17th Week of 2021
New: Add parso library to interesting libraries to explore.
parso is a library to parse Python code.
Correction: Add note that pagination is not yet supported when testing route53.
I've opened an issue to solve it.
Type Hints⚑
Improvement: Explain how to define the type hints of functions and methods that use subclasses.
It's a complex topic that has taken me many months to get it right :).
New: Explain how to run tests in parallel.
makes it possible to run the tests in parallel, useful when the test suit is large or when the tests are slow.pip install pytest-xdist pytest -n auto
Writing good documentation⚑
New: Start explaining how to write good documentation for a software project.
It doesn't matter how good your program is, because if its documentation is not good enough, people will not use it.
People working with software need different kinds of documentation at different times, in different circumstances, so good software documentation needs them all. In this first iteration, I define the five kinds of documentation,