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Tinydb is a document oriented database that stores data in a json file. It's the closest solution to a NoSQL SQLite solution that I've found.

The advantages are that you can use a NoSQL database without installing a server. Tinydb is small, simple to use, well tested, optimized and extensible. On the other hand, if you are searching for advanced database features like more than one connection or high performance, you should consider using databases like SQLite or MongoDB.

I think it's the perfect solution for initial versions of a program, when the database schema is variable and there is no need of high performance. Once the program is stabilized and the performance drops, you can change the storage provider to a production ready one.

To make this change doable, I recommend implementing the repository pattern to decouple the storage layer from your application logic.


pip install tinydb

Basic usage

TL;DR: Operation Cheatsheet

  • Inserting data: db.insert(...).
  • Getting data:
    • db.all(): Get all documents.
    • iter(db): Iterate over all the documents.
    • Get a list of documents matching the query.
  • Updating:
    • db.update(fields, query): Update all documents matching the query to contain fields.
  • Removing:
    • db.remove(query): Remove all documents matching the query.
    • db.truncate(): Remove all documents.
  • Querying:
  • Query(): Create a new query object.
  • Query().field == 2: Match any document that has a key field with value == 2 (also possible: !=, >, >=, <, <=).

First you need to setup the database:

from tinydb import TinyDB, Query

db = TinyDB('db.json')

TinyDB expects the data to be Python dictionaries:

db.insert({'type': 'apple', 'count': 7})
db.insert({'type': 'peach', 'count': 3})

You can also iterate over stored documents:

>>> for item in db:
>>>     print(item)
{'count': 7, 'type': 'apple'}
{'count': 3, 'type': 'peach'}

You can search for specific documents:

>>> Fruit = Query()
>>> == 'peach')
[{'count': 3, 'type': 'peach'}]
>>> > 5)
[{'count': 7, 'type': 'apple'}]

You can update fields:

>>> db.update({'count': 10}, Fruit.type == 'apple')
>>> db.all()
[{'count': 10, 'type': 'apple'}, {'count': 3, 'type': 'peach'}]

And remove documents:

>>> db.remove(Fruit.count < 5)
>>> db.all()
[{'count': 10, 'type': 'apple'}]

Query construction

  • Match any document where a field called field exists: Query().field.exists().
  • Match any document with the whole field matching the regular expression: Query().field.matches(regex).
  • Match any document with a substring of the field matching the regular expression: Query()
  • Match any document for which the function returns True: Query().field.test(func, *args).
  • If given a query, match all documents where all documents in the list field match the query. If given a list, matches all documents where all documents in the list field are a member of the given list: Query().field.all(query | list).
  • If given a query, match all documents where at least one document in the list field match the query. If given a list, matches all documents where at least one documents in the list field are a member of the given list: Query().field.any(query | list).
  • Match if the field is contained in the list: Query().field.one_of(list).

Logical operations on queries

  • Match documents that don't match the query: ~ (query).
  • Match documents that match both queries: (query1) & (query2).
  • Match documents that match at least one of the queries: (query1) | (query2).

To retrieve the data from the database, you need to use Query objects in a similar way as you do with ORMs.

from tinydb import Query

User = Query() == 'John') == 1990)

If the field is not a valid Python identifier use the following syntax:['country-code'] == 'foo')

Advanced queries

TinyDB supports other ways to search in your data:

  • Testing the existence of a field:
  • Testing values against regular expressions:

    # Full item has to match the regex:'[aZ]*'))
    # Any part of the item has to match the regex:'b+'))
  • Testing using custom tests:

    # Custom test:
    test_func = lambda s: s == 'John'
    # Custom test with parameters:
    def test_func(val, m, n):
        return m <= val <= n, 0, 21)), 21, 99))
  • Testing fields that contain lists with the any and all methods: Assuming we have a user object with a groups list like this:

    db.insert({'name': 'user1', 'groups': ['user']})
    db.insert({'name': 'user2', 'groups': ['admin', 'user']})
    db.insert({'name': 'user3', 'groups': ['sudo', 'user']})

    You can use the following queries:

    # User's groups include at least one value from ['admin', 'sudo']
    >>>['admin', 'sudo']))
    [{'name': 'user2', 'groups': ['admin', 'user']},
     {'name': 'user3', 'groups': ['sudo', 'user']}]
    # User's groups include all values from ['admin', 'user']
    >>>['admin', 'user']))
    [{'name': 'user2', 'groups': ['admin', 'user']}]
  • Testing nested queries: Assuming we have the following table:

    Group = Query()
    Permission = Query()
    groups = db.table('groups')
        'name': 'user',
        'permissions': [{'type': 'read'}]})
        'name': 'sudo',
        'permissions': [{'type': 'read'}, {'type': 'sudo'}]})
        'name': 'admin',
        'permissions': [{'type': 'read'}, {'type': 'write'}, {'type': 'sudo'}]})

    You can search this table using nested any/all queries:

    # Group has a permission with type 'read'
    >>> == 'read'))
    [{'name': 'user', 'permissions': [{'type': 'read'}]},
     {'name': 'sudo', 'permissions': [{'type': 'read'}, {'type': 'sudo'}]},
     {'name': 'admin', 'permissions':
            [{'type': 'read'}, {'type': 'write'}, {'type': 'sudo'}]}]
    # Group has ONLY permission 'read'
    >>> == 'read'))
    [{'name': 'user', 'permissions': [{'type': 'read'}]}]

    any tests if there is at least one document matching the query while all ensures all documents match the query.

    The opposite operation, checking if a list contains a single item, is also possible using one_of:

    >>>['jane', 'john']))

Query modifiers

TinyDB allows you to use logical operations to change and combine queries

  • Negate a query: ( == 'John')).
  • Logical AND: == 'John') & (User.age <= 30)).
  • Logical OR: == 'John') | ( == 'Bob')).

Inserting more than one document

In case you want to insert more than one document, you can use db.insert_multiple(...):

>>> db.insert_multiple([
        {'name': 'John', 'age': 22},
        {'name': 'John', 'age': 37}])
>>> db.insert_multiple({'int': 1, 'value': i} for i in range(2))

Updating data

To update all the documents of the database, leave out the query argument:

db.update({'foo': 'bar'})

When you pass a dictionary to db.update(fields, query), you update a document by adding or overwriting its values. TinyDB also supports some common operations you can do on your data:

  • delete(key): Delete a key from the document.
  • increment(key): Increment the value of a key.
  • decrement(key): Decrement the value of a key.
  • add(key, value): Add value to the value of a key (also works for strings).
  • subtract(key, value): Subtract value from the value of a key.
  • set(key, value): Set key to value.
>>> from tinydb.operations import delete
>>> db.update(delete('key1'), == 'John')

This will remove the key key1 from all matching documents.

You also can write your own operations:

>>> def your_operation(your_arguments):
...     def transform(doc):
...         # do something with the document
...         # ...
...     return transform
>>> db.update(your_operation(arguments), query)

Retrieving data

If you want to get one element use db.get(...). Be warned, if more than one document match the query, a random will be returned.

>>> db.get( == 'John')
{'name': 'John', 'age': 22}

If you want to know if the database stores a document, use db.contains(...).

>>> db.contains( == 'John')

If you want to know the number of documents that match a query use db.count(...).

>>> db.count( == 'John')

Serializing custom data

TinyDB has a limited support to serialize common objects, they added support for custom serializers but it's not yet documented. Check the tinydb-serialization package to see how to implement your own.

Serializing datetime objects

The tinydb-serialization package gives serialization objects for datetime objects.

from tinydb import TinyDB
from tinydb.storages import JSONStorage
from tinydb_serialization import SerializationMiddleware
from tinydb_serialization.serializers import DateTimeSerializer

serialization = SerializationMiddleware(JSONStorage)
serialization.register_serializer(DateTimeSerializer(), 'TinyDate')

db = TinyDB('db.json', storage=serialization)


TinyDB supports working with more than one table. To create and use a table, use db.table(name). They behave as the TinyDB class.

>>> table = db.table('table_name')
>>> table.insert({'value': True})
>>> table.all()
[{'value': True}]
>>> for row in table:
>>>     print(row)
{'value': True}

To remove a table from a database, use:


To remove all tables, use:


To get a list with the names of all tables in your database:

>>> db.tables()
{'_default', 'table_name'}

Query caching

TinyDB caches query result for performance. That way re-running a query won't have to read the data from the storage as long as the database hasn't been modified. You can optimize the query cache size by passing the cache_size to the table(...) function:

table = db.table('table_name', cache_size=30)

You can set cache_size to None to make the cache unlimited in size. Also, you can set cache_size to 0 to disable it.

Storage types

TinyDB comes with two storage types: JSON and in-memory. By default TinyDB stores its data in JSON files so you have to specify the path where to store it:

from tinydb import TinyDB, where

db = TinyDB('path/to/db.json')

To use the in-memory storage, use:

from tinydb.storages import MemoryStorage

db = TinyDB(storage=MemoryStorage)

All arguments except for the storage argument are forwarded to the underlying storage. For the JSON storage you can use this to pass additional keyword arguments to Python’s json.dump(…) method. For example, you can set it to create prettified JSON files like this:

>>> db = TinyDB('db.json', sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
