27th November 2023
Life Management⚑
Task Management⚑
Org Mode⚑
New: The orgmode repository file organization.
How to structure the different orgmode files is something that has always confused me, each one does it's own way, and there are no good posts on why one structure is better than other, people just state what they do.
I've started with a typical gtd structure with a directory for the
another for thecalendar
then another for thereferences
. In thetodo
I had a file for personal stuff, another for each of my work clients, and thesomeday.org
. Soon making the internal links was cumbersome so I decided to merge the personaltodo.org
and thesomeday.org
into the same file and use folds to hide uninteresting parts of the file. The reality is that I feel that orgmode is less responsive and that I often feel lost in the file.I'm now more into the idea of having files per project in a flat structure and use an index.org file to give it some sense in the same way I do with the mkdocs repositories. Then I'd use internal links in the todo.org file to organize the priorities of what to do next.
- As we're using a flat structure at file level, the links between the files are less cumbersome
. We only need to have unique easy to remember names for the files, instead of having to think on which directory was the file I want to make the link to. The all in one file structure makes links even easier, just*heading
, but the disadvantages make it not worth it. - You have the liberty to have a generic link like
Work on project
or if you want to fine grain it, link the specific task of the project - The todo file will get smaller.
- It has been the natural evolution of other knowledge repositories such as blue
- Filenames must be unique. It hasn't been a problem in blue.
- Blue won't be flattened into Vida as it's it's own knowledge repository
- As we're using a flat structure at file level, the links between the files are less cumbersome
New: Syncronize orgmode repositories.
I use orgmode both at the laptop and the mobile, I want to syncronize some files between both with the next requisites:
- The files should be available on the devices when I'm not at home
- The synchronization will be done only on the local network
- The synchronization mechanism will only be able to see the files that need to be synched.
- Different files can be synced to different devices. If I have three devices (laptop, mobile, tablet) I want to sync all mobile files to the laptop but just some to the tablet).
Right now I'm already using syncthing to sync files between the mobile and my server, so it's tempting to use it also to solve this issue. So the first approach is to spawn a syncthing docker at the laptop that connects with the server to sync the files whenever I'm at home.
I've investigated the next options:
Correction: Correct the watch directive.
is a list of directories to watch while serving the documentation. So if any file is changed in those directories, the documentation is rebuilt.
Infrastructure as Code⚑
Ansible Snippets⚑
New: Ansible lint skip some rules.
Add a
file with a line per rule to ignore with the syntaxpath/to/file rule_to_ignore
Infrastructure Solutions⚑
New: Create a backup.
If you already have schedules select the one you want to use:
velero schedules get
Then create the backup with:
velero backup create --from-schedule selected-schedule
You can see the other options to create backups in
velero backup create --help
OpenZFS storage planning⚑
New: Analyze the Exos X18 of 16TB disk.
Specs IronWolf IronWolf Pro Exos 7E8 8TB Exos 7E10 8TB Exos X18 16TB Technology CMR CMR CMR SMR CMR Bays 1-8 1-24 ? ? ? Capacity 1-12TB 2-20TB 8TB 8TB 16 TB RPM 5,400 RPM (3-6TB) 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM RPM 5,900 RPM (1-3TB) 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM RPM 7,200 RPM (8-12TB) 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM Speed 180MB/s (1-12TB) 214-260MB/s (4-18TB) 249 MB/s 255 MB/s 258 MB/s Cache 64MB (1-4TB) 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB Cache 256MB (3-12TB) 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB Power Consumption 10.1 W 10.1 W 12.81 W 11.03 W 9.31 W Power Consumption Rest 7.8 W 7.8 W 7.64 W 7.06 W 5.08 W Workload 180TB/yr 300TB/yr 550TB/yr 550TB/yr 550TB/yr MTBF 1 million 1 million 2 millions 2 millions 2.5 millions Warranty 3 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years Price From $60 (2022) From $83 (2022) 249$ (2022) 249$ (2022) 249$ (2023)
New: Remove all snapshots of a dataset.
zfs list -t snapshot -o name path/to/dataset | tail -n+2 | tac | xargs -n 1 zfs destroy -r
Operating Systems⚑
Correction: Deprecate it in favour of qbittorrent.
Use qbittorrent instead.
New: Add new emojis.
``` (╥_╥) (*≧▽≦)ノシ))