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Pydantic is a data validation and settings management using python type annotations.

pydantic enforces type hints at runtime, and provides user friendly errors when data is invalid.

Define how data should be in pure, canonical python; check it with pydantic.


pip install pydantic

If you use mypy I highly recommend you to activate the pydantic plugin by adding to your pyproject.toml:

plugins = [ "pydantic.mypy",]

init_forbid_extra = true
init_typed = true
warn_required_dynamic_aliases = true
warn_untyped_fields = true

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Perform data validation in an easy and nice way.
  • Seamless integration with FastAPI and Typer.
  • Nice way to export the data and data schema.


  • You can't define cyclic relationships, therefore there is no way to simulate the backref SQLAlchemy function.


The primary means of defining objects in pydantic is via models (models are simply classes which inherit from BaseModel).

You can think of models as similar to types in strictly typed languages, or as the requirements of a single endpoint in an API.

Untrusted data can be passed to a model, and after parsing and validation pydantic guarantees that the fields of the resultant model instance will conform to the field types defined on the model.

Basic model usage

from pydantic import BaseModel

class User(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name = "Jane Doe"

User here is a model with two fields id which is an integer and is required, and name which is a string and is not required (it has a default value). The type of name is inferred from the default value, and so a type annotation is not required.

user = User(id="123")

user here is an instance of User. Initialisation of the object will perform all parsing and validation, if no ValidationError is raised, you know the resulting model instance is valid.

Model properties

Models possess the following methods and attributes:

dict() : returns a dictionary of the model's fields and values.

json() : returns a JSON string representation dict().

copy() : returns a deep copy of the model.

parse_obj() : very similar to the __init__ method of the model, used to import objects from a dict rather than keyword arguments. If the object passed is not a dict a ValidationError will be raised.

parse_raw() : takes a str or bytes and parses it as json, then passes the result to parse_obj.

parse_file() : reads a file and passes the contents to parse_raw. If content_type is omitted, it is inferred from the file's extension.

from_orm() : loads data into a model from an arbitrary class.

schema() : returns a dictionary representing the model as JSON Schema.

schema_json() : returns a JSON string representation of schema().

Recursive Models

More complex hierarchical data structures can be defined using models themselves as types in annotations.

from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Foo(BaseModel):
    count: int
    size: float = None

class Bar(BaseModel):
    apple = "x"
    banana = "y"

class Spam(BaseModel):
    foo: Foo
    bars: List[Bar]

m = Spam(foo={"count": 4}, bars=[{"apple": "x1"}, {"apple": "x2"}])
# > foo=Foo(count=4, size=None) bars=[Bar(apple='x1', banana='y'),
# > Bar(apple='x2', banana='y')]
    'foo': {'count': 4, 'size': None},
    'bars': [
        {'apple': 'x1', 'banana': 'y'},
        {'apple': 'x2', 'banana': 'y'},

For self-referencing models, use postponed annotations.

Definition of two models that reference each other

class A(BaseModel):
    b: Optional["B"] = None

class B(BaseModel):
    a: Optional[A] = None


Although it doesn't work as expected!

Error Handling

pydantic will raise ValidationError whenever it finds an error in the data it's validating.

!!! note Validation code should not raise ValidationError itself, but rather raise ValueError, TypeError or AssertionError (or subclasses of ValueError or TypeError) which will be caught and used to populate ValidationError.

One exception will be raised regardless of the number of errors found, that ValidationError will contain information about all the errors and how they happened. It does not include however the data that produced the error. A nice way of showing it is to capture the error and print it yourself:

    model = Model(
except ValidationError as error:
    log.error(f'Error building model with state {state}')
    raise error

This creates a message that does not include the data that generated the i

You can access these errors in a several ways:

e.errors() : method will return list of errors found in the input data.

e.json() : method will return a JSON representation of errors.

str(e) : method will return a human readable representation of the errors.

Each error object contains:

loc : the error's location as a list. The first item in the list will be the field where the error occurred, and if the field is a sub-model, subsequent items will be present to indicate the nested location of the error.

type : a computer-readable identifier of the error type.

msg : a human readable explanation of the error.

ctx : an optional object which contains values required to render the error message.

Custom Errors

You can also define your own error classes, which can specify a custom error code, message template, and context:

from pydantic import BaseModel, PydanticValueError, ValidationError, validator

class NotABarError(PydanticValueError):
    code = "not_a_bar"
    msg_template = 'value is not "bar", got "{wrong_value}"'

class Model(BaseModel):
    foo: str

    def name_must_contain_space(cls, v):
        if v != "bar":
            raise NotABarError(wrong_value=v)
        return v

except ValidationError as e:
        "loc": [
        "msg": "value is not \"bar\", got \"ber\"",
        "type": "value_error.not_a_bar",
        "ctx": {
          "wrong_value": "ber"

Dynamic model creation

There are some occasions where the shape of a model is not known until runtime. For this pydantic provides the create_model method to allow models to be created on the fly.

from pydantic import BaseModel, create_model

DynamicFoobarModel = create_model("DynamicFoobarModel", foo=(str, ...), bar=123)

class StaticFoobarModel(BaseModel):
    foo: str
    bar: int = 123

Here StaticFoobarModel and DynamicFoobarModel are identical.


Required Optional Fields for the distinct between an ellipsis as a field default and annotation only fields. See samuelcolvin/pydantic#1047 for more details.

Fields are defined by either a tuple of the form (<type>, <default value>) or just a default value. The special key word arguments __config__ and __base__ can be used to customize the new model. This includes extending a base model with extra fields.

from pydantic import BaseModel, create_model

class FooModel(BaseModel):
    foo: str
    bar: int = 123

BarModel = create_model(
# > <class 'BarModel'>
# > dict_keys(['foo', 'bar', 'apple', 'banana'])

Abstract Base Classes

Pydantic models can be used alongside Python's Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).

import abc
from pydantic import BaseModel

class FooBarModel(BaseModel, abc.ABC):
    a: str
    b: int

    def my_abstract_method(self):

Field Ordering

Field order is important in models for the following reasons:

  • Validation is performed in the order fields are defined; fields validators can access the values of earlier fields, but not later ones
  • Field order is preserved in the model schema
  • Field order is preserved in validation errors
  • Field order is preserved by .dict() and .json() etc.

As of v1.0 all fields with annotations (whether annotation-only or with a default value) will precede all fields without an annotation. Within their respective groups, fields remain in the order they were defined.

Field with dynamic default value

When declaring a field with a default value, you may want it to be dynamic (i.e. different for each model). To do this, you may want to use a default_factory.

!!! info "In Beta" The default_factory argument is in beta, it has been added to pydantic in v1.5 on a provisional basis. It may change significantly in future releases and its signature or behaviour will not be concrete until v2. Feedback from the community while it's still provisional would be extremely useful; either comment on #866 or create a new issue.

Example of usage:

from datetime import datetime
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Model(BaseModel):
    uid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
    updated: datetime = Field(default_factory=datetime.utcnow)

m1 = Model()
m2 = Model()
print(f"{m1.uid} != {m2.uid}")
# > 3b187763-a19c-4ed8-9588-387e224e04f1 != 0c58f97b-c8a7-4fe8-8550-e9b2b8026574
print(f"{m1.updated} != {m2.updated}")
# > 2020-07-15 20:01:48.451066 != 2020-07-15 20:01:48.451083

!!! warning The default_factory expects the field type to be set. Moreover if you want to validate default values with validate_all, pydantic will need to call the default_factory, which could lead to side effects!

Field customization

Optionally, the Field function can be used to provide extra information about the field and validations. It has the following arguments:

  • default: (a positional argument) the default value of the field. Since the Field replaces the field's default, this first argument can be used to set the default. Use ellipsis (...) to indicate the field is required.
  • default_factory: a zero-argument callable that will be called when a default value is needed for this field. Among other purposes, this can be used to set dynamic default values. It is forbidden to set both default and default_factory.
  • alias: the public name of the field.
  • title: if omitted, field_name.title() is used.
  • description: if omitted and the annotation is a sub-model, the docstring of the sub-model will be used.
  • const: this argument must be the same as the field's default value if present.
  • gt: for numeric values (int, float, Decimal), adds a validation of "greater than" and an annotation of exclusiveMinimum to the JSON Schema.
  • ge: for numeric values, this adds a validation of "greater than or equal" and an annotation of minimum to the JSON Schema.
  • lt: for numeric values, this adds a validation of "less than" and an annotation of exclusiveMaximum to the JSON Schema.
  • le: for numeric values, this adds a validation of "less than or equal" and an annotation of maximum to the JSON Schema.
  • multiple_of: for numeric values, this adds a validation of "a multiple of" and an annotation of multipleOf to the JSON Schema.
  • min_items: for list values, this adds a corresponding validation and an annotation of minItems to the JSON Schema.
  • max_items: for list values, this adds a corresponding validation and an annotation of maxItems to the JSON Schema.
  • min_length: for string values, this adds a corresponding validation and an annotation of minLength to the JSON Schema.
  • max_length: for string values, this adds a corresponding validation and an annotation of maxLength to the JSON Schema.
  • allow_mutation: a boolean which defaults to True. When False, the field raises a TypeError if the field is assigned on an instance. The model config must set validate_assignment to True for this check to be performed.
  • regex: for string values, this adds a Regular Expression validation generated from the passed string and an annotation of pattern to the JSON Schema.
  • **: any other keyword arguments (e.g. examples) will be added verbatim to the field's schema.

!!! note pydantic validates strings using re.match, which treats regular expressions as implicitly anchored at the beginning. On the contrary, JSON Schema validators treat the pattern keyword as implicitly unanchored, more like what does.

Instead of using Field, the fields property of the Config class can be used to set all of the arguments above except default.

Parsing data into a specified type

Pydantic includes a standalone utility function parse_obj_as that can be used to apply the parsing logic used to populate pydantic models in a more ad-hoc way. This function behaves similarly to BaseModel.parse_obj, but works with arbitrary pydantic-compatible types.

This is especially useful when you want to parse results into a type that is not a direct subclass of BaseModel. For example:

from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel, parse_obj_as

class Item(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str

# `item_data` could come from an API call, eg., via something like:
# item_data = requests.get('').json()
item_data = [{"id": 1, "name": "My Item"}]

items = parse_obj_as(List[Item], item_data)
# > [Item(id=1, name='My Item')]

This function is capable of parsing data into any of the types pydantic can handle as fields of a BaseModel.

Pydantic also includes a similar standalone function called parse_file_as, which is analogous to BaseModel.parse_file.

Data Conversion

pydantic may cast input data to force it to conform to model field types, and in some cases this may result in a loss of information. For example:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Model(BaseModel):
    a: int
    b: float
    c: str

print(Model(a=3.1415, b=" 2.72 ", c=123).dict())
# > {'a': 3, 'b': 2.72, 'c': '123'}

This is a deliberate decision of pydantic, and in general it's the most useful approach. See here for a longer discussion on the subject.

Initialize attributes at object creation

pydantic recommends using root validators, but it's difficult to undestand how to do it and to debug the errors. You also don't have easy access to the default values of the model. I'd rather use the overwriting the __init__ method.

Overwriting the __init__ method

class fish(BaseModel):
    name: str
    color: str

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        print("Fish initialization successful!")

If you want to create part of the attributes you can use the next snippet

class Sqlite(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    path: Path
    db: sqlite3.Cursor

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(kwargs['path'])
        kwargs['db'] = conn.cursor()

Using root validators

If you want to initialize attributes of the object automatically at object creation, similar of what you'd do with the __init__ method of the class, you need to use root_validators.

from pydantic import root_validator

class PypikaRepository(BaseModel):
    """Implement the repository pattern using the Pypika query builder."""

    connection: sqlite3.Connection
    cursor: sqlite3.Cursor

    class Config:
        """Configure the pydantic model."""

        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    def set_connection(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Set the connection to the database.

            ConnectionError: If there is no database file.
        database_file = values["database_url"].replace("sqlite:///", "")
        if not os.path.isfile(database_file):
            raise ConnectionError(f"There is no database file: {database_file}")
        connection = sqlite3.connect(database_file)
        values["connection"] = connection
        values["cursor"] = connection.cursor()

        return values

I had to set the arbitrary_types_allowed because the sqlite3 objects are not between the pydantic object types.

Set private attributes

If you want to define some attributes that are not part of the model use PrivateAttr:

from datetime import datetime
from random import randint

from pydantic import BaseModel, PrivateAttr

class TimeAwareModel(BaseModel):
    _processed_at: datetime = PrivateAttr(
    _secret_value: str = PrivateAttr()

    def __init__(self, **data: Any) -> None:
        # this could also be done with default_factory
        self._secret_value = randint(1, 5)

m = TimeAwareModel()
# > 2021-03-03 17:30:04.030758
# > 5

Define fields to exclude from exporting at config level

This won't be necessary once they release the version 1.9 because you can define the fields to exclude in the Config of the model using something like:

class User(BaseModel):
    id: int
    username: str
    password: str

class Transaction(BaseModel):
    id: str
    user: User
    value: int

    class Config:
        fields = {
            "value": {
                "alias": "Amount",
                "exclude": ...,
            "user": {"exclude": {"username", "password"}},
            "id": {"dump_alias": "external_id"},

The release it's taking its time because the developer's gremlin and salaried work are sucking his time off.

Update entity attributes with a dictionary

To update a model with the data of a dictionary you can create a new object with the new data using the update argument of the copy method.

class FooBarModel(BaseModel):
    banana: float
    foo: str

m = FooBarModel(banana=3.14, foo="hello")

m.copy(update={"banana": 0})

Lazy loading attributes

Currently there is no official support for lazy loading model attributes.

You can define your own properties but when you export the schema they won't appear there. dgasmith has a workaround though.

Load a pydantic model from json

You can use the model_validate_json method that will validate and return an object with the loaded data.

from datetime import date

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, ValidationError

class Event(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)

    when: date
    where: tuple[int, int]

json_data = '{"when": "1987-01-28", "where": [51, -1]}'

#>, 1, 28) where=(51, -1)

    Event.model_validate({'when': '1987-01-28', 'where': [51, -1]})  

except ValidationError as e:
    2 validation errors for Event
      Input should be a valid date [type=date_type, input_value='1987-01-28', input_type=str]
      Input should be a valid tuple [type=tuple_type, input_value=[51, -1], input_type=list]


Ignore a field when representing an object

Use repr=False. This is useful for properties that don't return a value quickly, for example if you save an sh background process.

class Temp(BaseModel):
    foo: typing.Any
    boo: typing.Any = Field(..., repr=False)

Copy produces copy that modifies the original

When copying a model, changing the value of an attribute on the copy updates the value of the attribute on the original. This only happens if deep != True. To fix it use: model.copy(deep=True).

E0611: No name 'BaseModel' in module 'pydantic'

Add to your pyproject.toml the following lines:

# --------- Pylint -------------
[tool.pylint.'MESSAGES CONTROL']
extension-pkg-whitelist = "pydantic"

Or if it fails, add to the line # pylint: extension-pkg-whitelist.

To investigate
