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General keymaps:

  • <cr>: Open the file in the current buffer
  • <s>: Open in a vertical split
  • <S>: Open in an horizontal split
  • <bs>: Navigate one directory up (even if it's the root of the cwd)

File and directory management:

  • a: Create a new file or directory. Add a / to the end of the name to make a directory.
  • d: Delete the selected file or directory
  • r: Rename the selected file or directory
  • y: Mark file to be copied (supports visual selection)
  • x: Mark file to be cut (supports visual selection)
  • m: Move the selected file or directory
  • c: Copy the selected file or directory


Show hidden files

return {
  opts = {
    filesystem = {
      filtered_items = {
        visible = true,
        show_hidden_count = true,
        hide_dotfiles = false,
        hide_gitignored = true,
        hide_by_name = {
        never_show = {},

Autoclose on open file

This example uses the file_open event to close the Neo-tree window when a file is opened. This applies to all windows and all sources at once.

  event_handlers = {

      event = "file_opened",
      handler = function(file_path)
        -- auto close
        -- vimc.cmd("Neotree close")
        -- OR
        require("neo-tree.command").execute({ action = "close" })


Configuring vim folds

Copy the code under implementation in your config file.


Can't copy file/directory to itself

If you want to copy a directory you need to assume that the prompt is done from within the directory. So if you want to copy it to a new name at the same level you need to use ../new-name instead of new-name.
