List the size of the recovery points⚑
# Replace with your backup vault name
# List all recovery points with their sizes
RECOVERY_POINTS=$(aws backup list-recovery-points-by-backup-vault --backup-vault-name $BACKUP_VAULT_NAME --query 'RecoveryPoints[*].[RecoveryPointArn,BackupSizeInBytes,CreationDate]' --output text)
# # Loop through each recovery point and convert size to terabytes
echo -e "Creation Date\t\tRecovery Point ARN\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSize (TB)"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Remove the decimal part from the epoch time
EPOCH_TIME=$(echo $CREATION_DATE | cut -d'.' -f1)
# Convert the creation date from epoch time to YYYY-MM-DD format
FORMATTED_DATE=$(date -d @$EPOCH_TIME +"%Y-%m-%d")
SIZE_TB=$(echo "scale=6; $BACKUP_SIZE_BYTES / (1024^4)" | bc)
printf "%-16s %-80s %10.6f\n" "$FORMATTED_DATE" "$RECOVERY_POINT_ARN" "$SIZE_TB"
However you can't trust the size you see from AWS backup console of the last snapshot as it's the size when the backup job created the recovery point, that is the size for the incremental data. Unfortunately there is no method for customer to check the real size of the oldest recovery point via AWS Backup web console.
List the size of the jobs⚑
To list AWS Backup jobs and display their completion dates and sizes in a human-readable format, you can use the following AWS CLI command combined with jq
for parsing and formatting the output. This command handles cases where the backup size might be null and rounds the size to the nearest whole number in gigabytes.
aws backup list-backup-jobs --output json | jq -r '
.BackupJobs[] |
(.CompletionDate | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
(if .BackupSizeInBytes == null then "0GB" else ((.BackupSizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) | floor | tostring + " GB") end)
] |
@tsv' | column -t -s$'\t'
aws backup list-backup-jobs --output json
: Lists all AWS Backup jobs in JSON format..BackupJobs[]
: Iterates over each backup job.(.CompletionDate | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
: Converts the Unix timestamp in CompletionDate to a human-readable date format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).(if .BackupSizeInBytes == null then "0GB" else ((.BackupSizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) | floor | tostring + " GB") end)
: Checks if BackupSizeInBytes is null. If it is, outputs "0GB". Otherwise, converts the size from bytes to gigabytes, rounds it down to the nearest whole number, and appends " GB".| @tsv
: Formats the output as tab-separated values.column -t -s$'\t'
: Formats the TSV output into a table with columns aligned.
Don't have enough permissions to start restore from backup⚑
That may be because the default EFS backup policy doesn't let you do that (stupid, I know).
To fix it go into the backup policy and remove the next line from the Deny