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This is my personal digital garden where I share everything I learn about a huge variety of topics, from antifascism and other forms of activism, to life management, health, Python, DevOps, software architecture, writing, dancing, or data analysis.

Unlike in common blogging where you write an article and forget about it, posts are treated as plants in various stages of growth and nurturing. Some might wither and die, and others will flourish and provide a source of continued knowledge for the gardener and folks in the community that visit.

To follow the updates of this site, subscribe to any of the RSS feeds.

Visiting the garden

If this is your first visit, welcome!, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of content and don't know where to start reading. Start with the first article that grabs your attention of the navigation tree on the left and be ready to follow the internal links to read the rest.

Or you can use it as a reference, by using the top search field or by cloning the git repository and using grep like tools.

Make your own digital garden

Don't be afraid to create one of your own and share what you know with the world. Or contribute to existing ones. I would love to see the blue-book maintained by other people too.

If you don't want to start from scratch, you can fork the blue book, change the name and start writing straight away.

You can view other similar gardens to get inspiration.


I've tried writing blogs in the past, but it doesn't work for me. I can't stand the idea of having to save some time to sit and write a full article of something I've done. I need to document at the same time as I develop or learn. As I usually use incremental reading or work on several projects, I don't write one article, but improve several at the same time in a unordered way. That's why I embrace Gwern's Long Content principle.

The only drawback of this format is that there is no friendly way for a reader to keep updated with the changes, that's why I created mkdocs-newsletter.

In 2016 I started writing in text files summaries of different concepts, how to install or how to use tools. In the beginning it was plaintext, then came Markdown, then Asciidoc, I did several refactors to reorder the different articles based in different structured ways, but I always did it with myself as the only target audience.

Three years, 7422 articles and almost 50 million lines later, I found Gwern's website and Nikita's wiki, which made me think that it was time to do another refactor to give my wiki a semantical structure, go beyond a simple reference making it readable and open it to the internet.

And the blue book was born.


If you find a mistake or want to add new content, please make the changes. You can use the edit button on the top right of any article to add them in a pull request, if you don't know what that means, you can always open an issue or send me an email.

Thank you

If you liked my book and want to show your support, please see if you know how can I fulfill any item of my wish list or contribute to my other projects.

Another way to say "thanks" is to give me a donation.

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If you are using some of my open-source tools or documentation, have enjoyed them, and want to say "thanks", this is a very strong way to do it.

If your product/company depends on these tools, you can sponsor me to ensure I keep happily maintaining them.

If these tools are helping you save money, time, effort, or frustrations; or they are helping you make money, be more productive, efficient, secure, enjoy a bit more your work, or get your product ready faster, this is a great way to show your appreciation. Thanks for that!