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Email automation

Most of the received emails require repetitive actions that can be automated, and you may also want to access your emails through a command line interface and be able to search through them.

One of the ways to achieve that goals is to use a combination of tools to synchronize the mailboxes, tag them, and run scripts automatically based on the tags.

Fetch emails

First you need a program that syncs your mailboxes, following pazz's advice , I'll use mbsync. Follow the steps under installation to configure your accounts, taking as an example an account called lyz you should be able to sync all your emails with:

mbsync -V lyz

Tag and index emails

If you want to use alot (which I no longer do) you need to install notmuch a tool to index, search, read, and tag large collections of email messages. Follow the steps under installation under you have created the database that indexes your emails.

Once we have that, we need a tool to tag the emails following our desired rules. afew is one way to go. Follow the steps under installation.

Automatically sync emails

The new way

I have many emails, and I want to fetch them with different frequencies, in the background and be notified if anything goes wrong.

For that purpose I've created a python script, a systemd service and some loki rules to monitor it.

Script to sync emails and calendars with different frequencies

The script iterates over the configured accounts in accounts_config and runs mbsync for email accounts and vdirsyncer for email accounts based on some cron expressions. It logs the output in logfmt format so that it's easily handled by loki

To run it you'll first need to create a virtualenv, I use mkvirtualenv account_syncer which creates a virtualenv in ~/.local/share/virtualenv/account_syncer.

Then install the dependencies:

pip install aiocron

Then place this script somewhere, for example (~/.local/bin/

import asyncio
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import asyncio.subprocess
import aiocron

# Dependencies:
# pip install aiocron

# Configuration for accounts (example)
accounts_config = {
    "emails": [
          "account_name": "lyz",
          "cron_expressions": ["*/15 9-23 * * *"],
          "account_name": "work",
          "cron_expressions": ["*/60 8-17 * * 1-5"],  # Monday-Friday
          "account_name": "monitorization",
          "cron_expressions": ["*/5 * * * *"],
    "calendars": [
          "account_name": "lyz",
          "cron_expressions": ["*/15 9-23 * * *"],
          "account_name": "work",
          "cron_expressions": ["*/60 8-17 * * 1-5"],  # Monday-Friday

class LogfmtFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    """Custom formatter to output logs in logfmt style."""

    def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
        log_message = (
            f"level={record.levelname.lower()} "
            f"logger={} "
        return log_message

def setup_logging(logging_name: str) -> logging.Logger:
    """Configure logging to use logfmt format.
        logging_name (str): The logger's name and identifier in the systemd journal.
        Logger: The configured logger.
    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    logfmt_formatter = LogfmtFormatter()
    logger = logging.getLogger(logging_name)
    return logger

log = setup_logging("account_syncer")

async def run_mbsync(account_name: str) -> None:
    """Run mbsync command asynchronously for email accounts.

        account_name (str): The name of the email account to sync.
    command = f"mbsync {account_name}""Syncing emails for {account_name}...")
    process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
        command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
    stdout, stderr = await process.communicate()
    if stdout:"Output for {account_name}: {stdout.decode()}")
    if stderr:
        log.error(f"Error for {account_name}: {stderr.decode()}")

async def run_vdirsyncer(account_name: str) -> None:
    """Run vdirsyncer command asynchronously for calendar accounts.

        account_name (str): The name of the calendar account to sync.
    command = f"vdirsyncer sync {account_name}""Syncing calendar for {account_name}...")
    process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
        command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
    _, stderr = await process.communicate()
    if stderr:
        command_log = stderr.decode().strip()
        if "error" in command_log or "critical" in command_log:
            log.error(f"Output for {account_name}: {command_log}")
        elif len(command_log.splitlines()) > 1:
  "Output for {account_name}: {command_log}")

def should_i_sync_today(cron_expr: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the current time matches the cron expression day and hour constraints."""
    _, hour, _, _, day_of_week = cron_expr.split()
    now =
    if "*" in hour:
        return True
    elif not (int(hour.split("-")[0]) <= now.hour <= int(hour.split("-")[1])):
        return False
    if day_of_week != "*" and str(now.weekday()) not in day_of_week.split(","):
        return False
    return True

async def main():"Starting account syncer for emails and calendars")
    accounts_to_sync = {"emails": [], "calendars": []}

    # Schedule email accounts
    for account in accounts_config["emails"]:
        account_name = account["account_name"]
        for cron_expression in account["cron_expressions"]:
            if (
                and account_name not in accounts_to_sync["emails"]
            aiocron.crontab(cron_expression, func=run_mbsync, args=[account_name])
                f"Scheduled mbsync for {account_name} with cron expression: {cron_expression}"

    # Schedule calendar accounts
    for account in accounts_config["calendars"]:
        account_name = account["account_name"]
        for cron_expression in account["cron_expressions"]:
            if (
                and account_name not in accounts_to_sync["calendars"]
            aiocron.crontab(cron_expression, func=run_vdirsyncer, args=[account_name])
                f"Scheduled vdirsyncer for {account_name} with cron expression: {cron_expression}"
            )"Running an initial fetch on today's accounts")
    for account_name in accounts_to_sync["emails"]:
        await run_mbsync(account_name)
    for account_name in accounts_to_sync["calendars"]:
        await run_vdirsyncer(account_name)"Finished loading accounts")
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(60)

# Run the main async loop
if __name__ == "__main__":


  • accounts_config: Holds your account configuration. Each account must contain an account_name which should be the name of the mbsync or vdirsyncer profile, and cron_expressions must be a list of cron valid expressions you want the email to be synced.

Create the systemd service

We're using a non-root systemd service. You can follow these instructions to configure this service:

Description=Account Sync Service for emails and calendars

# Run the script using the virtual environment's Python interpreter
ExecStart=/home/lyz/.local/share/virtualenvs/account_syncer/bin/python /home/lyz/.local/bin/
# Set the virtual environment's bin directory in the PATH
# Environment variable to use the current user's DISPLAY and DBUS_SESSION


Remember to tweak the service to match your current case and paths.

As we'll probably need to enter our pass password we need the service to start once we've logged into the graphical interface.

Monitor the automation

It's always nice to know if the system is working as expected without adding mental load. To do that I'm creating the next loki rules:

  - name: account_sync
      - alert: AccountSyncIsNotRunningWarning
        expr: |
          (sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({job="systemd-journal", syslog_identifier="account_syncer"}[15m])) or sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({hostname="my_computer"} [15m])) * 0 ) == 0
        for: 0m
          severity: warning
          summary: "The account sync script is not running {{ $labels.hostname}}"
      - alert: AccountSyncIsNotRunningError
        expr: |
          (sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({job="systemd-journal", syslog_identifier="account_syncer"}[3h])) or sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({hostname="my_computer"} [3h])) * 0 ) == 0
        for: 0m
          severity: error
          summary: "The account sync script has been down for at least 3 hours {{ $labels.hostname}}"
      - alert: AccountSyncError
        expr: |
          count(rate({job="systemd-journal", syslog_identifier="account_syncer"} |= `` | logfmt | level_extracted=`error` [5m])) > 0
        for: 0m
          severity: warning
          summary: "There are errors in the account sync log at {{ $labels.hostname}}"

      - alert: EmailAccountIsOutOfSyncLyz
        expr: |
          (sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({job="systemd-journal", syslog_identifier="account_syncer"} | logfmt | msg=`Syncing emails for lyz...`[1h])) or sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({hostname="my_computer"} [1h])) * 0 ) == 0
        for: 0m
          severity: error
          summary: "The email account lyz has been out of sync for 1h {{ $labels.hostname}}"

      - alert: CalendarAccountIsOutOfSyncLyz
        expr: |
          (sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({job="systemd-journal", syslog_identifier="account_syncer"} | logfmt | msg=`Syncing calendar for lyz...`[3h])) or sum by(hostname) (count_over_time({hostname="my_computer"} [3h])) * 0 ) == 0
        for: 0m
          severity: error
          summary: "The calendar account lyz has been out of sync for 3h {{ $labels.hostname}}"
Where: - You need to change my_computer for the hostname of the device running the service - Tweak the OutOfSync alerts to match your account (change the lyz part).

These rules will raise: - A warning if the sync has not shown any activity in the last 15 minutes. - An error if the sync has not shown any activity in the last 3 hours. - An error if there is an error in the logs of the automation.

The old way

The remaining step to keep the inboxes synced and tagged is to run all the steps above in a cron. Particularize pazz's script for your usecase:

# Download and index new mail.
# Copyright (c) 2017 Patrick Totzke
# Dependencies: flock, nm-online, mbsync, notmuch, afew
# Example crontab entry:
#   */2 * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /home/pazz/.pullmail.lock /home/pazz/bin/ > /home/pazz/.pullmail.log


# this makes the keyring daemon accessible
function keyring-control() {
        local -a vars=( \
                DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS \
                GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL \
                GNOME_KEYRING_PID \
                XDG_SESSION_COOKIE \
                GPG_AGENT_INFO \
                SSH_AUTH_SOCK \
        local pid=$(ps -C i3 -o pid --no-heading)
        eval "unset ${vars[@]}; $(printf "export %s;" $(sed 's/\x00/\n/g' /proc/${pid//[^0-9]/}/environ | grep $(printf -- "-e ^%s= " "${vars[@]}")) )"

function log() {
    notify-send -t 2000  'mail sync:' "$@"

function die() {
    notify-send -t 2000 -u critical 'mail sync:' "$@"
    exit 1

# Let's Do stuff

# abort as soon as something fails
set -e

# abort if not online
nm-online -x -t 0

echo ---------------------------------------------------------
for accfile in `ls $ACCOUNTDIR`;
    ACC=$(basename $accfile)
    echo ------------------------  $ACC   ------------------------
    mbsync -V $ACC || log "$ACC failed"

# index and tag new mails
echo ------------------------ NOTMUCH ------------------------
notmuch new 2>/dev/null || die "NOTMUCH new failed"

echo ------------------------  AFEW   ------------------------
afew -v --tag --new || die "AFEW died"

echo ---------------------------------------------------------
echo "all done, goodbye."

Where flock is a tool to manage locks from shell scripts.

And add the entry in your crontab -e.

If you want to process your emails with this system through a command line interface, you can configure alot.