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Free Knowledge

One of the early principles of the internet has been to make knowledge free to everyone. Alexandra Elbakyan of Sci-Hub, bookwarrior of Library Genesis, Aaron Swartz, and countless unnamed others have fought to free science from the grips of for-profit publishers. Today, they do it working in hiding, alone, without acknowledgment, in fear of imprisonment, and even now wiretapped by the FBI. They sacrifice everything for one vision: Open Science.

Some days ago, a post appeared on reddit to rescue Sci-Hub by increasing the seeders of the 850 scihub torrents. The plan is to follow the steps done last year to move Libgen to IPFS to make it more difficult for the states to bring down this marvelous collection.

A good way to start is to look at the most ill torrents and fix their state. If you follow this path, take care of IP leaking, they're surely monitoring who's sharing.

Another way to contribute is by following the guidelines of and contribute to the IPFS free library. Beware though, the guidelines don't explain how to install IPFS behind a VPN or Tor. This could be contributed to the site.

Something that is needed is a command line tool that reads the list of ill torrents, and downloads the torrents that have a low number of seeders and DHT peers. The number of torrents to download could be limited by the amount the user wants to share. A second version could have an interaction with the torrent client so that when a torrent is no longer ill, it's automatically replaced with one that is.
