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khal is a standards based Python CLI (console) calendar program, able to synchronize with CalDAV servers through vdirsyncer.


  • Can read and write events/icalendars to vdir, so vdirsyncer can be used to synchronize calendars with a variety of other programs, for example CalDAV servers.
  • Fast and easy way to add new events
  • ikhal (interactive khal) lets you browse and edit calendars and events.


  • It's not easy to get an idea of what you need to do in the week. At least not as comfortable as a graphical interface.
  • Editing events with ikhal is a little bit cumbersome.

  • Only rudimentary support for creating and editing recursion rules.

  • You cannot edit the timezones of events.


Although it's available in the major package managers, you can get a more bleeding edge version with pip.

pipx install khal

If you don't have pipx you can use pip.


khal reads configuration files in the ini syntax. If you do not have a configuration file yet, running khal configure will launch a small, interactive tool that should help you with initial configuration of khal.

khal is looking for configuration files in the following places and order:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/khal/config: (on most systems this is ~/.config/khal/config),
  • ~/.khal/khal.conf (deprecated)
  • A khal.conf file in the current directory (deprecated).

Alternatively you can specify which configuration file to use with -c path/to/config at runtime.

The calendars section

The [calendars] section is mandatory and must contain at least one subsection. Every subsection must have a unique name (enclosed by two square brackets). Each subsection needs exactly one path setting, everything else is optional. Here is a small example:


    path = ~/.calendars/home/
    color = dark green
    priority = 20

    path = ~/.calendars/work/
    readonly = True

Some properties are:

  • path: The path to an existing directory where this calendar is saved as a vdir.
  • color: khal will use this color for coloring this calendar’s event. The following color names are supported: black, white, brown, yellow, dark gray, dark green, dark blue, light gray, light green, light blue, dark magenta, dark cyan, dark red, light magenta, light cyan, light red.
  • priority: When coloring days, the color will be determined based on the calendar with the highest priority. If the priorities are equal, then the “multiple” color will be used.
  • readonly: Setting this to True, will keep khal from making any changes to this calendar.

The default section

Some of this configurations do not affect ikhal.

  • default_calendar: The calendar to use if none is specified for some operation (e.g. if adding a new event). If this is not set, such operations require an explicit value.
  • default_dayevent_duration: Define the default duration for an event (khal new only). 1h by default.
  • default_event_duration: Define the default duration for a day-long event (khal new only). 1d by default.
  • highlight_event_days: If true, khal will highlight days with events. Options for highlighting are in highlight_days section.

The key bindings section

Key bindings for ikhal are set here. You can bind more than one key (combination) to a command by supplying a comma-separated list of keys. For binding key combinations concatenate them keys (with a space in between), for example ctrl n.

Action Default Description
down down, j Move the cursor down (in the calendar browser).
up up, k Move the cursor up (in the calendar browser).
left left, h, backspace Move the cursor left (in the calendar browser).
right right, l, space Move the cursor right (in the calendar browser).
view enter Show details or edit (if details are already shown) the currently selected event.
save meta enter Save the currently edited event and leave the event editor.
quit q, Q Quit.
new n Create a new event on the selected date.
delete d Delete the currently selected event.
search / Open a text field to start a search for events.
mark v Go into highlight (visual) mode to choose a date range.
other o In highlight mode go to the other end of the highlighted date range.
today t Focus the calendar browser on today.
duplicate p Duplicate the currently selected event.
export e Export event as a .ics file.
log L Show logged messages.
external_edit meta E Edit the currently selected events’ raw .ics file with $EDITOR

Use the external_edit with caution, the icalendar library we use doesn't do a lot of validation, it silently disregards most invalid data.


To get khal working with CalDAV you will first need to setup vdirsyncer. After each start khal will automatically check if anything has changed and automatically update its caching db (this may take some time after the initial sync, especially for large calendar collections). Therefore, you might want to execute khal automatically after syncing with vdirsyncer (for example via cron).


khal offers a set of commands, most importantly:

  • list: Shows all events scheduled for a given date (or datetime) range, with custom formatting.
  • calendar: Shows a calendar (similar to cal(1)) and list.
  • new: Allows for adding new events.
  • search: Search for events matching a search string and print them.
  • at: shows all events scheduled for a given datetime.
  • edit: An interactive command for editing and deleting events using a search string.
  • interactive: Invokes the interactive version of khal, can also be invoked by calling ikhal.
  • printcalendars:
  • printformats



Where start and end are either datetimes, times, or keywords and times in the formats defined in the config file.

If no calendar is given via -a, the default calendar is used.

For example:

khal new 18:00 Awesome Event

Adds a new event starting today at 18:00 with summary Awesome event (lasting for the default time of one hour) to the default calendar.

khal new tomorrow 16:30 Coffee Break

Adds a new event tomorrow at 16:30.

khal new 25.10. 18:00 24:00 Another Event :: with Alice and Bob

Adds a new event on 25th of October lasting from 18:00 to 24:00 with an additional description.

khal new -a work 26.07. Great Event -g meeting -r weekly

Adds a new all day event on 26th of July to the calendar work in the meeting category, which recurs every week.


When the calendar on the left is in focus, you can:

  • Move through the calendar (default keybindings are the arrow keys, space and backspace, those keybindings are configurable in the config file).

  • Focus on the right column by pressing tab or enter.

  • Focus on the current date, default keybinding t as in today.

  • Marking a date range, default keybinding v, as in visual, think visual mode in Vim, pressing esc escapes this visual mode.

If in visual mode, you can select the other end of the currently marked range, default keybinding o as in other (again as in Vim).

  • Create a new event on the currently focused day (or date range if a range is selected), default keybinding n.

  • Search for events, default keybinding /, a pop-up will ask for your search term.

When an event list is in focus, you can:

  • View an event’s details with pressing enter (or tab) and edit it with pressing enter (or tab) again (if [view] event_view_always_visible is set to True, the event in focus will always be shown in detail).
  • Toggle an event’s deletion status, default keybinding d, events marked for deletion will appear with a D in front and will be deleted when khal exits.
  • Duplicate the selected event, default keybinding p
  • Export the selected event, default keybinding e.

In the event editor, you can:

  • Jump to the next (previous) selectable element with pressing tab (shift+tab)
  • Quick save, default keybinding meta+enter (meta will probably be alt).
  • Use some common editing short cuts in most text fields (ctrl+w deletes word before cursor, ctrl+u (ctrl+k) deletes till the beginning (end) of the line, ctrl+a (ctrl+e) will jump to the beginning (end) of the line.
  • In the date and time fields you can increment and decrement the number under the cursor with ctrl+a and ctrl+x (time in 15 minute steps)
  • In the date fields you can access a miniature calendar by pressing enter.
  • Activate actions by pressing enter on text enclosed by angled brackets, e.g. \< Save > (sometimes this might open a pop up).

Pressing esc will cancel the current action and/or take you back to the previously shown pane (i.e. what you see when you open ikhal), if you are at the start pane, ikhal will quit on pressing esc again.


Edit the events in a more pleasant way

The ikhal event editor is not comfortable for me. I usually only change the title or the start date and in the default interface you need to press many keystrokes to make it happen.

A patch solution is to pass a custom script on the EDITOR environmental variable. Assuming you have questionary and ics installed you can save the next snippet into an edit_event file in your PATH:


"""Edit an ics calendar event."""

import sys

import questionary
from ics import Calendar

# Load the event
file = sys.argv[1]
with open(file, "r") as fd:
    calendar = Calendar(
event = list(calendar.timeline)[0]

# Modify the event = questionary.text("Title: ",
start = questionary.text(
    "Start: ",
event.begin = event.begin.replace(
    hour=int(start.split(":")[0]), minute=int(start.split(":")[1])

# Save the event
with open(file, "w") as fd:

Now if you open ikhal as EDITOR=edit_event ikhal, whenever you edit one event you'll get a better interface. Add to your .zshrc or .bashrc:

alias ikhal='EDITOR=edit_event ikhal'

The default keybinding for the edition is not very comfortable either, add the next snippet on your config:

external_edit = e
export = meta e
