is a high-level IMAP client library for Python, providing a simple and intuitive API for common email tasks like fetching messages, flagging emails as read/unread, labeling/moving/deleting emails, searching/filtering emails, and more.
- Basic message operations: fetch, uids, numbers
- Parsed email message attributes
- Query builder for search criteria
- Actions with emails: copy, delete, flag, move, append
- Actions with folders: list, set, get, create, exists, rename, subscribe, delete, status
- IDLE commands: start, poll, stop, wait
- Exceptions on failed IMAP operations
- No external dependencies, tested
pip install imap-tools
Both the docs and the examples are very informative on how to use the library.
Basic usage⚑
from imap_tools import MailBox, AND
Get date, subject and body len of all emails from INBOX folder
1. MailBox()
Create IMAP client, the socket is created here
2. mailbox.login()
Login to mailbox account
It supports context manager, so you do not need to call logout() in this example
Select INBOX folder, cause login initial_folder arg = 'INBOX' by default (set folder may be disabled with None)
3. mailbox.fetch()
First searches email uids by criteria in current folder, then fetch and yields MailMessage
Criteria arg is 'ALL' by default
Current folder is 'INBOX' (set on login), by default it is INBOX too.
Fetch each message separately per N commands, cause bulk arg = False by default
Mark each fetched email as seen, cause fetch mark_seen arg = True by default
4. print
msg variable is MailMessage instance - email data, converted to
msg.subject - email subject, utf8 str
msg.text - email plain text content, utf8 str
msg.html - email html content, utf8 str
with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd') as mailbox:
for msg in mailbox.fetch():
print(, msg.subject, len(msg.text or msg.html))
# Equivalent verbose version:
mailbox = MailBox('')
mailbox.login('', 'pwd', 'INBOX') # or use mailbox.folder.set instead initial_folder arg
for msg in mailbox.fetch(AND(all=True)):
print(, msg.subject, len(msg.text or msg.html))
Action with emails⚑
Action's uid_list arg may takes:
- str, that is comma separated uids
- Sequence, that contains str uids
To get uids, use the maibox methods: uids, fetch.
For actions with a large number of messages imap command may be too large and will cause exception at server side, use 'limit' argument for fetch in this case.
with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd', initial_folder='INBOX') as mailbox:
# COPY messages with uid in 23,27 from current folder to folder1
mailbox.copy('23,27', 'folder1')
# MOVE all messages from current folder to INBOX/folder2
mailbox.move(mailbox.uids(), 'INBOX/folder2')
# DELETE messages with 'cat' word in its html from current folder
mailbox.delete([msg.uid for msg in mailbox.fetch() if 'cat' in msg.html])
# FLAG unseen messages in current folder as \Seen, \Flagged and TAG1
flags = (imap_tools.MailMessageFlags.SEEN, imap_tools.MailMessageFlags.FLAGGED, 'TAG1')
mailbox.flag(mailbox.uids(AND(seen=False)), flags, True)
# APPEND: add message to mailbox directly, to INBOX folder with \Seen flag and now date
with open('/tmp/message.eml', 'rb') as f:
msg = imap_tools.MailMessage.from_bytes( # *or use bytes instead MailMessage
mailbox.append(msg, 'INBOX', dt=None, flag_set=[imap_tools.MailMessageFlags.SEEN])
Run search queries⚑
You can get more information on the search criteria here
Query builder examples.
# Infix notation (natural to humans)
NOT ((FROM='11' OR TO="22" OR TEXT="33") AND CC="44" AND BCC="55")
# Prefix notation (Polish notation, IMAP version)
NOT (((OR OR FROM "11" TO "22" TEXT "33") CC "44" BCC "55"))
# Python query builder
NOT(AND(OR(from_='11', to='22', text='33'), cc='44', bcc='55'))
# python to prefix notation steps:
1. OR(1=11, 2=22, 3=33) ->
"(OR OR FROM "11" TO "22" TEXT "33")"
2. AND("(OR OR FROM "11" TO "22" TEXT "33")", cc='44', bcc='55') ->
"AND(OR(from_='11', to='22', text='33'), cc='44', bcc='55')"
3. NOT("AND(OR(from_='11', to='22', text='33'), cc='44', bcc='55')") ->
"NOT (((OR OR FROM "1" TO "22" TEXT "33") CC "44" BCC "55"))"
import datetime as dt
from imap_tools import AND, OR, NOT, A, H, U
# date in the date list (date=date1 OR date=date3 OR date=date2)
q1 = OR(date=[, 10, 1),, 10, 10),, 10, 15)])
# '(OR OR ON 1-Oct-2019 ON 10-Oct-2019 ON 15-Oct-2019)'
# date not in the date list (NOT(date=date1 OR date=date3 OR date=date2))
q2 = NOT(OR(date=[, 10, 1),, 10, 10),, 10, 15)]))
# 'NOT ((OR OR ON 1-Oct-2019 ON 10-Oct-2019 ON 15-Oct-2019))'
# subject contains "hello" AND date greater than or equal, 10, 10)
q3 = A(subject='hello',, 10, 10))
# '(SUBJECT "hello" SINCE 10-Oct-2019)'
# from contains one of the address parts
q4 = OR(from_=["", ""])
# '(OR FROM "" FROM "")'
# marked as seen and not flagged
q5 = AND(seen=True, flagged=False)
# (text contains tag15 AND subject contains tag15) OR (text contains tag10 AND subject contains tag10)
q6 = OR(AND(text='tag15', subject='tag15'), AND(text='tag10', subject='tag10'))
# '(OR (TEXT "tag15" SUBJECT "tag15") (TEXT "tag10" SUBJECT "tag10"))'
# (text contains tag15 OR subject contains tag15) OR (text contains tag10 OR subject contains tag10)
q7 = OR(OR(text='tag15', subject='tag15'), OR(text='tag10', subject='tag10'))
# '(OR (OR TEXT "tag15" SUBJECT "tag15") (OR TEXT "tag10" SUBJECT "tag10"))'
# header IsSpam contains '++' AND header CheckAntivirus contains '-'
q8 = A(header=[H('IsSpam', '++'), H('CheckAntivirus', '-')])
# '(HEADER "IsSpam" "++" HEADER "CheckAntivirus" "-")'
# UID range
q9 = A(uid=U('1034', '*'))
# '(UID 1034:*)'
# complex from README
q10 = A(OR(from_='', text='"the text"'), NOT(OR(A(answered=False), A(new=True))), to='')
# '((OR FROM "" TEXT "\\"the text\\"") NOT ((OR (UNANSWERED) (NEW))) TO "")'
Save attachments⚑
from imap_tools import MailBox
# get all attachments from INBOX and save them to files
with MailBox('').login('acc', 'pwd', 'INBOX') as mailbox:
for msg in mailbox.fetch():
for att in msg.attachments:
print(att.filename, att.content_type)
with open('C:/1/{}'.format(att.filename), 'wb') as f:
Action with directories⚑
with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd') as mailbox:
# LIST: get all subfolders of the specified folder (root by default)
for f in mailbox.folder.list('INBOX'):
print(f) # FolderInfo(name='INBOX|cats', delim='|', flags=('\\Unmarked', '\\HasChildren'))
# SET: select folder for work
# GET: get selected folder
current_folder = mailbox.folder.get()
# CREATE: create new folder
# EXISTS: check is folder exists (shortcut for list)
is_exists = mailbox.folder.exists('INBOX|folder1')
# RENAME: set new name to folder
mailbox.folder.rename('folder3', 'folder4')
# SUBSCRIBE: subscribe/unsubscribe to folder
mailbox.folder.subscribe('INBOX|папка два', True)
# DELETE: delete folder
# STATUS: get folder status info
stat = mailbox.folder.status('some_folder')
print(stat) # {'MESSAGES': 41, 'RECENT': 0, 'UIDNEXT': 11996, 'UIDVALIDITY': 1, 'UNSEEN': 5}
Fetch by pages⚑
from imap_tools import MailBox
with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd', 'INBOX') as mailbox:
criteria = 'ALL'
found_nums = mailbox.numbers(criteria)
page_len = 3
pages = int(len(found_nums) // page_len) + 1 if len(found_nums) % page_len else int(len(found_nums) // page_len)
for page in range(pages):
print('page {}'.format(page))
page_limit = slice(page * page_len, page * page_len + page_len)
for msg in mailbox.fetch(criteria, bulk=True, limit=page_limit):
print(' ',, msg.uid, msg.subject)