Kubectl Commands
Configuration and context⚑
Add a new cluster to your kubeconf that supports basic auth⚑
kubectl config set-credentials {{ username }}/{{ cluster_dns }} --username={{ username }} --password={{ password }}
Create new context⚑
kubectl config set-context {{ context_name }} --user={{ username }} --namespace={{ namespace }}
Get current context⚑
kubectl config current-context
List contexts⚑
kubectl config get-contexts
Switch context⚑
kubectl config use-context {{ context_name }}
Creating objects⚑
Create Resource⚑
kubectl create -f {{ resource.definition.yaml | dir.where.yamls.live | url.to.yaml }} --record
Create a configmap from a file⚑
kubectl create configmap {{ configmap_name }} --from-file {{ path/to/file }}
Deleting resources⚑
Delete the pod using the type and name specified in a file⚑
kubectl delete -f {{ path_to_file }}
Delete pods and services by name⚑
kubectl delete pod,service {{ pod_names }} {{ service_names }}
Delete pods and services by label⚑
kubectl delete pod,services -l {{ label_name }}={{ label_value }}
Delete pods that are stuck in terminating state for a while⚑
kubectl delete pod <pod-name> --grace-period=0 --force
Delete all pods and services in namespace⚑
kubectl -n {{ namespace_name }} delete po,svc --all
Delete all evicted pods⚑
while read i; do kubectl delete pod "$i"; done < <(kubectl get pods | grep -i evicted | sed 's/ .*//g')
Editing resources⚑
Edit a service⚑
kubectl edit svc/{{ service_name }}
Information gathering⚑
Get credentials⚑
Get credentials
kubectl config view --minify
Restart pods without taking the service down⚑
kubectl rollout deployment {{ deployment_name }}
View status of deployments⚑
kubectl get deployments
Describe Deployments⚑
kubectl describe deployment {{ deployment_name }}
Get images of deployment⚑
kubectl get pods --selector=app={{ deployment_name }} -o json |\
jq '.items[] | .metadata.name + ": " + .spec.containers[0].image'
List all nodes⚑
kubectl get nodes
Check which nodes are ready⚑
JSONPATH='{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}{@.type}={@.status};{end}{end}' \
&& kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath=$JSONPATH | grep "Ready=True"
External IPs of all nodes⚑
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}'
Get exposed ports of node⚑
export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services/kubernetes-bootcamp -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}')
List all pods in the current namespace⚑
kubectl get pods
List all pods in all namespaces⚑
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
List all pods of a selected namespace⚑
kubectl get pods -n {{ namespace }}
List with more detail⚑
kubectl get pods -o wide
Get pods of a selected deployment⚑
kubectl get pods --selector="name={{ name }}"
Get pods of a given label⚑
kubectl get pods -l {{ label_name }}
Get pods by IP⚑
kubectl get pods -o wide
alpine-3835730047-ggn2v 1/1 Running 0 5d ip-10-35-80-221.ec2.internal
Sort pods by restart count⚑
kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'
Describe Pods⚑
kubectl describe pods {{ pod_name }}
Get name of pod⚑
pod=$(kubectl get pod --selector={{ selector_label }}={{ selector_value }} -o jsonpath={.items..metadata.name})
List pods that belong to a particular RC⚑
sel=${$(kubectl get rc my-rc --output=json | jq -j '.spec.selector | to_entries | .[] | "\(.key)=\(.value),"')%?}
echo $(kubectl get pods --selector=$sel --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name})
Show the remaining space of a persistent volume claim⚑
Either look it in Prometheus or run in the pod that has the PVC mounted:
kubectl -n <namespace> exec <pod-name> -- df -ah
You may need to use kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml
to know what volume is mounted where.
Get the node architecture of the pods of a deployment⚑
Here are a few ways to check the node architecture of pods in a deployment:
Get the nodes where the pods are running:
This will show which nodes are running your pods.kubectl get pods -l app=your-deployment-label -o wide
Then check the architecture of those nodes:
kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,ARCH:.status.nodeInfo.architecture
Or you can combine this into a single command:
kubectl get pods -l app=your-deployment-label -o json | jq -r '.items[].spec.nodeName' | xargs -I {} kubectl get node {} -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,ARCH:.status.nodeInfo.architecture
You can also check if your deployment is explicitly targeting specific architectures through node selectors or affinity rules:
kubectl get deployment your-deployment-name -o yaml | grep -A 5 nodeSelector
List services in namespace⚑
kubectl get services
List services sorted by name
kubectl get services --sort-by=.metadata.name
Describe Services⚑
kubectl describe services {{ service_name }}
kubectl describe svc {{ service_name }}
Replication controller⚑
List all replication controller⚑
kubectl get rc
View status of secrets⚑
kubectl get secrets
View namespaces⚑
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl get limitrange
kubectl describe limitrange limits
Jobs and cronjobs⚑
Get cronjobs of a namespace⚑
kubectl get cronjobs -n {{ namespace }}
Get jobs of a namespace⚑
kubectl get jobs -n {{ namespace }}
You can then describe a specific job to get the pod it created.
kubectl describe job -n {{ namespace }} {{ job_name }}
And now you can see the evolution of the job with:
kubectl logs -n {{ namespace }} {{ pod_name }}
Interacting with nodes and cluster⚑
Mark node as unschedulable⚑
kubectl cordon {{ node_name }}
Mark node as schedulable⚑
kubectl uncordon {{ node_name }}
Drain node in preparation for maintenance⚑
kubectl drain {{ node_name }}
Show metrics of all node⚑
kubectl top node
Show metrics of a node⚑
kubectl top node {{ node_name }}
Display addresses of the master and servies⚑
kubectl cluster-info
Dump current cluster state to stdout⚑
kubectl cluster-info dump
Dump current cluster state to directory⚑
kubectl cluster-info dump --output-directory={{ path_to_directory }}
Interacting with pods⚑
Dump logs of pod⚑
kubectl logs {{ pod_name }}
Dump logs of pod and specified container⚑
kubectl logs {{ pod_name }} -c {{ container_name }}
Stream logs of pod⚑
kubectl logs -f {{ pod_name }}
kubectl logs -f {{ pod_name }} -c {{ container_name }}
Another option is to use the kubetail program.
Attach to running container⚑
kubectl attach {{ pod_name }} -i
Get a shell of a running container⚑
kubectl exec {{ pod_name }} -it bash
Get a debian container inside kubernetes⚑
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 -i --tty debian --image=debian -- bash
Run a pod in a defined node⚑
Get the node hostnames with kubectl get nodes
, then override the node with:
kubectl run mypod --image ubuntu:18.04 --overrides='{"apiVersion": "v1", "spec": {"nodeSelector": { "kubernetes.io/hostname": "my-node.internal" }}}' --command -- sleep 100000000000000
Get a root shell of a running container⚑
Get the Node where the pod is and the docker ID
kubectl describe pod {{ pod_name }}
SSH into the node
ssh {{ node }}
Get into docker
docker exec -it -u root {{ docker_id }} bash
Forward port of pod to your local machine⚑
kubectl port-forward {{ pod_name }} {{ pod_port }}:{{ local_port }}
Expose port⚑
kubectl expose {{ deployment_name }} --type="{{ expose_type }}" --port {{ port_number }}
Where expose_type is one of: ['NodePort', 'ClusterIP', 'LoadBalancer', 'externalName']
Run command on existing pod⚑
kubectl exec {{ pod_name }} -- ls /
kubectl exec {{ pod_name }} -c {{ container_name }} -- ls /
Show metrics for a given pod and it's containers⚑
kubectl top pod {{ pod_name }} --containers
Extract file from pod⚑
kubectl cp {{ container_id }}:{{ path_to_file }} {{ path_to_local_file }}
Upload a file to a pod⚑
kubectl cp {{ path_to_local_file }} {{ container_id }}:{{ path_to_file }}
Scaling resources⚑
Scale a deployment with a specified size⚑
kubectl scale deployment {{ deployment_name }} --replicas {{ replicas_number }}
Scale a replicaset⚑
kubectl scale --replicas={{ replicas_number }} rs/{{ replicaset_name }}
Scale a resource specified in a file⚑
kubectl scale --replicas={{ replicas_number }} -f {{ path_to_yaml }}
Updating resources⚑
Modify the image of a deployment⚑
kubectl set image {{ deployment_name }} {{ label }}:{{ label_value }}
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.9.1
Or edit it by hand
kubectl edit {{ deployment_name }}
Get the status of the rolling update⚑
kubectl rollout status {{ deployment_name }}
Get the history of the deployment⚑
kubectl rollout history deployment {{ deployment_name }}
To get more details of a selected revision:
kubectl rollout history deployment {{ deployment_name }} --revision={{ revision_number }}
Get back to a specified revision⚑
To get to the last version
kubectl rollout undo deployment {{ deployment_name }}
To go to a specific version
kubectl rollout undo {{ deployment_name }} --to-revision={{ revision_number }}
Rolling update of pods⚑
Is prefered to use the deployment rollout
kubectl rolling-update {{ pod_name }} -f {{ new_pod_definition_yaml }}
Change the name of the resource and update the image⚑
kubectl rolling-update {{ old_pod_name }} {{ new_pod_name }} --image=image:{{ new_pod_version }}
Abort existing rollout in progress⚑
kubectl rolling-update {{ old_pod_name }} {{ new_pod_name }} --rollback
Force replace, delete and then re-create the resource⚑
** Will cause a service outage **
kubectl replace --force -f {{ new_pod_yaml }}
Add a label⚑
kubectl label pods {{ pod_name }} new-label={{ new_label }}
Autoscale a deployment⚑
kubectl autoscale deployment {{ deployment_name }} --min={{ min_instances }} --max={{ max_instances }} [--cpu-percent={{ cpu_percent }}]
Copy resources between namespaces⚑
kubectl get rs,secrets -o json --namespace old | jq '.items[].metadata.namespace = "new"' | kubectl create-f -
Formatting output⚑
Print a table using a comma separated list of custom columns⚑
Print a table using the custom columns template in the file⚑
Output a JSON formatted API object⚑
Print the fields defined in a jsonpath expression⚑
Print the fields defined by the jsonpath expression in the file⚑
Print only the resource name and nothing else⚑
Output in the plain-text format with any additional information, and for pods, the node name is included⚑
Output a YAML formatted API object⚑