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Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It’s the “Command Line Interface Creation Kit”. It’s highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box.

Click has the following features:

  • Arbitrary nesting of commands.
  • Automatic help page generation.
  • Supports lazy loading of subcommands at runtime.
  • Supports implementation of Unix/POSIX command line conventions.
  • Supports loading values from environment variables out of the box.
  • Support for prompting of custom values.
  • Supports file handling out of the box.
  • Comes with useful common helpers (getting terminal dimensions, ANSI colors, fetching direct keyboard input, screen clearing, finding config paths, launching apps and editors).

Setuptools Integration

To bundle your script with setuptools, all you need is the script in a Python package and a file.

Let’s assume your directory structure changed to this:


In this case instead of using py_modules in your file you can use packages and the automatic package finding support of setuptools. In addition to that it’s also recommended to include other package data.

These would be the modified contents of

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

        "console_scripts": [
            "yourscript = yourpackage.scripts.yourscript:cli",

Testing Click applications

For basic testing, Click provides the click.testing module which provides test functionality that helps you invoke command line applications and check their behavior.

The basic functionality for testing Click applications is the CliRunner which can invoke commands as command line scripts. The CliRunner.invoke() method runs the command line script in isolation and captures the output as both bytes and binary data.

The return value is a Result object, which has the captured output data, exit code, and optional exception attached:


import click

def hello(name):
    click.echo("Hello %s!" % name)


from click.testing import CliRunner
from hello import hello

def test_hello_world():
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(hello, ["Peter"])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert result.output == "Hello Peter!\n"

For subcommand testing, a subcommand name must be specified in the args parameter of CliRunner.invoke() method:


import click
@click.option("--debug/--no-debug", default=False)
def cli(debug):
    click.echo("Debug mode is %s" % ("on" if debug else "off"))

def sync():


from click.testing import CliRunner
from sync import cli

def test_sync():
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--debug", "sync"])
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert "Debug mode is on" in result.output
    assert "Syncing" in result.output

If you want to test user stdin interaction check the prompt_toolkit and pexpect articles.

Testing the value of stdout and stderr

The runner has the stdout and stderr attributes to test if something was written on those buffers.

By default the runner is configured to mix stdout and stderr, if you wish to tell apart both sources use:

def test(runner: CliRunner): 
  runner.mix_stderr = False

Injecting fake dependencies

If you're following the domain driven design architecture pattern, you'll probably need to inject some fake objects instead of using the original objects.

The challenge is to do it without modifying your real code too much for the sake of testing. Harry J.W. Percival and Bob Gregory have an interesting proposal in their Dependency Injection (and Bootstrapping) chapter, although I found it a little bit complex.

Imagine that we've got an adapter to interact with the Gitea web application called Gitea.

File: adapters/

class Gitea:
    fake: bool = False

The Click cli definition would be:

File: entrypoints/

import logging
from adapters.gitea import Gitea

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def cli(ctx: click.core.Context) -> None:
    """Command line interface main click entrypoint."""
    except KeyError:
        ctx.obj["gitea"] = load_gitea()

def is_fake(ctx: Context) -> None:
    if ctx.obj["gitea"].fake:"It's fake!")

def load_gitea() -> Gitea:
    """Configure the Gitea object."""
    return Gitea()


  • load_gitea: is a simplified version of the loading of an adapter, in a real example, you'll probably will need to catch some exceptions when loading the object.
  • is_fake: Is the subcommand we're going to use to test if the adapter has been replaced by the fake object.

The fake implementation of the adapter is called FakeGitea.

File: tests/

class FakeGitea:
    fake: bool = True

To inject FakeGitea in the tests we need to load it in the 'gitea' key of the obj attribute of the click ctx Context object. To do it create the fake_dependencies dictionary with the required fakes and pass it to the invoke call.

File: tests/e2e/

from tests.fake_adapters import FakeGitea
from _pytest.logging import LogCaptureFixture

fake_dependencies = {"gitea": FakeGitea()}

def fixture_runner() -> CliRunner:
    """Configure the Click cli test runner."""
    return CliRunner()

def test_fake_injection(runner: CliRunner, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None:
    result = runner.invoke(cli, ["is_fake"], obj=fake_dependencies)

    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert (
        "It's fake!",
    ) in caplog.record_tuples

In this way we don't need to ship the fake objects with the code, and the modifications are minimal. Only the try/except KeyError snippet in the cli definition.

File System Isolation

For basic command line tools with file system operations, the CliRunner.isolated_filesystem() method is useful for setting the current working directory to a new, empty folder.

from click.testing import CliRunner
from cat import cat

def test_cat():
    runner = CliRunner()
    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
        with open("hello.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("Hello World!")

        result = runner.invoke(cat, ["hello.txt"])
        assert result.exit_code == 0
        assert result.output == "Hello World!\n"

Pass temp_dir to control where the temporary directory is created. The directory will not be removed by Click in this case. This is useful to integrate with a framework like Pytest that manages temporary files.

def test_keep_dir(tmp_path):
    runner = CliRunner()

    with runner.isolated_filesystem(temp_dir=tmp_path) as td:

You may also need to isolate the environment variables if your application read the configuration from them. To do that override the runner fixture:

def fixture_runner() -> CliRunner:
    """Configure the Click cli test runner."""
    return CliRunner(
            'PASSWORD_STORE_DIR': '',
            'GNUPGHOME': '',
            'PASSWORD_AUTH_DIR': '',

If you define the fixture in you may need to use another name than runner otherwise it may be skipped, for example cli_runner.


Boolean Flags

Boolean flags are options that can be enabled or disabled. This can be accomplished by defining two flags in one go separated by a slash (/) for enabling or disabling the option. Click always wants you to provide an enable and disable flag so that you can change the default later.

import sys

@click.option("--shout/--no-shout", default=False)
def info(shout):
    rv = sys.platform
    if shout:
        rv = rv.upper() + "!!!!111"

If you really don’t want an off-switch, you can just define one and manually inform Click that something is a flag:

import sys

@click.option("--shout", is_flag=True)
def info(shout):
    rv = sys.platform
    if shout:
        rv = rv.upper() + "!!!!111"

Accepting values from environmental variables

Click is the able to accept parameters from environment variables. There are two ways to define them.

  • Passing the auto_envvar_prefix to the script that is invoked so each command and parameter is then added as an uppercase underscore-separated variable.

  • Manually pull values in from specific environment variables by defining the name of the environment variable on the option.

@click.option("--username", envvar="USERNAME")
def greet(username):
    click.echo(f"Hello {username}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Arguments work similarly to options but are positional. They also only support a subset of the features of options due to their syntactical nature. Click will also not attempt to document arguments for you and wants you to document them manually in order to avoid ugly help pages.

Basic Arguments

The most basic option is a simple string argument of one value. If no type is provided, the type of the default value is used, and if no default value is provided, the type is assumed to be STRING.

def touch(filename):
    """Print FILENAME."""

And what it looks like:

$ touch foo.txt

Variadic arguments

The second most common version is variadic arguments where a specific (or unlimited) number of arguments is accepted. This can be controlled with the nargs parameter. If it is set to -1, then an unlimited number of arguments is accepted.

The value is then passed as a tuple. Note that only one argument can be set to nargs=-1, as it will eat up all arguments.

@click.argument("src", nargs=-1)
@click.argument("dst", nargs=1)
def copy(src, dst):
    """Move file SRC to DST."""
    for fn in src:
        click.echo("move %s to folder %s" % (fn, dst))

You can't use variadic arguments and then specify a command.

File Arguments

Command line tools are more fun if they work with files the Unix way, which is to accept - as a special file that refers to stdin/stdout.

Click supports this through the click.File type which intelligently handles files for you. It also deals with Unicode and bytes correctly for all versions of Python so your script stays very portable.

@click.argument("input", type=click.File("rb"))
@click.argument("output", type=click.File("wb"))
def inout(input, output):
    """Copy contents of INPUT to OUTPUT."""
    while True:
        chunk =
        if not chunk:

And what it does:

$ inout - hello.txt
$ inout hello.txt -

File path arguments

In the previous example, the files were opened immediately. If we just want the filename, you should be using the Path type. Not only will it return either bytes or Unicode depending on what makes more sense, but it will also be able to do some basic checks for you such as existence checks.

@click.argument("filename", type=click.Path(exists=True))
def touch(filename):
    """Print FILENAME if the file exists."""

And what it does:

$ touch hello.txt

$ touch missing.txt
Try 'touch --help' for help.

Error: Invalid value for 'FILENAME': Path 'missing.txt' does not exist.

Set allowable values for an argument

@click.option("--mode", type=click.Choice(["local", "ftp"]), required=True)
def copy(source, destination, mode):
        "copying files from "
        + source
        + " to "
        + destination
        + "using "
        + mode
        + " mode"

Commands and groups

Nested handling and contexts

Each time a command is invoked, a new context is created and linked with the parent context. Contexts are passed to parameter callbacks together with the value automatically. Commands can also ask for the context to be passed by marking themselves with the pass_context() decorator. In that case, the context is passed as first argument.

The context can also carry a program specified object that can be used for the program’s purposes."Description of the command line.")
@click.option('--debug/--no-debug', default=False)
def cli(ctx, debug):
    # ensure that ctx.obj exists and is a dict (in case `cli()` is called
    # by means other than the `if` block below)

    ctx.obj['DEBUG'] = debug

def sync(ctx):
    click.echo(f'Debug is {ctx.obj['DEBUG'] and 'on' or 'off'}'))

if __name__ == '__main__':

If the object is provided, each context will pass the object onwards to its children, but at any level a context’s object can be overridden. To reach to a parent, context.parent can be used.

In addition to that, instead of passing an object down, nothing stops the application from modifying global state. For instance, you could just flip a global DEBUG variable and be done with it.

Add default command to group

You need to use DefaultGroup, which is a sub class of click.Group. But it invokes a default subcommand instead of showing a help message when a subcommand is not passed.

pip install click-default-group
import click
from click_default_group import DefaultGroup, default="foo", default_if_no_args=True)
def cli():

def foo():

def bar():

Then you can invoke that without explicit subcommand name:

$ --help

--help    Show this message and exit.


$ foo
$ bar

Hide a command from the help

@click.command(..., hidden=True)

Invoke other commands from a command

This is a pattern that is generally discouraged with Click, but possible nonetheless. For this, you can use the Context.invoke() or Context.forward() methods.

They work similarly, but the difference is that Context.invoke() merely invokes another command with the arguments you provide as a caller, whereas Context.forward() fills in the arguments from the current command. Both accept the command as the first argument and everything else is passed onwards as you would expect.

cli = click.Group()

@click.option("--count", default=1)
def test(count):
    click.echo("Count: %d" % count)

@click.option("--count", default=1)
def dist(ctx, count):
    ctx.invoke(test, count=42)

And what it looks like:

$ cli dist
Count: 1
Count: 42
