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Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It's the best self hosted Github alternative in my opinion.


Gitea provides automatically updated Docker images within its Docker Hub organisation.

Disable the regular login, use only Oauth

Inside your custom directory which may be /var/lib/gitea/custom:

  • Create the directories templates/user/auth,
  • Create the signin_inner.tmpl file with the next contents. If it fails check the latest version of the file and tweak it accordingly:
    {{if or (not .LinkAccountMode) (and .LinkAccountMode .LinkAccountModeSignIn)}}
    {{template "base/alert" .}}
    <h4 class="ui top attached header center">
            {{if .LinkAccountMode}}
                    {{ctx.Locale.Tr "auth.oauth_signin_title"}}
                    {{ctx.Locale.Tr "auth.login_userpass"}}
    <div class="ui attached segment">
            <form class="ui form" action="{{.SignInLink}}" method="post">
            {{if .OAuth2Providers}}
            <div id="oauth2-login-navigator" class="gt-py-2">
                    <div class="gt-df gt-fc gt-jc">
                            <div id="oauth2-login-navigator-inner" class="gt-df gt-fc gt-fw gt-ac gt-gap-3">
                                    {{range $provider := .OAuth2Providers}}
                                            <a class="{{$provider.Name}} ui button gt-df gt-ac gt-jc gt-py-3 oauth-login-link" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/user/oauth2/{{$provider.DisplayName}}">
                                                    {{$provider.IconHTML 28}}
                                                    {{ctx.Locale.Tr "sign_in_with_provider" $provider.DisplayName}}

Configure it with terraform

Gitea can be configured through terraform too. There is an official provider that doesn't work, there's a fork that does though. Sadly it doesn't yet support configuring Oauth Authentication sources. Be careful gitea_oauth2_app looks to be the right resource to do that, but instead it configures Gitea to be the Oauth provider, not a consumer.

To configure the provider you need to specify the url and a Gitea API token, keeping in mind that whoever gets access to this information will have access and full permissions on your Gitea instance it's critical that you store this information well. We'll use sops to encrypt the token with GPG..

First create a Gitea user under Site Administration/User Accounts/ with the terraform name (use your Oauth2 provider if you have one!).

Then log in with that user and create a token with name Terraform under Settings/Applications, copy it to your clipboard.

Configure sops by defining the gpg keys in a .sops.yaml file at the top of your repository:

  - pgp: >-

Then create the secrets file with the command sops secrets.enc.json somewhere in your terraform repository. For example:

  "gitea_token": "paste the token here"
terraform {
  required_providers {
    gitea = {
      source  = "go-gitea/gitea"
      version = "~> 0.3.0"
    sops = {
      source = "carlpett/sops"
      version = "~> 0.5"

provider "gitea" {
  base_url   = ""
  token =["gitea_token"]

Create an organization

If you manage your users externally for example with an Oauth2 provider like Authentik you don't need to create a resource for the users, use a data instead:

resource "gitea_org" "docker_compose" {
  name = "docker-compose"

resource "gitea_team" "docker_compose" {
  name         = "Developers"
  organisation =
  permission   = "owner"
  members      = [

If you have many organizations that share the same users you can use variables.

resource "gitea_org" "docker_compose" {
  name = "docker-compose"

resource "gitea_team" "docker_compose" {
  name         = "Developers"
  organisation =
  permission   = "owner"
  members      = [

To import organisations and teams you need to use their ID. You can see the ID of the organisations in the Administration panel. To get the Teams ID you need to use the API. Go to and enter the organisation name.

Create an admin user through the command line

gitea --config /etc/gitea/app.ini admin user create --admin --email email --username user_name --password password

Or you can change the admin's password:

gitea --config /etc/gitea/app.ini admin user change-password -u username -p password


Configure gitea actions

We've been using Drone as CI runner for some years now as Gitea didn't have their native runner. On Mar 20, 2023 however Gitea released the version 1.19.0 which promoted to stable the Gitea Actions which is a built-in CI system like GitHub Actions. With Gitea Actions, you can reuse your familiar workflows and Github Actions in your self-hosted Gitea instance. While it is not currently fully compatible with GitHub Actions, they intend to become as compatible as possible in future versions. The typical procedure is as follows:

  • Register a runner (at the moment, act runners are the only option). This can be done on the following scopes:
  • site-wide (by site admins)
  • organization-wide (by organization owners)
  • repository-wide (by repository owners)
  • Create workflow files under .gitea/workflows/<workflow name>.yaml or .github/workflows/<workflow name>.yaml. The syntax is the same as the GitHub workflow syntax where supported.

Gitea Actions advantages are:

  • Uses the same pipeline syntax as Github Actions, so it's easier to use for new developers
  • You can reuse existent Github actions.
  • Migration from Github repositories to Gitea is easier.
  • You see the results of the workflows in the same gitea webpage, which is much cleaner than needing to go to drone
  • Define the secrets in the repository configuration.

Drone advantages are:

  • They have the promote event. Not critical as we can use other git events such as creating a tag.
  • They can be run as a service by default. The gitea runners will need some work to run on instance restart.
  • Has support for running kubernetes pipelines. Gitea actions doesn't yet support this

Setup Gitea actions

You need a Gitea instance with a version of 1.19.0 or higher. Actions are disabled by default (as they are still an feature-in-progress), so you need to add the following to the configuration file to enable it:


Even if you enable at configuration level you need to manually enable the actions on each repository until this issue is solved.

So far there is only one possible runner which is based on docker and act. Currently, the only way to install act runner is by compiling it yourself, or by using one of the pre-built binaries. There is no Docker image or other type of package management yet. At the moment, act runner should be run from the command line. Of course, you can also wrap this binary in something like a system service, supervisord, or Docker container.

You can create the default configuration of the runner with:

./act_runner generate-config > config.yaml

You can tweak there for example the capacity so you are able to run more than one workflow in parallel.

Before running a runner, you should first register it to your Gitea instance using the following command:

./act_runner register --config config.yaml --no-interactive --instance <instance> --token <token>

There are two arguments required, instance and token.

instance refers to the address of your Gitea instance, like The runner and job containers (which are started by the runner to execute jobs) will connect to this address. This means that it could be different from the ROOT_URL of your Gitea instance, which is configured for web access. It is always a bad idea to use a loopback address such as or localhost, as we will discuss later. If you are unsure which address to use, the LAN address is usually the right choice.

token is used for authentication and identification, such as P2U1U0oB4XaRCi8azcngmPCLbRpUGapalhmddh23. It is one-time use only and cannot be used to register multiple runners. You can obtain tokens from

After registering, a new file named .runner will appear in the current directory. This file stores the registration information. Please do not edit it manually. If this file is missing or corrupted, you can simply remove it and register again.

Finally, it’s time to start the runner.

./act_runner --config config.yaml daemon

You can also create a systemd service so that it starts when the server boots. For example in `/etc/systemd/system/gitea_actions_runner.service:

Description=Gitea Actions Runner

ExecStart=/var/gitea/gitea/act_runner/main/act_runner-main-linux-amd64 daemon


Use the gitea actions

Even if Actions is enabled for the Gitea instance, repositories still disable Actions by default. Enable it on the settings page of your repository.

You will need to study the workflow syntax for Actions and write the workflow files you want.

However, we can just start from a simple demo:

name: Gitea Actions Demo
run-name: ${{ }} is testing out Gitea Actions
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: echo "The job was automatically triggered by a ${{ gitea.event_name }} event."
      - run: echo "This job is now running on a ${{ runner.os }} server hosted by Gitea!"
      - run: echo "The name of your branch is ${{ gitea.ref }} and your repository is ${{ gitea.repository }}."
      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - run: echo "The ${{ gitea.repository }} repository has been cloned to the runner."
      - run: echo "The workflow is now ready to test your code on the runner."
      - name: List files in the repository
        run: |
          ls ${{ gitea.workspace }}          
      - run: echo "This job's status is ${{ gitea.status }}."

You can upload it as a file with the extension .yaml in the directory .gitea/workflows/ or .github/workflows of the repository, for example .gitea/workflows/demo.yaml.

You may be aware that there are tens of thousands of marketplace actions in GitHub. However, when you write uses: actions/checkout@v3, it actually downloads the scripts from by default (not GitHub). This is a mirror of, but it’s impossible to mirror all of them. That’s why you may encounter failures when trying to use some actions that haven’t been mirrored.

The good news is that you can specify the URL prefix to use actions from anywhere. This is an extra syntax in Gitea Actions. For example:

  • uses:
  • uses:
  • uses:

Be careful, the https:// or http:// prefix is necessary!

Tweak the runner image

The gitea runner uses the node:16-bullseye image by default, in that image the setup-python action doesn't work. You can tweak the docker image that the runner runs by editing the .runner file that is in the directory where you registered the runner (probably close to the act_runner executable).

If you open that up, you’ll see that there is a section called labels, and it (most likely) looks like this:

"labels": [

You can specify any other docker image. Adding new labels doesn't work yet.

You can start with this dockerfile:

FROM node:16-bullseye

# Configure the labels
LABEL prune=false

# Configure the AWS credentials
RUN mkdir /root/.aws
COPY files/config /root/.aws/config
COPY files/credentials /root/.aws/credentials

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
  python3 \
  python3-pip \
  python3-venv \
  screen \
  vim \
  && python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN pip install \
  molecule==5.0.1 \
  ansible==8.0.0 \
  ansible-lint \
  yamllint \ 
  molecule-plugins[ec2,docker,vagrant] \
  boto3 \ 
  botocore \
  testinfra \

RUN wget \
  && tar xvzf docker-24.0.2.tgz \
  && cp docker/* /usr/bin \
  && rm -r docker docker-*

It's prepared for:

  • Working within an AWS environment
  • Run Ansible and molecule
  • Build dockers

Things that are not ready yet

Build a docker within a gitea action

Assuming you're using the custom gitea_runner docker proposed above you can build and upload a docker to a registry with this action:

name: Publish Docker image

"on": [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code

      - name: Login to Docker Registry
          username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

      - name: Set up QEMU

      - name: Set up Docker Buildx

      - name: Extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker
        id: meta

      - name: Build and push
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
          context: .
          platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
          push: true
          cache-from: type=registry,
          cache-to: type=registry,,mode=max
          tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
          labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}

It uses a pair of nice features:

  • Multi-arch builds
  • Cache to speed up the builds

As it reacts to all events it will build and push:

  • A tag with the branch name on each push to that branch
  • a tag with the tag on tag push

Bump the version of a repository on commits on master

  • Create a SSH key for the CI to send commits to protected branches.
  • Upload the private key to a repo or organization secret called DEPLOY_SSH_KEY.
  • Upload the public key to the repo configuration deploy keys
  • Create the bump.yaml file with the next contents:

    name: Bump version
          - main
        if: "!startsWith(github.event.head_commit.message, 'bump:')"
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        name: "Bump version and create changelog"
          - name: Check out
            uses: actions/checkout@v3
              fetch-depth: 0  # Fetch all history
          - name: Configure SSH
            run: |
                echo "${{ secrets.DEPLOY_SSH_KEY }}" > ~/.ssh/deploy_key
                chmod 600 ~/.ssh/deploy_key
                dos2unix ~/.ssh/deploy_key
                ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null
                ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy_key
          - name: Bump the version
            run: cz bump --changelog --no-verify
          - name: Push changes
            run: |
              git remote add ssh
              git pull ssh main
              git push ssh main
              git push ssh --tags

    It assumes that you have cz (commitizen) and dos2unix installed in your runner.

Skip gitea actions job on changes of some files

Using paths-filter custom action
    if: "!startsWith(github.event.head_commit.message, 'bump:')"
    name: Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout the codebase

      - name: Check if we need to run the molecule tests
        id: filter
          filters: |
              - 'defaults/**'
              - 'tasks/**'
              - 'handlers/**'
              - 'tasks/**'
              - 'templates/**'
              - 'molecule/**'
              - 'requirements.yaml'
              - '.github/workflows/tests.yaml'

      - name: Run Molecule tests
        if: steps.filter.outputs.molecule == 'true'
        run: make molecule

You can find more examples on how to use paths-filter here.

Using paths-ignore gitea actions built-in feature

Note: at least till 2023-09-04 this path lead to some errors such as pipeline not being triggered on the first commit of a pull request even if the files that should trigger it were modified.

There are some expensive CI pipelines that don't need to be run for example if you changed a line in the, to skip a pipeline on changes of certain files you can use the paths-ignore directive:

name: Ansible Testing

      - 'meta/**'
      - Makefile
      - renovate.json
      - .cz.toml
      - '.gitea/workflows/**'

    name: Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

The only downside is that if you set this pipeline as required in the branch protection, the merge button will look yellow instead of green when the pipeline is skipped.

Run jobs if other jobs failed

This is useful to send notifications if any of the jobs failed.

Right now you can't run a job if other jobs fail, all you can do is add a last step on each workflow to do the notification on failure:

- name: Send mail
    if: failure()
        to: ${{ secrets.MAIL_TO }}
        from: Gitea <gitea@hostname>
        subject: ${{ gitea.repository }} ${{gitea.workflow}} ${{ job.status }}
        priority: high
        convert_markdown: true
        html_body: |
            ### Job ${{ job.status }}

            ${{ github.repository }}: [${{ github.ref }}@${{ github.sha }}](${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions)

Create your own actions

Note: Using private actions is not yet supported. Look at 1, 2, 3. Even though there is a workaround that didn't work for me.

Follow this simple tutorial

Gitea client command line tool

tea is a command line tool to interact with Gitea servers. It still lacks some features but is usable.


  • Download the precompiled binary from
  • Until #542 is fixed manually create a token with all the permissions
  • Run tea login add to set your credentials.


Fix Server does not allow request for unadvertised object error

Fetching the whole history with fetch-depth: 0 worked for us:

- name: Checkout the codebase
  uses: actions/checkout@v3
    fetch-depth: 0
