is a python library to run cron jobs in python asyncronously.
You can run it using a decorator
>>> import aiocron
>>> import asyncio
>>> @aiocron.crontab('*/30 * * * *')
... async def attime():
... print('run')
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()
Or by calling the function yourself
>>> cron = crontab('0 * * * *', func=yourcoroutine, start=False)
Here's a simple example on how to run it in a script:
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
import aiocron
async def foo(param):
print(, param)
async def main():
cron_min = aiocron.crontab('*/1 * * * *', func=foo, args=("At every minute",), start=True)
cron_hour = aiocron.crontab('0 */1 * * *', func=foo, args=("At minute 0 past every hour.",), start=True)
cron_day = aiocron.crontab('0 9 */1 * *', func=foo, args=("At 09:00 on every day-of-month",), start=True)
cron_week = aiocron.crontab('0 9 * * Mon', func=foo, args=("At 09:00 on every Monday",), start=True)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
You have more complex examples in the repo
pip install aiocron