20th Week of 2021
Infrastructure Solutions⚑
Improvement: Remove false positive alerts on failed jobs that succeeded.
A Kubernetes cronjob spawns jobs, if the first one fails, it will try to spawn a new one. If the second succeeds, the cronjob status should be success, but with the rule we had before, a successful job with failed past jobs will still raise an alert.
Operative Systems⚑
New: Introduce gajim.
Gajim is the best Linux XMPP client in terms of end-to-end encryption support as it's able to speak OMEMO.
Correction: Explain how to fix the stuck at login page issue.
systemctl stop jellyfin.service mv /var/lib/jellyfin/data/jellyfin.db{,.bak} systemctl start jellyfin.service systemctl stop jellyfin.service mv /var/lib/jellyfin/data/jellyfin.db{.bak,} systemctl start jellyfin.service
Correction: Explain how to fix the Intel Hardware transcoding.
```bash docker exec -it jellyfin /bin/bash wget https://repo.jellyfin.org/releases/server/ubuntu/versions/jellyfin-ffmpeg/4.3.2-1/jellyfin-ffmpeg_4.3.2-1-focal_amd64.deb dpkg -i jellyfin-ffmpeg_4.3.2-1-focal_amd64.deb