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Fertilizing with manure

Manure is one of the best organic fertilizers for plants. It's made by the accumulation of excrements of bats, sea birds and seals and it usually doesn't contain additives or synthetic chemical components.

This fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are key minerals for the growth of plants. These components help the regeneration of the soil, the enrichment in terms of nutrients and also acts as fungicide preventing plagues.

Manure is a fertilizer of slow absorption, which means that it's released to the plants in an efficient, controlled and slow pace. That way the plants take the nutrients when they need them.

When to fertilize with manure

The best moment to use it is at spring and depending on the type of plant you should apply it between each month and a half and three months. It's use in winter is not recommended, as it may burn the plant's roots.

How to fertilize with manure

Manure can be obtained in dust or liquid state. The first is perfect to scatter directly over the earth, while the second is better used on plant pots. You don't need to use much, in fact, with just a pair of spoons per pot is enough. Apply it around the base of the plant, avoiding it's touch with leaves, stem or exposed roots, as it may burn them. After you apply them remember to water them often, keep in mind that it's like a heavy greasy sandwich for the plants, and they need water to digest it.

For my indoor plants I'm going to apply a small dose (one spoon per plant) at the start of Autumn (first days of September), and two spoons at the start of spring (first days of March).