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Take care of your body

Warming up

Never do static stretches if you're cold, it's better to do dynamic stretches.

Take the joints through rotations

  • Head:
  • Nod 10 times
  • Say no 10 times
  • Ear shoulder 10 times
  • Circles 10 times each direction

  • Shoulders

  • Circles back 10 times
  • Circles forward 10 times

  • Elbows

  • Circles 10 each direction

  • Wrists:

  • Circle 10 each direction

  • Chest:

  • Chest out/in 10 times
  • Chest one side to the other 10 times
  • Chest in circles

  • Hips:

  • Circles 10 each direction
  • Figure eight 10 times each direction

  • Knees:

  • Circular rotations 10 each direction feet and knees together
  • 10 ups and downs with knees together
  • Circular rotations 10 each direction feet waist width

  • Ankles:

  • Circular 10 rotations each direction

Light exercises

  • 10 steps forward of walking on your toes, 10 back
  • 10 steps forward of walking on your toes feet rotated outwards, 10 back
  • 10 steps forward of walking on your toes feet rotated inwards, 10 back
  • 10 steps forward of walking on your heels feet rotated outwards, 10 back
  • 10 steps forward of walking on your heels feet rotated inwards, 10 back

  • 2 x 10 x Side step, carry the leg up (from out to in) while you turn 180, keep on moving on that direction

  • 2 x 10 x Front step carrying the leg up (from in to out)while you turn 45, then side step, keep on moving on that direction
  • 10 light skips on one leg: while walking forward lift your knee and arms and do a slight jump
  • 10 steps with high knees
  • 10 steps with heel to butt
  • 10 side shuffles (like basketball defense)

  • 5 lunges forward, 5 backwards

  • 10 rollups and downs from standing position

  • 5 push-ups
  • 10 rotations from the pushup position on each direction with straigth arms
  • 5 push-ups
  • 10 rotations from the pushup position on each direction with shoulders at ankle level
  • 3 downward monkeys: from piramid do a low pushup and go to cobra, then a pushup

  • 10 steps forward walking on all fours

Strengthen your knees

Follow there steps

Transit to the parkour place

Go by bike, skate, jogging to the parkour place


Stretching is necessary to maintain your flexibility and movement to prevent injuries. Keep in mind though that static stretches doesn't help when warming up it does work after your workout

Your body is made up of bones ligaments, muscles and tendons. Your muscles are attached to your bones by the tendons. When you train the muscle contracts, and if you train over time and don't let the muscle to go back to the lenght it should have, it will in term start pulling on the tendon and the tendon will pull on the bone or joint, and then you have a problem.

Then you'll have a group of muscles that are too strong and not only do they start creating imbalance the body they also tell the muscles around not to do the job they should be doing

Stretch when the day after or when you've cooled down.

When you are stretching for every muscle you want to stretch think of where it's attached so that you stretch in both directions. Breath over the pain

When doing static stretching, hold the position for 30-40 seconds without bouncing.

Small warm up

  • Roll down - plank - roll up

Stretching the hip flexors

The hip flexors are the iliacus, psoas major and psoas minor, they are attached to the lower vertebras and the hip bone passing through your body. This muscle group allows you to move your knee up and to bend your core down.


Not stretching your hip flexors may result in: lower back pain, knee pain, it may pull your pelvis out of position and that can ricochet all the way up to your body.

  • From a lunge position (keep the knee just above the heel or behind it)
  • Spine up to the ceiling
  • Then tuck under your pelvis while keeping your back straight (bum goes slightly forward)
  • then lean slightly forward. With this movement you're pulling up the part above the hip, and pulling down the part below the hip.
  • Hold it for 30-40 seconds.
  • Then pull the arm of the leg that is behind you to the ceiling
  • Press the back of your other hand to the inner knee that is in front of you opening the width of your chest. Now the stretch should be going up your abs
  • Lean a little bit forward
  • Hold it for 30-40 seconds.
  • Go to the other leg
  • And then do another round with both legs.

Calf muscle stretching

The calf muscles are the outer calf (gastrocneimus), inner calf (soleus) and the achilles tendon that attaches heel to calf. The muscles are packed up tight against the bone, so that's why it's difficult to stretch it individually.


When you exercise your muscles expand, but being this one so dense packed, the muscles will expand into each other. Around each muscle you have something called fascia, which is a very thin sheet, sometimes they get stuck together causing shin splints and they produce problems

You use the calf muscle and lower limb in parkour for running, drops, jumping, wall runs, ... So it's important that your calf is springy and the lower limb has enough movement it needs to function the best.

To stretch your calf you can:

  • Do wall stretches:
  • Face the wall
  • Lean down on your back leg
  • Put the toes high on the wall with your knee straight, press your heel close to the wall.
  • Straight your back leg push your hips into the wall, going up and forward. You may end up on your toes on the back leg
  • Really extend the leg, with the intention of climbing up the wall
  • Try to stop your foot from slipping
  • Hold it for 30-40 seconds
  • Change your leg
  • Then do again both legs

  • Do stair stretches:

  • Put a foot on the ledge of a stair (the turning axis just behind your feet ball)
  • Put the other foot on the second step in front of you (90 degree angle between your thigh and your calf)
  • Let the heel of the first foot fall as much as possible
  • Hold it for 30-40 seconds
  • Shift your weight forward without bending your back
  • Change your leg
  • Then do again both legs

  • Do ball massages: When you exercise your muscles tend to stick together, with the ball you're going to separate the fibers. We're not going to move the ball up and down the muscle, but across

  • Sit down on the floor with one bent leg and the other one straight with the foot in flex
  • Place the ball underneath the calf muscle
  • Find a spot where you can feel a tightness in the closest part of the muscle to the heel
  • Go back and fourth 20 times side to side
  • Rotate your leg so that you do all the ring of that part of the muscle
  • Then move further up
  • Go back and fourth 20 times side to side
  • ...

Quad stretching

Quads are four very powerful muscles at the front of your thigh, three of them are attached to the top of your femur and then from the outside to the insidish of your knee. The other one is attached to your hip bone it goes through the middle to the middle of your knee


We use quads for jumping, running, cat balance, cat leaps, the landings.

You can stretch by:

  • Wall quad stretching:
  • Place your shoe by a wall
  • Go on all fours leaving the wall to your back
  • Place the knee on the shoe leaving your shin and feet up close to the wall
  • Then move the other leg between your arms until your foot is flat on the ground and your knee is close to your face leaving your knee above or behind your heel, never above your toes
  • Hands are at either side of the leg
  • Your body is forward
  • Focus on pushing your hips away from the heel on the wall
  • Breath and stay there for 30-40 seconds
  • Then bring your body up putting your hands on your front knee trying not to push your shoulders up.
  • Breath and stay there for 30-40 seconds
  • If you can, bring your arms up your head. If it's too much you can bring up the arm of the leg that it's behind you
  • If you need less stretch you can move the shoe away from the wall. If you need more, you can flex the wall foot

  • Crab quad stretching:

  • From the crab position (bottom resting on your heels, most of the weight on the arms)
  • Move your knee forward while your pull your hip back to create the stretch
  • The other knee moves out so you focus on just one leg
  • Then pivot the forward knee to the centre, then you'll feel the stretch move more to the inside.
  • Breath and stay there for 30-40 seconds
  • Swap to the other side

Hamstring stretch

  • If you're on your knees on the floor move one foot forward in flex
  • Keeping your hips straight lean the hips back while you put your arms on each side of the leg

Glutes stretch

  • From lying on the floor face up on tabletop
  • Cross one leg over the other
  • Grab the other leg with both hands and bring it towards you while you push the other with one of the elbows

Spine stretch and mobility

Spine is a bone structure made of 24 vertebras (7 to the top, 12 at the middle, 5 at the bottom). Between each vertebra you have a disk. It's the coat hanger where you hang your body, it's mobility is vital for your movement.

Spine mobility is important to absorb the impact of the landings. If you have stiff lower back you can get problems with your legs and your low back, stiff upper part will get problems with your shoulders.

The spine moves forward, backwards and from side to side

To keep the spine mobile you can: - Lie down on the ground, feet waist apart, imagine you have a pillow between the knees - Move your waist up until you have a straight line between your shoulders and knees - Then move down bone by bone, counting one by one - Move up again - Do 10 times

If you place your legs higher than your hips you'll get more force when coming back down one by one.

  • Torso twist:
  • Sitting on the ground
  • One straight leg
  • The other bent at 90 crossed over the other with the foot on the ground
  • Press your other arm's elbow on the knee to start the twist
  • Think first on the 5 lower vertebras, then the 12 middle, and then rotate the neck thinking on the upper 7
  • Go to the other side

  • For the backwards stretch

  • sit on the ground
  • Lean on the foam roll on your back approximately on your bra stripe is.
  • Cup your hands behind your head
  • Go up and over your foam
  • Don't let go your head until it is rested on the floor. If the head is in free fall it can be damaging
  • Extend your arms down
  • Hold for 30-40 seconds
  • move the foam roll further up and down
  • Place the hands behind the head
  • Lift the head up

Other stretches

Another good stretch is the butterfly - From sitting position join your feet - Bring the knees down - Bring your back straight forward

Strengthen your knees

Make sure you have the strength to do 3 sets of 20 squats or drops at each level before moving to the next step:

  • Step 1: Start with 20 air squats, go slow, keep the balance and try to go as low as you can.
  • Step 2: Do 20 jump squats: do a small jump before the squat and only reach down till your legs are at 90 degrees. That's a safe way to keep your knees healthy
  • Step 3: Do 20 drops curb height
  • Step 4: Do 20 drops knee height
  • Step 5: Do 20 drops hip height

Once you've mastered all, you can do a Squat drill consisting on 20 repetitions of each step.

Also check out the Is parkour killing your joints? video.

Avoid frequent injuries



  • Always land both feet at the same time
  • Land on the balls of your feet
  • Land with your feet at waist distance, keeping the line between toes and knees parallel to your axis, avoid knees bien inwards
  • Land with your hips down and back, not forward as that will increase the strain in the knees. This allows glutes, hamstrings, and quads to absorb the force and impact

Jumping to a vertical pipe

  • Make sure that there are no joints with the wall where you want to grab the pipe
  • Grab first with your arms and then land your feet
  • Land your feet in a different angle than the pipe (45 degrees askew for example) to prevent each of your legs to go different sides of the pipe if you were to slip


Safety vault

I'm going to describe one way of doing it, but it could also be done as a mirror image.

  • Advance towards the fence
  • Place your left hand on the fence with your fingers pointing in the direction you're going
  • Jump while placing your right foot on the fence
  • Pass your left foot over the fence by pulling your knee close to your chest to prevent your foot from catching on the fence
  • Once your left foot is over, let go of your right foot
  • Advance with your right hand in the direction of movement (not upwards), until it rests on the bar (your hand should be facing opposite to the left, with fingers pointing downwards)
  • Once both feet are free and hands supported, push yourself forward.

Thief vault

Speed vault

Kong vault or Cat

Learning parkour being an adult

If you're thinking on starting to learn parkour when you're an adult there are some things that you need to take into account:

  • Most of your classmates will be people between 12 and 25.
  • Your teachers will be between 20 and 25

History of parkour
