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Docstrings are strings that define the purpose and use of a module, class, function or method. They are accessible from the doc attribute __doc__ and with the built-in help() function.

Documenting your code is very important as it's more often read than written.

Documenting vs commenting

Commenting is describing your code to/for developers. The intended audience is the maintainers and developers of the Python code. In conjuction with well-written code, comments help to guide the reader to better understand your code and its purpose and design.

Documenting is describing its use and functionality to your users. While it may be helpful in the development process, the main intended audience are the users.

Docstring format

Docstrings should use the triple-double quote (""") string format. This should be done whether the docstring is multi-lined or not. At a bare minimum, a docstring should be a quick summary of whatever is it you’re describing and should be contained within a single line.

Multi-lined docstrings are used to further elaborate on the object beyond the summary. All multi-lined docstrings have the following parts:

  • A one-line summary line
  • A blank line proceeding the summary
  • Any further elaboration for the docstring
  • Another blank line

To ensure your docstrings follow these practices, configure flakeheaven with the flake8-docstrings extension.

Docstring types

Class docstrings

Class Docstrings are created for the class itself, as well as any class methods. The docstrings are placed immediately following the class or class method indented by one level:

class SimpleClass: """Class docstrings go here."""

def say_hello(self, name: str):
    """Class method docstrings go here."""
    print(f'Hello {name}')

Class docstrings should contain the following information:

  • A brief summary of its purpose and behavior
  • Any public methods, along with a brief description
  • Any class properties (attributes)
  • Anything related to the interface for subclassers, if the class is intended to be subclassed

The class constructor parameters should be documented within the init class method docstring. Individual methods should be documented using their individual docstrings. Class method docstrings should contain the following:

  • A brief description of what the method is and what it’s used for
  • Any arguments (both required and optional) that are passed including keyword arguments
  • Label any arguments that are considered optional or have a default value
  • Any side effects that occur when executing the method
  • Any exceptions that are raised
  • Any restrictions on when the method can be called

Package and module docstrings

Package docstrings should be placed at the top of the package’s file. This docstring should list the modules and sub-packages that are exported by the package.

Module docstrings should include the following:

  • A brief description of the module and its purpose
  • A list of any classes, exception, functions, and any other objects exported by the module. Only needed if they are not defined in the same file, otherwise help() will get them automatically.

The docstring for a module function should include the same items as a class method.

Docstring formats

Google Docstrings

Napoleon gathered a nice cheatsheet with examples.

Functions and methods

A method that overrides a method from a base class may have a simple docstring sending the reader to its overridden method’s docstring, such as """See base class.""". The rationale is that there is no need to repeat in many places documentation that is already present in the base method’s docstring. However, if the overriding method’s behavior is substantially different from the overridden method, or details need to be provided (e.g., documenting additional side effects), a docstring with at least those differences is required on the overriding method.

Certain aspects of a function should be documented in special sections, listed below. Each section begins with a heading line, which ends with a colon. All sections other than the heading should maintain a hanging indent of two or four spaces (be consistent within a file). These sections can be omitted in cases where the function’s name and signature are informative enough that it can be aptly described using a one-line docstring.

List each parameter by name. A description should follow the name, and be separated by a colon followed by either a space or newline. If the description is too long to fit on a single 80-character line, use a hanging indent of 2 or 4 spaces more than the parameter name (be consistent with the rest of the docstrings in the file). The description should include required type(s) if the code does not contain a corresponding type annotation. If a function accepts *foo (variable length argument lists) and/or **bar (arbitrary keyword arguments), they should be listed as *foo and **bar.
Returns (or Yields: for generators)
Describe the type and semantics of the return value. If the function only returns None, this section is not required. It may also be omitted if the docstring starts with Returns or Yields (e.g. """Returns row from API as a tuple of strings.""") and the opening sentence is sufficient to describe return value.
List all exceptions that are relevant to the interface followed by a description. Use a similar exception name + colon + space or newline and hanging indent style as described in Args:. You should not document exceptions that get raised if the API specified in the docstring is violated (because this would paradoxically make behavior under violation of the API part of the API).

Tests docstrings

Without template

jml has very good tips on writing test's docstrings:

If you’re struggling to write docstrings for your tests, here’s a handy five-step guide:

  • Write the first docstring that comes to mind. It will almost certainly be:

    """Test that input is parsed correctly."""
  • Get rid of “Test that” or “Check that”. We know it’s a test.

    """Input should be parsed correctly."""
  • Seriously?! Why’d you have to go and add “should”? It’s a test, it’s all about “should”.

    """Input is parsed correctly."""
  • “Correctly”, “properly”, and “as we expect” are all redundant. Axe them too.

    """Input is parsed."""
  • Look at what’s left. Is it saying anything at all? If so, great. If not, consider adding something specific about the test behaviour and perhaps even why it’s desirable behaviour to have.

    Input is parsed into an immutable dict according to the config
    schema, so we get config info without worrying about input
    validation all the time.

Given When Then

Given-When-Then is a style of representing test. It's an approach developed as part of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). It appears as a structuring approach for many testing frameworks such as Cucumber. You can also look at it as a reformulation of the Four-Phase Test pattern.

The essential idea is to break down writing a scenario (or test) into three sections:

  • The given part describes the state of the world before you begin the behavior you're specifying in this scenario. You can think of it as the pre-conditions to the test.
  • The when section is that behavior that you're specifying.
  • Finally the then section describes the changes you expect due to the specified behavior.

I already implement this test structure with the Arrange, Act, Assert structure, so it made sense to use it in the docstring too. The side effects is that you repeat a lot of prose where a single line would suffice.

Automatic documentation generation

Use the mkdocstrings plugin to automatically generate the documentation.
