want to analyze, and the __pypackages__ sitting inside the project will be loaded automatically. This way you only need to keep one copy of the global tool and make it work with multiple projects.

pdm installs dependencies into the local package directory __package__ and makes Python interpreters aware of it with a very simple setup.

How we make PEP 582 packages available to the Python interpreter

Thanks to the site packages loading on Python startup. It is possible to patch the sys.path by executing the shipped with PDM. The interpreter can search the directories for the nearest __pypackage__ folder and append it to the sys.path variable.


PDM is aiming at being a community driven package manager. It is shipped with a full-featured plug-in system, with which you can:

  • Develop a new command for PDM.
  • Add additional options to existing PDM commands.
  • Change PDM's behavior by reading dditional config items.
  • Control the process of dependency resolution or installation.

If you want to write a plugin, start here.


  • You can't still run mypy with pdm without virtualenvs. pawamoy created a patch that is supposed to work, but I'd rather use virtualenvs until it's supported. Once it's supported check the vim-test issue to see how to integrate it.
  • It's not yet supported by dependabot. Once supported add it back to the cookiecutter template and spread it.
