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18th March 2021




  • New: Introduce the diagram library and how to make flowchart diagrams.

    MermaidJS is a Javascript library that lets you create diagrams using text and code.

    It can render the next diagram types:

    • Flowchart
    • Sequence.
    • Gantt
    • Class
    • Git graph
    • Entity Relationship
    • User journey

Software Architecture

Architecture Decision Record

  • Improvement: Explain how to show relationship between ADRs.

    Suggest a mermaidjs diagram to show the state of the project ADRs.

Life Management


Life Automation

  • New: Suggest organize to act on computer file changes.

    organize looks good for automating processes on files. Maybe it's interesting to run it with inotifywait instead of with a cron job.

Operative Systems



Vim Plugins

  • Correction: Forget to use abolish to insert the elipsis symbol.

    Tpope said that it's not going to happen.


  • New: Explain how to use MermaidJS diagrams.


  • New: Introduce Peek the screen recorder.

    Peek is a simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface.

    If you try to use it with i3, you're going to have a bad time, you'd need to install Compton, and then the elements may not even be clickable.